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Everything posted by sorokyl

  1. Slaneesh Gutbusters/Ogors Free Peoples Disposessed Aleves Those are the only 5 I can see, and honestly I have a hard time seeing the last 3
  2. It is REALLY not hard to predict Seraphon is coming considering they have one of the oldest battletomes, their currently battletome is wildly inaccurate due to most of the rules being in GHB/errata, and the Slanns being the "masters of magic" without any spell lores or endless spells. Battleforce to clear out the existing stock of battletomes, now time to release a new one! (hope everyone here waited...) Anyone predicting Seraphon this yearhas a >50% chance of being right, not necessarily a prophet. Same with KO/Slyvaneth/Ironjaws/StD/Slaneesh
  3. Females have the same anatomy as men with regards to abdominal muscles... Do you want them in a sigmarite bikini with a flat stomach? That's kind of 20th century of you yeah?
  4. Wow dude. Calm down. Every new release or bit of news is discussed here, whether you like it or not that is unlikely to change.
  5. So does Relentless Fury stack with No Respite, meaning a Blood Warrior can pile in and attack twice upon death? If not what prevents these things from stacking?
  6. So I think both camps can be right. The trailer is about Tomb Kings, and Tomb Kings are never coming back. "A god regrets what he has done". Sigmar regrets SCE. He's opening the stormvaults, where he has locked away the Tomb Kings, and is throwing the SCE in there with them. SCE model range discontinued. New Free Peoples as the new poster race of AoS.
  7. I somehow misread as "start collecting boxes" not battletomes, whoops
  8. Hmm.... 1. isn't a far stretch. Blood Coven at the new increased (and highest) SC box price point 2. Nighthaunt is the only new models not covered by the 2 existing LoN SC boxes. Would need a SC box at some point but for now there is soul wars and soul wars will likely be split into 2 SC boxes after the next starter box is released. I don't really think a new Death SC box is in the cards soon, unless they release a Stormcast one at same time. (everything has been parallel so far) 3. this was already released
  9. it is 4 announcements in 3 days, when you roll them up it probably will be about the size of a normal studio preview...
  10. Are you experienced with dry brushing? You should really practice new techniques on something like a grot ($1) instead of a Skragrott ($40) but i don't think it will hurt to paint it back black and start over. It seems like your brush is too wet. A good test is, after drying the brush on a paper towel, brush your hand. Is there still paint? You should just barely see any. Also make sure you have the proper kind of brush. citadel sells a "dry brush" but the idea is short stiff bristles. Also, it looks like your brushing technique is not quite right. Really you need to do 2 things: 1. Watch warhammer TV. It should not be hard to find a video of duncan drybrushing something. Watch a few. 2. Practice on models you don't care about as much
  11. I know it's not the most competitive, but wanting to play eternal starhost this weekend and wanted to see what you guys thought about the wording on the "Patient Guardians" rule. I think it only applies to our turn but I wanted to see if anyone disagreed. @SolomonHelsing I see you have been playing this what do you think?
  12. source? I don't disagree, I expect "light" aleves first, but I hadn't seen them say that anywhere
  13. Maybe you already had lots of Skaven but I couldn't imagine starting the army without ebay! between OOP stuff Island of Blood, cheap lots of clanrats, all the Carrion Empire stuff being parted out right now, so much webstore only stuff and GW being out of stock of MOST skaven models (at least in the US), ebay is a skaven players greatest resource. I started collecting Skaven about 5 months ago and currently at 6400 points for <$500 USD (of course that involved some buying large lots and selling what I didn't want). I did get lucky by buying most of the stuff before the battletome was announced.
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/08/8th-feb-lvo-studio-preview-2019-revealed-new-chaos-space-marines-sisters-of-battle-and-moregw-homepage-post-1/ "2019 will see new battletomes for every Grand Alliance! Some brand-new armies will be joining the fray, as well as classic armies updated for the new edition." If you take this literally, then there are 2 or more brand new armies in 2019. But Aelves vs Slaneesh IS part of the Soul Wars. The Soul Wars are not just about Sigmar vs Nagash. The aelves have been siphoning souls from Slaneesh for some time. This is why we saw DoK and Idoneth immediately preceding Soul Wars (Since they are in part created by souls from Slaneesh) and why it makes sense that the other aelves created from these Souls, and the Aelves involved in imprisoning him, could likely come out soon.
  15. If you have 3 clanrat units in your list, it is not (and doesn't need to be) a "Skryre" army. Your general can be whatever you want. In fact, Skryre army doesn't really exist anymore. Now, when someone says "Skryre Army", I think 1 of 2 things: 1. A list with a lot of Skryre units. 2. A list with 100% Skryre units, where the battleline consists of Acolytes and/or Stormfiends. There are 2 things that would have been nice to have with this book, but I think the way this FAQ has gone, are not possible per the rules: 1. A list where you have 2 battleline units of Stormfiends and 1 battleline unit of clan rats (We knew that wasn't possible the first time we saw the book) 2. A list where you have 3 battleline units of Stormfiends, and 1+ non-battleline unit of allied clan rats (Kind of cleared up today but not in the most clear way)
  16. I think you guys are misinterpreting this FAQ. it asks can SKAVEN units be allied into SKAVENTIDE. It basically only confirms that you can not take the skaven units that did not make the tome (Poison Wind Mortar Weapon Team, for example) What they did not clarify, unfortunately. is whether SKAVENTIDE units can be allied into SKAVENTIDE, which is really what everyone wants to know (as all units in the new battletome were given the SKAVENTIDE keyword)
  17. There are almost 0 valid rules in the Seraphon Battletome. Allegiance abilities? Only in the GHB Summoning rules? Only in the GHB. Warscrolls? Most of the BT scrolls are wrong. Warscrolls are free on the AoS app. Batallions? Most of the BT batallions are outdated. You need the errata, but technically you would need the BT for this. You can buy batallions ala cart in the AoS app if you must. There is 0 valid reason to buy a Seraphon Battletome from a rules perspective. Only if you want to collect it, or read the fluff that will likely be ret-conned later this year....
  18. I think what people hoping for Ally FAQ are missing: Even if you could ally Skaveantide, and ally clan rats into your Skryre list, allies can not fill battleline slots. There is no FAQ that could make clanrats and Stormfiends battleline together. They'd have to errata the rules and change the "battleline if" requirements (invalidating what the battletome says)
  19. Sorry, your local GW retail store manager very likely has no inside info, or any more heads up on upcoming releases than we do (If something is communicated to all several hundred GW store managers, it will be posted here within an hour I bet)
  20. There's not much meat here. You better hope you blow them up before they get to you.
  21. Mixed Skaventide is definitely the strongest, because clan rats are the best battleline. Pure clans enable cool, thematic lists, but because of the way they designed this book and the battleline rules, pure clans just can't compete with mixed. You must mix clans to have all the tools. And there is really no disadvantage for doing so. You still get all the allegiance abilities. You only unlock battleline options. But, 2 or 3 units of clan rats is never really bad...
  22. Sure. If a model can't run, it's warscroll will say so. That said, I don't think you should ever run when moving "over" something just to go over more units or get in range of something for the Rolling Doom damage. At most you are talking 2 or 3 extra damage, but now you can not shoot, charge, or attack, and you are probably pretty far away from any support. Could be useful if you want to run away though
  23. I don't think it would look very good. They are similar in size and the stabbas pose is too static for standing on a pole. I agree a snotling would work better, and you can find them in various kits as extra bits.
  24. Ironblaster ability "Rhinox Charge" reads: "Add 1 to the damage inflicted by the Rhinox's attack if it made a charge move in the same turn" Am I reading it right that I just do my attacks, and then +1 damage to the model attacked with the Sharp Horns? Even if I failed hit, wound, or save roll and did 0 damage? It does not say "add 1 to the damage characteristic" which is something many abilities have. I have never seen "add 1 to the damage inflicted", which RAW even applies if 0 damage is inflicted. Could not find this question on the internet surprisingly.
  25. Hmm.. core rules don't specify limitations on the 3 command abilities to once per turn, and neither does Thanquol's CA. Where is the rules text that prevents the "one model" from Thaquols command ability from using "at the double" on each model running that turn? Also, while I think you could technically use inspiring presense on the same unit over and over (because it does not cause rerolls) I think that would be really bad exploitation. I think this will be in the first FAQ. change text to only allow 1 use of each command ability.
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