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Everything posted by Mikeymajq

  1. Am I wrong or are a lot of the Magores fiend specific cards copies of the Reavers cards?
  2. Finally a FAQ that adresses the silly Contained and Conquest discussions I've seen ?
  3. Am I the only one who feels Vol Orrukbane is a bit of a let down? I find myself preferring Tefk over him by a long shot. I expected a lot more from a guy with a 2handed axe and the nickname Orrukbane, but as it is he's almost the worst att baneing orruks xDD then again I've never been that fond of knockback, I almost prefer inspired mad maegrim over inspired Vol, three dice with a reroll (or two with activated runes) or the throwing axe makes maegrim a pretty cool guy whilst Vol just feels.... dull? I've done his whirlwind attack a few times and it just doesn't do that much, even against tiny skavens or petitioners
  4. One of the fyreslayers have a range 3 throwing axe as an upgrade too. Also they have a card that reduces range to 1 so that might actually be a useful card soon
  5. While I agree that maybe they look slightly too generic, and would have liked to see some cooler poses and maybe a guy with a different weapon. On the bright side I can fit them into my Blood warrior units and I likr beinh able to do that (if their warscroll isn't to my liking).
  6. I'm crossing my fingers that their 'punching daggers' is something they get right of the bat instead of an upgrade. Maybe something along the line of doing 1 damage to an adjacent opponent if you crit on defense. I do wonder what their inspire effect will be. It could easily make or break the warband for me even though I love Blood Warriors. The Fyreslayers were a bit of a let down because playing the "pls just let me stay on an objective" game every time got a bit stale.
  7. Aaalmost done with my Fyreslayers and Stormcast (Knight Excelsior version). My Reavers are done but I'll have to take better pictures of them this weekend.
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