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Everything posted by novakai

  1. manchrusher are 170 now but they lost the max bonus
  2. they double up the squad and points of the battleline squig units so 30 hoppers and 36 squigs are possible in a unit
  3. a bit potato but here is the GHB points for GItz
  4. Kragnos is now 695, maybe still expensive but hey
  5. also it take a while to paint him up, i just finish mine today, but i am still in area that are hesitant to do any gaming right now either
  6. i mean people are just waiting for the next edition first and gather how to play it first
  7. they tend to take some liberty when it comes to newer artwork of older units, Flagellants/ Devoted of sigmar look more warrior priest -like in that one Celestant Prime artwork better looking Mauraders have been in many newer artwork as well
  8. i think people underestimate the convenience and ease of just following GW and their matchplay/ guidline lines then going of and trying new things that why often time reality of our hobby doing what we want is not really something that comes into fruition which is where there disconnect between hobbyist
  9. probably not because it was broken rather they stop producing it for internal production reason
  10. unless you cast metamorph on them but they probably should have the monster keyword now since they lost Look out sir
  11. i think 6 Rockguts (or Fellwater) with All out attack (+1 to hit) is very killer, I probably use that ability more time over then the Troggboss's CA to reroll one aura since you can't use both at the same time. it just depends on how many hero i have that can issue that command since Trogg units can't do it themselves.
  12. Gloomspite: probably got weaker with some changes and miss out on some changes by unfortunate things like keywords and wound counts, a lot of the stuff they got from WD where warscroll battalion that can't be use in match play anymore. i am not entirely fuss though since they generally had good enough warscroll on some units to keep trucking along, competitive play whatever everything get shaken up it doesn't really matter at the moment. i don't even expect FAQ or GHB to do anything worthwhile to any army, just wait for a new battletome SON of BEHEMAT: straight upgrades everywhere, mainly because Sons didn't have much of anything to begin with but every new rule gives them more options and some of the new restriction don't affect or cause problem for the Gargants when playing them. new artifacts, monster abilities, heroic abilities, new CP abilities, Battalions all gives them improvements. Bonereaper: i believe you can't stack CA on a single unit anymore which kind of sucks for OBR, their offensive power kind of fell a lot because of that, usually my go to combo was using the Leige CA ability with the Pertrifix elite Bludgeon ability with maybe a lucky soul guide and Empowered Naderite weapon to boost my offense enough to clear through enemies as well as a Shield wall to survive the oncoming attack. Mortek Crawler are probably going to be the way to Play OBR for a while
  13. my Big Brain wild theory say that when Kroak/ Seraphon get their Draconith Dinosaurs is arounds the same time Kragnos unleash his army (whatever it maybe) into the realm and they are going to have a showdown (since there an underlining narrative between the two that was establish in BR: Kragnos)
  14. Big Trogg Brain move cast metamorphosis on the Dankhold troggboss to gain Monster keyword for a turn
  15. or hope for a big FAQ but don't expect GW to go that extra mile ever
  16. i mean to be fair i don't think anything really matters until they release a new battletome comes at this point so really no use in dreading it all day long
  17. also spell lore is still unknown at this time as well
  18. they have 2 wounds each so they are probably deceptively tanky with a min size unit being 20 wounds total (kind of like Savage Orks)
  19. looking at some of the new generic rules that came out i thought of something neat. make one of your Megagargant a wizard using the new artifact or the krakeneater one and cast the new flaming weapon spell to give one of your weapon +1 damage (Fortkrusha flail is now 4 damage each, and krakeneater club is now on 3 damage) wizards can now cast a spell that make ally Megagargants able to fly (it is an 8+ which kind of hard) generic artifacts that can be useful Amulet of Destiny: 5+ Ward save on the bearer Vile of Manticore Venom: increasing a weapon’s to wound by +1
  20. Gutrippas probably have the best volume to throw those MW out but your also hero have pretty good volume to dumpster unit (like the SCE side of the box pretty well) i think the key is to use the swampcaller potion// poison ability as best as you can. Hobgrot are basically throw away unit and chaff so they are not meant to do anything but are cheap (thought their greanade attacks is okayish Ynndrasta kind of makes the box imbalance though, but without her the point even out a little
  21. watch as they put rules expansion in these book like what they did for Book of Rust. the anti DLC crowd would go wild
  22. i believe they confirm that Warscroll batalions are Narrative and open play only ( if people are still unsure about this) core battalions are free
  23. I feel like if we see more hobgrot and Troggoth that are non Orruk units that Kruleboyz will likely be their own battletome because at that point a lot of units wouldn’t be usable in Big Waagh! plus the army title and warscroll cards have been title Kruleboyz instead of Orruk Warclans but I guess it’s a wait and see
  24. Consider that bat squig, the Kurnothi lion, Ogor saber cat, and Darkoath hound have not been made into separate plastic yet probably means it could be a long time
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