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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. New Rumour engine pic ladies and gentlemen start your guessing!
  2. I just got back my forgeworld email, deathshrieker is going the way of the skullcracker(production issues leading to discontinuing).
  3. I just sent them an email, here’s hoping to a quick response.
  4. I’d settle for the Furnace Kings that we’re mentioned way back in the realmgate wars finally making an appearance. Why you may ask? Cause then we would have an entire army of plastic chaos Duardin instead of just one or two models from Warcry(plus it’s a sweet name).
  5. I guess now we should rename the pointy aelves to LUNAR aelves! Eh? Eh?
  6. These guys are perfect! I almost never use the war bands as a single unit, more as stand ins for the various units they come from. It looks like I either have two blight kings and a Nurgle sorceress, or one blight king, a lord of plague, and a Nurgle sorceress!
  7. Indeed, and one worthy of the ridiculously high price GW would want us to spend on it.
  8. A while back CA said they would include all the old Warhammer races in the total war trilogy, the only ones left now are ogres and chaos dwarfs(plus whatever faction they decide to expand upon/create).
  9. The rest of my iron golems warband, as well as my splintered fang and unmade.
  10. I don’t know why you’re all talking about elves, clearly this is a sword made by chaos dwarfs for one of their more trusted slaves.
  11. These have all been a great help, but I’m trying to stick with GW products for the moment. I have this idea with Fyreslayers but I don’t think it will work, what do you guys think?
  12. Hey everyone, sorry to derail this thread but I have a problem I’m hoping you could help me solve. I love the Legion of Azgorh but don’t have the money to get The Forgeworld stuff(plus that’s looking kinda iffy at the moment) what models do you think would work as a conversion base? any advice is appreciated.
  13. Chaos Duardin: they’ve been mentioned in the fluff since the realmgate wars but no models! I’d give them cheap fast attack unit(maybe thralls?), some more daemons of Hashut, and lean into that iron golems aesthetic(it is my personal head canon that the golems worship hashut). mawtribes: I’d expand upon the firebelly, maybe some tiki fire spirits or some form of volcanic monster to back him up. new vamp faction: honestly just give me vampirates, or barring that crank the old gothic look up to 11.
  14. If this truly comes to pass we may finally see some new fortifcation scenery, I mean the last officially released set was the dreadhold, and that didn’t sell well. Do you mind sharing brother?
  15. I came from Warhammer 40k in seventh edition. I was new to the hobby and while I enjoyed the models and lore the rules were simply too much. I started exploring sigmar when I saw the Beastclaw raiders if I’m being honest, those beefy bois are soo much fun.
  16. Preach brother, the whole reason I got into this hobby is cause I was tired of ripping the heads off of my g I joes to put them on different bodies. I’m all for easy to build when it makes sense but it should cost less than the actual kit.
  17. I don’t really have a proper STD army(mostly just models from Nurgle and Tzeentch armies that I like to pretend work together), but I’m excited. I love the Warcry models and if half of the new art/models(?) show the diversity present in the war bands then we’re in for quite a treat. Plus it’s about time chaos took the stage again.
  18. I’m personally rooting for an Ogor war and, could be man eaters, a butcher, a firebelly, or a beastclaw hunter, I just want some new ogor models.
  19. I absolutely love your Ogors! The unit as a whole just feels so perfect but they ogors stand out the most.
  20. The snake priest rules man, however I would wait for a little while longer in regards to some of the other models(catapult). On the plus side the mortarch already looks like a statue, so that one shouldn’t be as hard.
  21. Agreed, now show of hands whose doing them up like jade warriors?
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