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Everything posted by Luke1705

  1. Yeah I saw the old list that Darren Watson used to run. RIP when it could be nurgle and have the witherstave and blades of putrefaction ??? I still have a dream that we can do it again some day
  2. This list does throw some buckets of dice at you, but generally has no offense whatsoever and just tries to out-durability you and have more bodies for the entire game. Outside of DOK that hit on 3’s (so the -2 to hit isn’t as devastating) I think this is doable. Its goal isn’t to be fast. Even Archaon really isn’t that offensive. His job is just to force multiply. To be fair, though, unless someone is going to shoot him, he’s pretty durable at -1 to hit with a 5+ FNP vs mortals (not to mention his own eye of sheerian and 4+ spell negation) and the 5+ FNP that the harbinger of decay gives him
  3. Wish I could but the complete battleshock immunity (and -2/-2 to hit) plus 5+ FNP isn’t awful on 120 5+ save bodies. Also the PTWB can’t be nurgle (although I have a dream where the beastmen FAQ changes this, as some have hinted it might)
  4. Anyone been trying out the Dreadwood battalion? Seems like Arielle, Durthu, and a couple squads of scythe hunters (plus a branchwraith or two to make points up to 2k) could be pretty solid summoning in dryads each turn at +2 to cast. Plus, that’s a heck of an alpha strike with some shooty hunters popping out of Arielle, plus Arielle, Durthu, and 2 hunter squads charging right away on turn 1 as a 1 drop list
  5. So here’s a thought for a list, basically an alpha bunker using GA: Chaos, but PTWB so I figure I’d toss it here. What do you guys think? Durable enough to negate the fact that it won’t kill much of anything? GA: Chaos Archaon - 660 (General) Blights - 140 Blights - 140 (lens) Blights - 140 Harbinger - 160 (crown of conquest) 40 Marauders - 200 40 Marauders - 200 40 Marauders - 200 PTWB - 160 2000
  6. I thought that was RAI too until they FAQ'd Plaguetouched Warband (the everchosen nurgle battalion) to work in the exact opposite way...twice. So I'm curious if they'll do a full 180 or just give beast of chaos something nice while leaving the everchosen battalions for narrative/open play....here's to hoping for the latter!
  7. Has anyone been using bladegheist revenants? They seem pretty legit
  8. So I’m thinking I do something like: Reikenor Mounted Knight of Shrouds Guardian of Souls, relic lantern Black Coach Black Coach 30 Grimghasts 30 Grimghasts 10 Chainrasp Horde Cogs 1880 (2 extra command points) Any way you guys can think of improving this list? I considered dropping the mounted knight to turn the Chainrasps into 6 Spirit Hosts, which might be better, but I just feel so hero light if I do that. Also would love to include Lady Olynder but I feel like she is just so many points for so few wounds
  9. Oh no the not making Archaon the general was just a mistake. Edit: We bleep the word for flatulence? Archaon is the general. The lack of casters was probably deliberate in the original list (and why I took the Glottkin out in particular - he’s really only there for blades, which I’ve found to be decently unreliable. You’re targeting one cast out of 3 on average). The goal is just to hopefully cast geminids and mystic shield from Archaon. It’s not game-breaking if I don’t, but it’s a nice bonus if I do
  10. 20 points short sadly, even if I drop the warriors, geminids, and extra command point (I wouldn’t - want a more backfield unit, and geminids making an enemy unit -3 to hit is just silly. Or taking away an attack or two per model? Sign me up). Lastly, adding a third brick of 40 marauders would be functionally not all that useful. Nearly impossible to keep a third unit in range of the harbinger while also being useful and not blocked off by one of the other units.
  11. Or perhaps the new kill team stuff (though I don’t anticipate that being cost-effective). Personally, I like the idea of converting up 40k Poxwalkers. Doesn’t take too much doing
  12. It hasn’t changed. Yes it says “each time you allocate a wound to a unit that is within 7 of the harbinger” but that doesn’t indicate that you can only do this for 1 unit. He protects all units that are within 7” of him. Fear not fellow nurglings
  13. Are these purchaseable? I can’t make that event but those dice look amazing!
  14. The plaguetouched warband list that I’m going to try is the following: Archaon Lord of Blights Lord of Blights Harbinger of Decay (General, Malicious Conqueror, Crown of Conquest) Sorcerer Lord on Mount 40 Marauders 40 Marauders 5 Warriors Geminids 1950 Basically all of the Marauders are -2/-2 with a 5+ FNP and literally battleshock immune. Still have an extra command point if need be and I don’t rely on blades going off. For what it’s worth, in one of the first three turns, you can pretty reliably count on it going off once (or more if you’re lucky) and that can certainly win games for you. The thing I like about this list is that it doesn’t rely on mortal wounds to win. It relies on out-nurgling you. The thing I don’t like about this list is that it doesn’t have the ability to do mortal wounds and relies on volume of attacks, but really doesn’t have that many attacks. It’s just disgustingly resilient. Doesn’t really kill that much on paper, and I miss my witherstave already.
  15. Not true on average. Remember that your lantern buff only works once a game. And truly, I don’t think it’s a worthwhile investment compared to other relic options
  16. Wave of terror is certainly strong when it works. That happens 1 in every 6 charges. This means that, on average, if your opponent makes 4 charge rolls in a turn, it is likely that he will, on average, get zero wave of terror charge rolls. Getting 4 in one turn is astronomically low odds. If he actually only rolled 4 charges (succeeding on all), that would be the statistical equivalent of rolling 10 4+ saves and making all of them. Clearly we wouldn’t blame a unit that has a 4+ save for a dice anomaly like that. We’d just say “man that guy got some really lucky dice”
  17. Darren Watson is also quite a good general. He has said (and I agree with this assessment) that this is not the list you take if you want to win a GT. Does look like a ton of fun though!
  18. That’s one of the great benefits of playing this side of the pond. Almost all stores are privately owned retail locations so rule of cool always prevails. The flesh hounds might be a touch smaller but I’m sure the bargheists would fit on a 50mm base. I’m still in awe at how big those bases are
  19. Nothing against his flesh hounds but I really like these guys: https://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=259 Also if it’s just fine cast that you hate (as I do) you can get metal flesh hounds at a pretty decent price
  20. Wasn’t scolding nor do I think that you personally don’t understand those synergies. Just mentioning it for those whom might have forgetten or never knew about them. I actually like plague monks and probably would use a squad if they were battleline, but those harbinger buffs (and having a 5+ save instead of a 6+ save) ruin the plague monks for me. My 80 marauders evaporate fast enough, even with an inspiring presence. Especially because, as you point out, the spells are less than perfectly reliable
  21. Remember that even though Marauders only have 1” reach, their bases are less than 1”, so if you base the enemy and are base to base with one of your own models, then you’re within 1”. Functionally, this means that you can attack 2 ranks deep. Having +1 to run and charge moves, the ability to run and charge thanks to the tree, and a 3” pile in (along with possibly a 2” further move if you need it) means that they have a surprising amount of ability to engage into combat with a large portion of the squad. I’ve routinely seen 25+ models attacking on the initial charge, and more than that once they pile in on your opponent’s turn. Remember that your opponent is also usually trying to position in s way to maximize their own attacks, so this works to your advantage when you attack as well
  22. Best of luck but if I may ask why so many command abilities if you don’t have the points to use them? Just for the flexibility?
  23. Remember that marauders get much more out of most types of force multiplication (hello Glottkin) since they gain 40 wounds from his fleshy abundance and 40 attacks from his command ability, not to mention how much better this synergizes with blades of putrefaction. Force multiplication is why, at its core, mathhammer doesn’t tell the entire story unless you interpret it in light of force multiplication. For example, marauders getting the Glottkin’s bonus and blades will, on average, do 7.7 mortal wounds and 11.6 normal wounds just from the bonus attacks (without their +1 to hit or wound buff. With both up, you get 15.5 mortal wounds and 20.7 normal wounds....just from the glottkin’s bonus attack! The same points’ worth of blightkings will get 6.5 attacks. Do the math - which would you rather have? The same goes for the wounds. Would you rather have 40 bonus wounds or 7? Though they are more susceptible to battleshock than the blight kings, I’ll take that especially since they can get a lot of models within 6”, and that is made even more important on missions where you only score within 3”
  24. Blackout had a nurgle army at #8 and 2 armies in the top 18 (out of nearly 100) and BOBO had nurgle in 7th. Bobo was kind of a weird event in that it wasn’t true 2.0, but I think that nurgle is definitely in the top 5 most competitive armies right now.
  25. Flesh hounds are great, especially in a murderhost. All that extra movement and blood tithe OP
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