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Everything posted by Wordy9th

  1. This is more or less similar to the lists I run. Mixes of Vlozd / Mannfred / Belladamma / VL / Necro / GG being my staple picks. Feels thematic, balanced and fun. I'm glad to see you fared well against the dreaded dragons! Edit: How did you stop your 20 graveguard getting mulched in the alpha? Screened with Zombies?
  2. Finally achieved getting a 2000 point army painted (with bonus extras) for the first time, started in April and here we are. Feels good!
  3. Anyone got any go to sites or recommendations for movement trays/bases for my many skeletons and zombies?
  4. SBGL being the “good guy faction” in relation to its win rates has been commented on by a few people I’ve seen. im bringing a fairly standard and balanced SBGL army to a tournament soon so it’ll be interesting to see how it fares against all this nonsense
  5. Are Kavalos Deathriders really bad for their points, or do they occupy a good role as much needed mobility piece in an otherwise tanky slow army?
  6. Hey guys, wondering on your thoughts on this list I'm considering taking to a tournament soon. Leaders: BD with VT for some risky plays to take out a gargant or somesuch (protected by kin of the wolf summon potentially) Mannfred for shenanigans and to either follow the VlozD around or help support the GG. Decrepify for giants and big monsters. Necromancer with the 30 skellies and because debuffs from lore of the deathmages is good Vlozd with charge build and kin of the wolf because in my games so far a cheeky group of wolves can be super useful as a screen for GG, protection for belladamma or to steal an objective. Units: 40x Zombies and 30x Skeletons because I like taking objectives. 10 extra for screens / dropping on objectives through a gravesite. 20 gg with great weapons supported by BD, or a teleporting mannfred or Necromancer. The idea is to have screens and alpha strike damage with the vlozd / mannfredd / GG and hopefully have a tool for every situation. I'm spooked by castle armies shooting me and giants but who isn't?
  7. While we're on the subject of movement, I feel this and positioning are some of the big challenges with the army that requires a fair bit of experience. Simply put, maneuvering all your pieces into place with so many bodies, trying to get your main hammer with 4 inch move made of paper into contact while keeping baby vampire lord not sniped seem to be my main challenges while playing. Paticularly, what are people's main strategies for screening and positioning in a list like this (or any soulblight list that isnt nagash and 25 bloodknights) when you're forced to go first and you're looking at the potential looming double? I've played around 11 games so far against mainly melee heavy armies and I'm dreading going up against some kind of meta stormcast castle with six longstrikes and countercharging fulminators.
  8. He sounds great on paper (Radukar the beast), though getting that charge buff off on the same turn that the grave guard charge seems to be easier said than done. Either GG are being summoned from a grave site and have to make a 9+, or they've been allowed to slowly walk up while Radukar has been holding back waiting for his moment. (Or, third option, Graveguard have got in first and have survived being attacked for a whole turn!)
  9. In light of seeing OBRs awful win rates when not playing Nagash, I have a bright idea. Until a new tome drops, let them use normal command abilities in addition to everything they already have. No other changes, they still use RDP.
  10. That looks very cool. Which parts is it?
  11. I was thinking to make Wight Kings feel like they're a true general unit, why not add the Wight King keyword to all these allegiance abilities that need a vampire? EG: +1 to wound in vyrkos if a Vampire is within 9", or especially Legion of Blood's deathrattle focused all <Deathrattle> units are immune to negative modifiers.
  12. I'd swap to Vyrkos, swap the WK to VL and have him supporting one unit of grave guard for the +1 to wound and +1 attack. You can give the VL the free command point trait or the free 5 wolves one (which is commensurately stronger the lower points you play), as for an artifact you an go amulet (admittedly Blood's artifacts are better than Vyrkos') for the VL but Arcane tome on a necromancer is always a great shout. The Necro spells are all fantastic but the ones which are -1 to hit and -1 to attack usually are most effective. As for Vampire spells probably just go for Pinions so you can position him wherever is best for his bubbles. If you're keen to keep 3 battleline despite it being 1500 points split the skeletons into two units of 10 and use them for screens / objective holding / summons. (Edit: If you don't have the VL then the WK can grab the amulet and keep the same choice of command abilities above. You can still grab an extra artifact and give the tome to the Necromancer.)
  13. I'd predict: At best, a points increase for GG. At worst a reduction of their damage to 1 and an increase of their rend to -2. Black Knights points reduction to 110, I doubt they'd do something funky to their warscroll. I assume they see d3 mortal wounds on the charge as too good or something. Belladamma to go up in points. VL's janky uncapped +1 to attack clarified. Blood Knight slight point increase. Wight King CA buff (okay not really but it'd be swell). Some slight adjustments to CC units? We shall see!
  14. It's amusing how much the recent article on Dragons is focusing on what makes a 'Warhammer Dragon'. It's like one long argument for copyright.
  15. Apart from Brendan Melnick's tournament win with 30 skeletons in the list, have we seen any other use of skeletons in soulblight competitive wins, or are they usually left by the wayside?
  16. Oh, that's dissapointing. I have enough models to proxy as Vampire Lords. I was hoping for something dynasty specific. I mean, Malkorion rhymes with... Vengorian.
  17. Absolutely. What models and the variety on offer for a starter army is an important consideration. Painting 40 zombies is one thing, but 40 detailed, elite Sentinels? That's asking a lot. Just wanted to add I've tried to think of my own SBGL starter army but the one you posted earlier in the thread is quite hard to beat for all the factors under consideration. So well done there :).
  18. 40 sentinels at 1000 points teachers the player using it and the player opposing it that this is a game where the strongest ranged unit is chosen and gameplay revolves around taking away options from the other player without seeing their toys fight back. However if I was getting someone whose interest in the game was winning at pure tactical wargaming and that was the hook, then sure.
  19. Sadly I've yet to see any female Vampire Lords who embody the unearthly charm and beauty that the book references more than a few times, especially for Legion of Blood themed vampires. The book talks a great deal about 'the monster within' contrasting with outward grace and nobility, but I'm seeing a lot of the monster without and little grace and nobility. Something along the lines of a foot Neferata style vampire is what I'm thinking. Edit: If anyone has any idea of head conversions along these lines I'd love to hear them. I was thinking Witch Elf, but the hair would probably get caught on that big old collar of hers ^_^.
  20. They're definitely overshadowed (quite literally in terms of their size) by the new skeletons - which doesn't sit right when they're meant to be the elite ones. Also pretty please I never want to see whatever weapon the 'great weapons' are meant to be on a model ever again! (some kind of confused halberd?) Love them as a concept though.
  21. I get you, but to be fair we have the Crimson Court - where Duvalle and the Mace-man fit the bill just fine. Add in the new Vampire Lord and you have 3(!) new Vampire models that fit the armored bill you describe. As much as many people are loving this new Vampire (myself included, I'll definately get her), that's 8+ new Vampire models we've got already, including Radukar, Annika etc. Can I get new Grave Guard instead, pretty please? I'm pretty hyped about her potential rules though. The standard Vampire Lord but with more wounds / wound transfer / combat ability would be lovely!
  22. Wightking with GG bl. Vlozd / Mortarch / Coventhrone and BKs
  23. No way. Is this actually legit? XD I love the Vampire Lord, my issue is just keeping him alive, and if he's the general that's even more on the line if he dies.
  24. You're absolutely right. So far the problem has been mortals. A little zap from the bonetithe nexus here, a couple 1d3s from arcane bolts there and all of a sudden he's one failed save from copping it. A part of me feels like some kind of bodyguard save for all heroes (like the necromancer) would be nice. Maybe on a baseline 4+?
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