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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. That’s clearly a backpack for a new skyre acolyte boxset
  2. What’s Ratchaon doing in your list? jokes aside, your lists looks interesting although you don’t really have any punch (besides Ratchaon a bit) in your list. Since you seem to be going the more verminus approach, I’d just exchange Ratchaon for a unit of 30-40Stormvermins, which will kill-slay anything buffed by a warlord and a Warbringer Verminlord, and for some weapon teams (or heroes like a grey seer or plague priests).
  3. Ah, so the stormcast faction still needs some extra units.😂
  4. Yeah that’s something Gw should do for multiple armies.would love to see a mixed battletome for the skaven race If I’m not mistaken, Sc have even more units (including heroes) than destruction, chaos and the rest of the order factions combined together. Even if they are Gws playboy right now, they already had enough intention. any more love for them and the Stormcast faction will just crumble.
  5. I doubt that Gw will release a new battletome for khorne. although it would make the next year more interesting if they’d get one to the next ghb release instead of stormcast.
  6. RexHavoc and Kramer thanks for replying. it probaly just was my madness, wishing for dead Queek to come back to the living. although like you (Rexhavoc) said, it doesn’t make sense (unless he’d become sort of a Verminlord🤔)that a skaven or goblin lives to long. maybe it’s time for aos to get their own hero’s.
  7. Ah don’t worry some of them died a painful death and others have survived thanks to human made mistakes. thats everything you need to know.
  8. Now from reading the last posts, I noticed that many people seem to ,let’s say; not like the idea of aos getting some special characters from the old world back, it also seems like that the old world lore isn’t appreciated, since the thought of aos beeing different than the fantasy edition is around. i do understand what you guys mean, but to put it in another way, does aos really has to be something that has nothing to do with the old world or better said have any relation with the old fantasy game? Because if that’s the case most army’s would need a giant rewrite (which costs a ton of money and time) or have to be thrown away. And I don’t believe that anybody who bought some end times minis would greatly appreciate to not beeing able to play with their released minis they bought a week or so before aos would have been released. Also the fluff from the old world was and still is great. Some of it even fits perfectly in the aos setting. Even if we deny that fact, Aos still will have been a part of the old world, of course we can say that it has nothing to do with it, but than again, Gw never said that Aos has nothing to do with the old world or the other way around. the game style might have changed and the lore as well, but that doesn’t mean, that skaven shouldn’t exist or be similar like before, same goes for the other army’s. Of course there always is a possibility of stopping the production of a a army. but look at Boc, Legion of Nagash etc. they are great. their lore might not have changed too much but it literally got some old players back, and even newcomers were interested in such mighty army’s. also old hero’s coming back from the dead isn’t to bad either. Wouldn’t it just be great to see Skarsnik back rivaling the mighty power of the Ironjaws Mega mega boss who’s name I forgot? Don’t worry about aos becoming the old fantasy . It’ll never happen, even if all old hero’s would come back. having Skarnsik, Queek, etc. Would be a great idea.
  9. Oh god I think I’m starting to fall back in love with my bloodcrushers (only after skaven of course)
  10. Well for many people including myself it was a slap in the face, but without it I would have probably never started the great game known as 40k 7th edition (although 8th edition isn’t bad either)😂. times like this are great to stop for a while and try something new until there has been a chance in the previous played game. Who knows maybe the chance might even get a person back.
  11. Acting well!? dont know what you mean with that mate, but aos was a joke at the beginning, literally almost nobody played they game. thanks to the ghb most players came back and newcomers had some interest in it.
  12. No don’t worry I’ll only whisper-write the name skaven 1313times.
  13. Nah that’s a skinned squig. I can see Queek coming back. Nobody hates Moonclan grots and their fellow beasties more then Queek
  14. It’s not bad, since you can use his commandability multiple times on the same units, and he regenerates d3wounds per turn. the reason why probably most of us don’t use him (Including myself) that we don’t have him and/or that he just might be a slight bit to expensive (point wise)
  15. There have been rumors of a mixed skaven battletome coming out in 2019 late February. (hoping for it to be true)
  16. Why gone they are still there, both rules and models. edit: even the greenskinz Sc can still be bought.
  17. Getting rid, probably not. its seems like they are squashing everything back together. looks like they finally learned of their mistakes.
  18. I believe something similar has been done multiple times, and been shut down as many times. also what exactly would a only rumor forum look like. dont get me wrong it sounds interesting, but not beeing able to show possible seen releases from other sides that aren’t related with games workshop at all, will probably mean that the forum will be used like maybe ones per month, if at all. This rumor chat forum would just be plain boring, if no man-thing gives his oppinion of what army and why it could be released next.
  19. Yes I do love the spiteclaw model (although Queek just looks better). But the real reason I took him, is that he is the only skaven warlord who did not get their command ability twicked. in other words his gnash gnaw on their bones ability can be used multiple times on the same unit as well as it says that a unit has to be within 13 and not wholly, which is the main reason I took him. ps: reporting my battle as promised tomorrow.
  20. I’ll remember that. wont be able to chance my list to much, since I’ll be going from work directly to my local store. but still, thanks. ill give you guys a report of how it went tomorrow.
  21. Or make a mixed battle tome of free citie Aelves, which would bring the old esthetics, everybody loved back in the old world, back. (who cares about fish-things impostering the glory’s of the old times, Glory which ones was representing the dark/high/wood Aelves (how dare they take it)).
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