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Everything posted by Overread

  1. New warriors - new Knights - new Mounted lord!
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/02/new-reveals-chaos-sororitas-tanks-and-moregw-homepage-post-1/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=WHTV&utm_content=whtvbloodandglory021119
  3. Lord on Manticore is very unlikely to vanish. More likely if the new lord is mounted its replacing the finecast lord on a horse.
  4. Rumour from someone at Dakka - new warriors and new lord on a beasty - from someone at the event itself. Darn it where is TGA's spy in the events?!
  5. At the moment the only hint of new slaves to darkness models that aren't released through Warcry is the new getting started set listed in the spreadsheet leak. However it could be a rebranding/boxing of the current one or an alternative content box with existing models. So its very hard to tell.
  6. Big update - cleaned up the post and also put up the details of Feast of Bones Ogors up for sale/swap
  7. Well there goes my shopping list. Picked up spells and Feast this week and next week a basic "1 of everything and 2 of some cool stuff". Also note that Firestormgames still has 8 copies of Feast of Bones www.firestormgames.co.uk so if you want one and didn't get a chance be quick! 1 Vokmortian 10 Mortek Guard 3 Stalkers 2 Morghasts (added to 4 that I've got already) Ossiarchs Endless Spells My pre-order for next week (thanks to many who bought high elves and others stuff off me) 1 Arch-Kavalos Zandtos 1 Mortisan Soulreaper 1 Mortisan Soulmason 1 Mortisan Boneshaper 1 Mortek Guard 2 Kavalos Deathriders 2 Gothizzar Harvester 1 Mortek Crawler 1 Bone-Tithe Nexus
  8. @Altair554488 that's a good spot and yes it would appear that two harvesters can activate their ability at the same time and harvest the same fallen warrior if its within 3 inches of both. As you say its a small window, but its still a window to gain. What will be more interesting is if GW Errata fixes taht or not; if not then it makes taking two and supporting each other even more beneficial. Of course this is also meaning that you've got at least 600 points (two harvesters and at least one minimum block of troops) in one fixed group for the game. So its powerful, but at the same time its impact on the whole board is marginal unless the enemy focuses their entire strength at that one point.
  9. Interestingly the Deathriders look to be a bit of a pain. The rider and mount are not fully separate. The mount appears to have a saddle, but then also the pelvic region of the rider moulded to the saddle. So you, at the very least, need to attach the riders legs, chest and likely all the body save the shield to paint. Most of the others appear quite separate; chair character; the units on the catapult etc.... The other "only mildly annoying to me" one is the reassembling hero who has his feet moulded to the skull he's standing upon. That annoys me only because I want to model him floating on a cushion of power
  10. Far as I recall on the GW store page they normally stick to just one paint scheme, the "official" one that GW uses for that army. Sometimes it can change through time when new editions of the Battletome come out (I know Tyranids have been through several and some models are old enough to have examples, but I think all the current at the same swarm colour). It's in the articles and battletome/codex where GW tends to show it off. Also some of the alternate colour schemes GW shows are "user photos" so clearly there won't yet be any for Reapers.
  11. Check the New Zealand GW site (check the country flag) for 360views of REAPERS!!
  12. I know exactly how you feel! Worse for me is until Reapers were announced I WAS going for Slaves to Darkness anyway to start getting them as additions to my Slaanesh force.
  13. I REALLY want to see more of that first beasty as that looks really neat!
  14. In my experience once users have been on a forum for a week or so they tend to start defaulting to "new posts" or the "new activity" as its called on this site. So active threads are more important than where they are located. Location tends to be more of an issue in sections where the threads themselves don't generate much posting activity to get bumped up the new activity list. So if a subsection doesn't generate much chatter it sort of self perpetuates the issue. Which means if there's even just two or three people who want more activity in a section all they need to do is talk in a couple of threads in that section (typically in a positive and engaging manner)
  15. They can likely outlast hordes, but at the same time a horde army can likely lock down the reapers. This is a problem when you've an army which, without buffs (which cost command points which compete with other command point abilities) is naturally slow to move. Losing even one turn of movement is going to hurt their core powerbase; whilst also overstretch their faster units. I think that Reapers will punish any player who plays them and doesn't make the right calls on abilities and a long term game plan.
  16. Honestly so far GW hasn't released an all round "BAD" Battletome for AoS for 2.0. Nighthaunt are not as strong as they could be and I hear some of the same for stormcast here and there - though as both are heavily marketed as the starting armies and get a lot more marketing attention than others I think we could even make the guess that GW might have underpowered them just a tad to try and avoid the "oh GW only likes Stormcast/Nighthaunt" arguments. Something that can, at times, plague the 40K marketing. Plus I honestly think GW doesn't really want to repeat the marketing in the same way. Space Marines being an obscene amount of 40K sales isn't bad in terms of sales but it can result in its own problems, even at the social level of the game. Plus its harder to diversify other armies when one dominates so heavily. I think with AoS their plan is instead of 10 Chambers of Stormcast have 1 and then have 9 OTHER armies in different Grand Alliances all doing well. Cost wise its the same resource investment; but it means a far more potentially diverse playerbase and game scene. Still by and large AoS is in a very good spot. I fully agree Slaves are bottom because they've never had a tome; as soon as they get one I evnision then jumping right up. Heck because of the way Chaos works they'll get an instant likely boost from everyone collecting a demon army or two even if just to have slaves allies. Plus all the people who have started warcry chaos warbands.
  17. Daughters would be interesting - a glass cannon army against a slow moving sledge hammer. Skaven will be very interesting because they are one army which can do a lot of ranged firepower. So it will be interesting to see how reapers do against an army that they might have trouble catching. Esp since Skaven can also screen with clanrats, that alone might be a viable tactic - slowing the unstoppable down with a tide of cheap nothing rats.
  18. It does on the 14th of December. Basically the most likely last slot for any major release of the year. So it could well be that they get a two week release and there's more stuff after in January. Though I'd say the warbands alone already gives them a great launch - esp since right now Slaves are not all that popular and are pretty much, of the major game armies, bottom of the barrel.
  19. And yet many times the new army in Twitch streams often loses. They even comment on it several times in the twitch. Also they went against a currently strong opponent, 3 keepers and summoning a 4th is a baptism of fire for many armies. If they'd wanted a sure victory then there are other combinations of units they could have used which would have been far weaker and sub-optimal. Honestly I think the twitch games are by and large how they are, I don't think they do a lot of nefarious things to try and tweak the results (asides for which they are live streamed games; if there were clear and unfair bias it would defeat the point of the marketing.
  20. True, but quite a few armies have access to hero snipers and with armies like Daughters of Khaine running around since the start of AoS 2.0 (pretty much); sniping heroes is a known tactic. Reapers have a good weapon for it, but they are by far not the only army which can achieve it. Though with quite a few close combat only (or mostly only) armies out there it might be something some region metas don't feel as often. Though I'd wager going up against Cities of Sigmar you could easily feel a lot more ranged pain!
  21. One thing that might stave off the hate is that reapers are unlikely to start most games swinging hard. Perhaps if you take 3 or 4 catapults you might; but otherwise they are nearly always going to take a turn or two to get up to speed. Even if they charge forward with abilities they can't move the whole army forward at that pace. So that might well, esp in objective missions, give opponents a feeling of a closer fight. Even if they might near always lose the actual combat, the objectives might be far closer and the Reaper player might actually feel the pressure more to get over an early advantage to their opponent in that regard.
  22. Well right now they appear as units for the Sylvaneth. They might well remain as just a warband and nothing more. Underworld lets GW make warbands like that without having to commit to a full army range. If they do become a new force it might be a good few years yet. Sylvaneth are not too bad for new models and are quite up to date. So I'd expect other forces to get a few more updates (or would hope so) before they get a big update like that .But who is to say, only GW knows the plan and the future.
  23. The new Battletome out this Weekend will invalidate all prior rules/warscrolls and points including those in the Generals Handbook 2019. So its a fully fresh start. I don't yet know if GW has updated the store warscroll cards ,but I think they have so if they are different and recently updated they should be the new ones from the Tome. I'm assuming you'll grab the Tome this Saturday
  24. Yeah I think he was either very misled by someone or intentionally seeding false rumor. Either way pretty much every rumor they had was quickly proven wrong. As for the whole 8 month thing eh based on GW's current track record 8 months from now isn't a bad time frame to guess that they'd release another army within that span of time. Or if not release at least start teasing and showing previews. Thing is there's two that we know of - light and dark aelves - but we've also got loads of legacy models and quite a few armies that are very small. Heck Daughters of Khaine have less kits than Ossiarchs are going to launch with. Same for Fyreslayers and Flesheaters. So there's a good few armies that might get a big expansion or a trickle of models for several armies at once etc... Plus we've got armies like Skaven and Seraphon with large blocks of old models due for an update. So there are a lot of ways GW could go, plus it seems that after the Death story/lore focus they are going to shift toward Destruction Grand Alliance.
  25. Updated just sold a huge bunch of stuff. The complete and unbuilt wood elf battalion and tree ancient are still up for sale as are two high elf characters.
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