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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Ethereal Units never suffer or benefit from any armor save modifiers regardless of source. It is one thing to ignore Rend, it is another to be immune to all modifiers. Unless I misinterpreted the rule wrong. Cygor is the Jack of All Trades Master of None monster methinks. He's interesting to have hang around, but he'll never be the best combat beast nor is he point for point a proper artillery piece. Though he does benefit from the unbind increase. His biggest benefit was that he was a Warherds monster, but with other monsters not eating ally points some people are probably going for some chimeras or something.
  2. I think the SB and MVB have perma-moved to their respective god faction, mostly because I think their fluff attached them to Warriors rather than Beasts. Weird they aren't in the AOS section, they seem perfectly fine in the Thousand Sons storepage (yes they exist in 40k as well), and still have their warscrolls (or at least the MVB) there.
  3. Do you think if we ask FW really nicely, they could make plague ogors and plague troggoths be BoC units? Heck perhaps even Bull Centaurs?
  4. Well if you're GHB I'd say you're safe. You may not get a book for a while but at least you aren't Swift Hawk Agents!
  5. Yea, though the Beastlord Command Trait shouldn't be so stupidly convoluted! While it is still a week before any real games, I think this book is a solid 7.5-8.5 in both power and balance. I doubt you'll be able to One Round Nagash without a massive deathstar nor will the army be as obnoxious as Daughters of Khaine, but it seems to be in a very much better spot than the current Brayherd/GA Chaos (though gonna miss that Crown of Command). And I think Tzaangors are finally in "good but not MUST AUTO INCLUDE IN EVERY TZEENTCH LIST". I mean obviously it could have been a tad better (kind of surprising only 4 heroes, and all 4 have no alternative options in terms of mounts and weapons), but better than nothing! Also I was surprised there isn't a Feral Manticore option, but is that because the Manticore looks funny without a rider?
  6. I also feel like Warhounds should be battleline. (For both BoC and Slaves/DO) Dire Wolves are one of the best battleline for undead, because they're cheap, they're fast (for undead) and they have the summonable keyword/buffs. Flesh Hounds are now always battleline for khorne, giving khorne a cheap msu battleline option with a decent combat profile and the ability to unbind magic (how many battleline units can claim to do that?). Warhounds only have their "always 6" run" going for them. I mean that sounds great, but it looks like you'll be able to flood the battlefield anyways with ambushers, centigors, and flying monsters. It doesn't help that warhounds have a pretty low bravery score vs flesh hounds/dire wolves (4 vs 10). Granted those are daemons/undead so it makes sense but I'm not sure how many warhound units will show up. Kind of a shame that it seems like they're an afterthought, but maybe I'm missing something. I guess warhounds are always suppose to be Fast Chaff/Screens. Maybe they should have had a "master" rule? So like they can buff their bravery if near HEROs?
  7. Yea unfortunately theres no Mass Combat Greek Mythos game out there (wargods was probably the closest) And BoC aren't that popular enough for the 9th Age supporting companies to make their own totally not centigors. Interestingly enough I remember a few months ago, long before BoC announcement, some people on Kickstarter were trying to crowdfund multipart Satyrs/Fauns. But I dont think that got funded.
  8. I guess you could try chopping up wild riders and gors? Though that's pretty expensive in itself. If you're allowed no gw stuff well Runewars has some upcoming centaurs. They're more good guy looking but maybe a different paintjob and some extra bitz will make them more chaosy. Although they come in packs of 4. Runewars stuff tends to be $25 USD a box. EDIT ahh these guys are bigger than the average box so its $35, though FFG stuff tends to be discounted on online retailers.
  9. While cool, reminder that Dispossessed and Wanderers have gotten repacks months ago. Maybe its an efficiency thing? They repacked several BoC stuff so they mind as well repacked a few other things. Though I suppose it is interesting that Gutbusters have NO GHB allegiance while other armies with GHB still have yet to get proper repacks like Darklings or Free People (except for the firestorm big boxes). Than again Start Collecting Greenskins is still a thing for some reason....?
  10. He still bites. Apparently according to an early viewer, ungor raiders aren't battleline. Though if you're running BoC you probably are going to have plenty of battleline already. Especially Best - Gors. Actually am I the only one whos worried that Gors are in a weird spot? Bestigors seem the "go to" frontline battleline for brayherds while ungors are your 40 man chaff. Where do Gors fit in?
  11. Random question, I am tempted to get the Limited Edition (yea yea its mostly a marketing scheme to squeeze more money). Is it Online Store only or can I pre order it from a GW store?
  12. I can't really imagine him staying at 140pts, especially now that you don't waste ally points on him (if went brayherd or warherd).
  13. Huh so only 20pts, not bad at all. Also yup the Shaggoth Spell is simply his thunder energizer spell, though no other wizards can get it.
  14. Chimeras sound real tasty now! A whopping 15 attacks! Though I suspect they'll get a hefty point hike. If they don't, thats a massive buff.
  15. I think the problem of that would be the shaggoths I think don't necessarily follow a particular god, unless kholek became one, and prayers require a god (sigmar, khaine, khorne, etc). Plus the god would have to be heavily connected to the realm of heavens...and I think sigmar kicked everyone else out of there.
  16. Well not necessarily given that 1.0 abilities are triggered with modifiers while 2.0 abilities tend to like natural rolls. If you could buff your to wound roll, old blood greed is great. If the enemy can debuff the to wound roll, it'll mess you up. Plus old Blood Greed + new attacks with horns means even more chances to keep on chugging out attacks.
  17. So the Horn Endless Spell creates a -1 To Hit Bubble that gets bigger (except against beasts) Bull Spell does damage and gives the "strikes last" penalty to people he plows through Bird Spell is Bravery Debuff I'd imagine Bull Spell is most expensive, followed by the Horn, and then the Birds.
  18. Well not all Monsters, technically Salughterbrutes and Vortex Beasts are Mortals only. Harpies are now only a DoK thing (well at least the AoS version of harpies). And we'll have to wait to see how many FW Monsters become BoC (I assume Lammasu and Great Taurus will be Chaos Dwarf only, not sure about the warpfire dragon, Preton and giants seem likely though)
  19. By the way, anyone have any good plastic conversions of Jabbers? It is a little annoying to having to deal with a big hunk of finecast resin.
  20. This is correct. The only exception is Tzaangors...for very obvious reasons. Though it'll be interesting to see how different the BoC Tzeentch Battalion is compared to the Tzaangor Coven.
  21. Unfortunately theres only so many previews they can do since theres no new models! This ain't Nighthaunt! (which took like what, 3 weeks?) I'm guessing tomorrow they may do Tactics preview to show what kind of army strategies there are.
  22. To be fair a 220pt Verminlord Corrupter with Sword of Judgment will make mincemeat out of any hero or monster he fights. Has there been any thoughts of "subfactions" like stormhosts or dok temples? It seems a lot of new armies, other than the more singular night haunt, have those. Even many "Mega Battalions" are basically subfactions in disguise. Or would a bretonnia-esque faction be much more homogeneous? I was actually surprised they managed to squeeze 3 playable factions in Total War.
  23. I don't think there has been a single replacement for a 7th edition plastic kit though for any army. (I mean in the grand scheme of things, most 7th edition plastics are relatively new, especially if it was the 2nd half of 7th edition) Heck GW seems extremely content with selling 6th edition plastics! We'll never get updated zombies! On the subject though of no new models, I think BOC is an experiment to see how much a LON style update with no new models will get sales. In reality, BOC isn't really important to AOS story wise even with fluff changes like thunderscorn, unlike LON. No special characters and not much other than "SMASH FACE". Sure one could point to BCR or Bonesplitterz or FEC, but those armies aren't the size of LON/BOC, and came out relatively early in AOS. BOC is kind of the first, especially for 2.0. Not to mention LON is 70%-80% of the Death line (pre NH) vs the much smaller portion of BOC to Chaos (especially after adding in skaven). Maybe sales of this book will give GW a gauge on "hmm should we make a plastic razrogor chariot". And beyond that, it may also gauge interest in old armies that don't necessarily ever get any more models like Darklings. I mean I'm sure they have something for these armies, especially GHB ones, but the success of BOC may speed things up or slow things down. That being said I also really hope they update AOS factions, especially the early 1.0 books. They need to prove they can give people other than Khorne and SCE updates!
  24. Maybe, but very unlikely in the near future. GW doesn't seem to do many "post book" releases. Not counting the Malign Portents campaign. If they wanted to make a big centerpiece model for an army, they would use that to advertise the launch of the army like Daughters of Khaine.
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