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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Too bad Stormfiends aren't Pack units. Literally one keyword away from receiving all the Moulder buffs! I suppose you could tote one unit for some shooting.
  2. You dont have to take huge units of giant rats, a few people here mentioned taking 10 strong rat units for screens.
  3. Not mine sadly, I just remember seeing those on the internet. I believe the spears are the chaos knight lances or skullcrushers. Very common conversion back in the heyday of Halberd warriors.
  4. I thought they are going to be harpies, chaos beasts but not daemons. But who knows.
  5. I think Chaos Warriors really need to rely on their shields to be effective which isn't usable with great weapons. Also giving them halberds/spears makes for some intimidating pike blocks!
  6. I imagine summer. Herald armies seem to be around half a year apart (summer last year was SCE/NH, then GG was January)
  7. Could put the Mage Wrath Throne on a higher platform, it's half the price of the throne.
  8. Yea thats the big problem, all the egg baskets on one varghulf (and also for one turn for the artifact), and hes not that hard to kill. But yea you dont have to attack the artifact bearer, just be in striking distance. And of course pop off feeding frenzy for double combat fun! And dont forget reroll to wound rolls of 1 for hollowmourne courtiers on a charge! I think it would be an interesting fun one trick pony/mega distraction carnifex kind of build if you're feelign lucky.
  9. For Hollowmourne, is it worth making a hero hunter with a Varghulf general with the Bilious Decanter? (so need one battalion) Seems pretty cool but also risky since if you can't get to the artifact bearers, Grave Robber+extra attacks is wasted. On the other hand that Varghulf gets scary if it works (6 extra attacks and extra damage on all attacks against that hero).
  10. Hopefully they change Archaon's wording when the undivided update comes out. Or FAQ it so that it lasts the entire turn.
  11. Well not sure if you saw my topic on the whole matter, but I basically broke it down to 3 pieces of "evidence" in a loose sense. (well 4 if you count the whole beasts of chaos situation, thats kind of the linchpin of the entire theory) Assuming my theory is what is actually happening, "The Empire" faction will reform with some fancy name like freeguild states or something (+ the gyrocopter thing if they dont fix that), dispossessed will be their own thing but somehow will not have any warmachines (unless they get the gyrocopters, and just rely the rest on allies), and then all the aelves somehow get jambled up in one aelven faction.
  12. Assuming the AoS website isn't lying, all the non-sce order humans will be in a single army eventually. And Gyrocopters if they don't change their faction keyword, which seems weird though.
  13. Yea over at the Skaven topic, some people are talking about how Plague Monks may possibly be the most overpowered unit in the entire game, not just in the skaven book. I mean they have 3 attacks already with blade and staff, get 2 more for charging, get 2 more with a prayer, gain +1 To Hit and To Wound with overwhelming mass, natural 6 to hit gives 1 rend, natural 6 to wound gives 2 damage, can stack on a verminlord corruptor to give rerolls to hit, and for extra fun stack on death frenzy from a grey seer so suddenly those plague monks are going out swinging like khorne blood warriors. I think one of the reasons for the emphasis on FEC is that because of the small unit pool, it is far easier to get an overview of how the army works, compared to skaven.
  14. While that does sound cool, I think giving Eshin 2-3 more units (what happened to the deathrunners, granted methinks they would have gotten rid of the weird "2 places at once" rule) and updated night runners/gutter runners is a more realistic option. Plus they really need to start updating all the old metal sculpts from the whole skaven line! What is this, Chaos Space Marines? 😛
  15. I think it has to be completely within one unit, not half and half.
  16. Oh the irony! The Skull Altar in 40k is for daemons. (well I guess to be fair World Eaters dont have their book yet)
  17. Unless you're playing speed chess, you could write down a cheatsheet of ranges. Unique characters can't take general traits.
  18. It's not even an inside joke, it is literally their fluff! But GW doesn't feel like giving clothed ghouls! Everyone too busy going commando to show off their (lack of) pecs!
  19. This makes me miss the days of double shot slinger gutter runners with poison attacks. I'm surprised at the lack of poisons eshin units have. Like I dunno "Eshin Poisons: Units with this ability may reroll unmodified To Wound rolls of 1". Also kind of funny in the book, they talk about how Eshin skaven are adept at all sorts of weapons including firearms. Where's my "Vindicare" skaven assassin!
  20. They haven't changed any allegiances yet, so right now GHB2018 is the most up to date resource.
  21. I think it's fine, buuuut I would also try to make sure it's clear what weapon options they have since DO can mix and match. In case you don't want to add on anything to the FW models themselves, maybe a base marker.
  22. The summoning system! Wait thats for this army...☠️
  23. I'm NOT the person to 100% believe this philosophy, but theres always the philosophy of "you dont buy warhammer for the rules, you buy it for the models and backstory". People tend to bring that up in other topics. And plus AoS has survived many casual unfriendly strategies. Bloodletter bombs, Nagash, DoK. Whats one more to the pile!
  24. But there is a difference between "something is broken" and "people should learn how something works". Even a casual player can look up basic strategies on counter tactics. Now if 3-6 months pass and the only real strategy is to pray for RNG dice, then ok there is a problem. Also I do find the idea of people doing a 180 and not playing against FEC a bit ironic. Man one book and you go from "underdog hero" of death factions to "uberman villain"!
  25. Khorne has actually always been very good at shooting, for some weird reason. It's because he is also the god of industry? I think? (not really too emphasized today other than his War-Smiths like the Skull Grinder or the juggers which are dameon robots) Like the old Armorcast models And quite a bit in 40k of course with the Greater Brass Scorpion or the Lord of Skulls
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