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Everything posted by mikethefish

  1. Hopefully that will be fixed in the fullness of time. I want to play around with some lists, and it's irritating having to make allowances for the pre-FAQ points values
  2. My Azyr won't update, despite the designer notes on the app saying that an update is available. Frustration.
  3. Fellwaters went down ten points too. I don't know, the Dankholds are probably still overpriced, but not by a ton. The new Rockgut price is a big deal, considering that most folks take them in units of about 6 or so. All in all, I don't think GSG are catapulted into the competitive stratosphere, but it certainly got better
  4. FAQ is out now, with new points values. At 200 pts, I may have to take a closer look at the Gobbapalooza
  5. Well we have had a few new updates for today. That probably means no new FAQ until next Monday, yes?
  6. Well first thing you have the rules wrong. The rule is that you nominate a target, and any units in the battalion get +1 to hit if that unit fires all it's guns at the target. There is nothing stating that every single unit in the battalion needs to shoot at the nominated target. The rule basically just restricts individual units from splitting their fire. Like for example, a Gunhauler who fires all it's guns against the target would get +1 to hit. But if that same Gunhauler fired it's cannon at the target, and it's carbines at a different enemy, then the cannon couldn't get the +1 .
  7. Hmmmm...comment about people lacking social skills made by a person who just insulted the vast majority of tabletop wargamers. Irony thy name is chord.
  8. Guys could we please stop talking about the prices already. It's pretty easy to make a new thread on the subject of you really want to.
  9. Right, so I sort of accidentally came up with a list that has played well in my local group. Mhornar sky port, Iron Sky Squadron Admiral (opportunistic privateers), Khemist, Endrinmaster 3 min Arkanought units, 40 Rampagers (mercs) 2 Frigates 12 Endrinriggers So I admit the Admiral and the Endrinmaster are included merely cause I just like them, rather than because they are super competitive. If I were to run this at a major tournament, I would most likely rethink my Hero lineup to something a bit more serious. That said, I really REALLY like the core of this list. I stated this earlier - the Rampagers are wildly useful to certain Kharadron armies. Just the ability to get 40 smelly barbarians on the front lines, charging forward, claiming ojecties, causing casualties, screening my shooters...just super useful. My gaming group doesn't use Realm rules, so we all just stick with Artifacts from our own Tomes. I have not yet worked out what Artifacts I want to use regularly. Will do so with more experimentation. But, so far, I have been impressed by how this list plays in actual games. It's a decent KO list that actually used ships! Who'd a thunk it? So far I have been using proxies for the Marauders. Not being a fan of proxies, I think I will shelve this list while I convert myself some (as the GW Marauders are absolutely terrible models).
  10. They do have a name. A recent battle tome referred to them as "Cogmen"
  11. Yes. You can keep activating your units as long as you keep destroying enemy units.
  12. Rampagers are absolutely worth using, and are not a gimmick. At least that is my take. I disagree that 40k points are somehow more accurate, but that's another discussion.
  13. So while most of the Merc units are not that fantastic competitively, by far the best Mercenaries of the new GHB (especially for our army) seems to be the Rampagers. What does every good shooting army need? A bunch of fast-moving expendable meat shields to rush the enemy and distract them while our cannons go to work. 200 pts gets you 40 Marauders? I'll take that deal all day long. The loss of the Command Point hurts a bit, but the army list I was thinking about was an Iron Sky Squadron, so I'm getting a bonus point anyhow - doesn't hurt that much. I'm pretty excited to try some lists using these guys. It even fits thematically - Kharadrons trade with human tribesmen all the time. It's pretty fitting to have some human barbarian mercs hanging around It's just a shame the Marauder models are so fugly. I am debating whether I want to wait and use one of the War Cry clans, or if I should just convert up some Khorne Blood Reavers (green stuff some furs over the Khorne icons - give them a GOT Wildlings look). Reavers would be cheaper probably...
  14. This. The Gnawholes' rules are printed on an actual warscroll. In AoS, Warscroll rules always supercede rulebook rules - that's their whole point. People worrying about Gnawholes being unplayable simply haven't thought things through completely.
  15. As Iron Fist mentioned, it's really not necessary in Mhornar. You are just turning that list from one drop, to two drops without much return.
  16. Apologies for my bluntness, but 140 pts for the Frigate is completely absurd.
  17. Not surprised about Kharadron. Their play style is completely unique in all of AoS. I am sure GW had issues balancing them
  18. Ironclad still seems a tad high, but the Frigate is competitively costed. I like the Gunhauler cost as well, though I want to test it out. My Escort Wing list just gained a TRUCKLOAD of extra points, that's for sure.
  19. Haven't heard too much noise on KO yet, so I'll start some... We still need a Battle Tome. These points don't "fix" the army at all. And yet - these adjustments are some huge steps towards making army a lot more functional. Not sure the Ironclad is cheap enough, but still - I'll take it. On the other hand, 200 points for a Frigate is a competitive points cost, and for 130, I actually like the Gunhauler. Sky Wardens dropped back down to 100 pts for 3, and I think that's great. They were appropriately costed at that price. As I think about it, just about every unit in the Escort Wing detachment got a points drop. This will go a long way towards getting some list variety out there, IMO
  20. At the moment, I field fully painted armies. Wasn't always the way. Ultimately, once I got one army fully painted, I just used that until whatever other project I was working on was completed. My Gloomspite are the latest example of this. Nearly fully painted now, and nobody at the shop has even seen these guys yet. Going to surprise everyone in a few weeks!
  21. That is not an unreasonable assumption. I also have thought the eye could be Hysh themed. Maybe something along the lines of an all-seeing illuminating eye that corrupts everything it sees (or some other Chaosy creepiness).
  22. Exactly so. There are a ton of new characters in AoS, and the Fantasy callbacks are either very few in number (ie - Gotrek), made into gods (Alariel) or are just a random little fluff mention (Skarsnik maybe kinda-sorta being turned into an asteroid that orbits the Bad Moon). While I do see where these folks are coming from, to listen to them you'd think that every single new book had multiple recycled Fantasy characters all equipped with a multi-novel Black Library series.
  23. I feel as though the Crow warband was located in the wrong place. If someone told me about the Crow warband and encouraged me to guess it's location, I would have probably said "Shyish" rather than Ulgu. To me, Crows (in literature/fantasy) are a symbol of death, rather than darkness. Not saying it's not cool or anything - I am just curious to see what they do with the actual Shyish band.
  24. You could make the same comparison to Kharadron. They are pretty equivalent in situation.
  25. Wildly unlikely to happen. I would be shocked if there were more than three. We'd be very lucky to eventually get four
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