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Everything posted by AngiesArmies

  1. I have a Tzeentch themed Slaves to Darkness army, mostly made up from old models. I tend to go with what I like to paint or what I picked up 2nd hand more than actual deep tactics, but I'd like to ask your help about how to build/extend two of my units! - Is it better to go for two units of 5 chaos knights with hand weapon/shield (it's what they come with) or one unit of 10? - I have one unit of 5 marauder horsemen with javelins (old ungor spears that fit very well). Should I extend them to 10 man, or build a 2nd 5 man unit with command with javelins, or a second 5 man unit with hand weapon/shield?
  2. Aren't High Elf bolt throwers compendium units? I'm slowly repainting and rebasing some of my old corsairs to round bases and it'd be nice to end up with 1000 or 1500 points of pure Scourge Privateers, just for fluff reasons. As far as I've understood, compendium units are only use-able if you go for an order-allegiance. Plus if Legends is any indication then the High Elf bolt thrower will also be gone. Also while it's not visible on the photo of the new double Azyrite ruins, I wonder if rumour engine #6 will be one of the panels.
  3. One of the reasons I'm pretty stoked about that Bolt Thrower is that it gives me a way to ally my old Dark Elf Bolt Throwers back in with Darkling Covens or Scourge Privateers! I'll have to figure out a way to make the crew both aelven but still clearly enough counts-as stormcast allies which sounds like a neat little side project. I might even get the Naggaroth bloodbowl team and convert those corsair inspired players into warmachine crew.
  4. I think the flamer looks pretty awesome! When I painted mine I kept the arms with flames loose which helped a ton with reaching all the little flame spots and highlights. If you decide to tackle the others anyway I'd recommend carefully cutting the glued arms loose. One fairly easy way to help create the illusion of texture on the flamer is to add some stippling with a very pale yellow/white on the most smooth bits. I didn't do it with my exalted flamer but liberally applied stippling to my normal ones.
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