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Everything posted by Forrix

  1. As far as I can tell it doesn't based off the app. It absolutely should though, Beastclaw Raiders have been needing this since their book first came out.
  2. Anyone have luck running a Thricefold with a bunch of Blightkings? I've normally seen it with 2x 30 plaguebearers but I'm going to be gunning for best painted in a tourney and think my Blightkings look better lol. Considering a variation of the following: Rotigus-340 GUO with Bell and Dagger-Tome of a Thousand Poxes, General-Grandfather's Blessing-340 GUO with Sword and Flail-Gyrstrike-340 Harbinger of Decay-160 10 Blightkings -320 5 Blightkings -160 5 Blightkings -160 Thricefold Befoulment - 120 Umbral Spellportals -60 2000 total I could drop the Harbinger and bring in 5 more Blightkings, running them all in 5 man groups. The 10man group is to make it easier to keep them in range of the Harbinger's ability. I'm alittle concerned about not having enough command points since I'll be wanting to use Grandfather's Joy on Rotigus and/or the Sword GUO too.
  3. I'm really hoping the Bloodsecrator gets a rework in the battletome. Especially with Gore Pilgrims he's just too powerful and I feel the rest of Khorne was balanced around always having him. When I'm playing lists I feel more penalized for not bringing him then I do rewarded for taking him.
  4. You can. How it works though is the Blood Tithe triggers are the start of your hero phase. The Bloodsecrator's Portal of Skulls also ends at the start of your hero phase (ambiguous due to old wording but its not been FAQ'd otherwise and that seems the most logical). Since its your turn you have the Portal of Skulls end first then you are free to move him via Blood Tithe. Finally you have him use the ability again in your main hero phase.
  5. I still haven't played a game against DOK yet but from what I understand its their defensive power granted by a 5+ rerollable save after the save is what makes them so strong (when coupled with their offense). Plague monks are definitely looking strong but I think they will be vulnerable enough to counter charges/shooting to keep them from overrunning the meta.
  6. Devoted of Sigmar confirmed! Less jokingly it seems odd that they would include a model that got discontinued prominently in new art work. Another sign of free peoples on the horizon?
  7. Don't forget that gnawholes give you +1 on prayer rolls now.
  8. From what I can tell from tournament results and ranking I think Thricefold Befoulment is the most competitive build. I want to say its won one or two GTs with lists similar to: GUO w/ Bell Dagger-Tome of a Thousand Poxes GUO w/ Sword and Flail-Gyrstrike or Endless Gift Rotigus 30 Plaguebearers 30 Plaguebearers 5 Blightkings Thricefold Befoulment Umbral Spellportal The Thricefold Befoulment helps boost the melee damage of Rotigus and The Sword and Flail GUOs while giving you a powerful and reliable spell. Via Spellportals you can really line up some brutal plaguewinds and most importantly you can get at your opponents' backline. Meanwhile the Plaguebearer bricks provide screening and objective scorers.
  9. From my personal experience in my local meta. 1.) Sorta. Pusgoyle Blightlords are just not good for their points cost. Granted if they get a points reduction in the GHB 2019 they could see a comeback. I'd still say pick up one SC because you can build the Lord of Afflictions from the Pusgoyle kit and Blightkings are ace. Lord of Blights is so-so but is required for the Blight Cyst battalion and his command ability is nice with Plaguebears. 2.) In my experience Nurgle is in a fairly poor state. You can still win games but you'll suffer from a horrendous match up with Legions of Nagash which is very popular. A lot of the armies in my meta rely on combos that if you can't shut down you just lose. Nurgle mostly lacks the ability to really reach out and hit your opponent hard. There are ways around this (Nurgle is a very broad allegiance with a lot of different units) but in short you will struggle. 3.) Without demons period? Maybe? With just a Bell/dagger GUO and 30 plaguebears? Yes. The best unit by far in our Battletome are the Blightkings. While -1hit will hit a blightking army pretty hard you'll still get a lot of wounds for their points and with blight cyst they can still hit hard enough. The GUO is much needed support and Plaguebears provide the bodies for objective holding that Blightkings lack. 4.) There's a couple of okay builds depending on if you're okay bringing in Slaves to Darkness and Clan Pestilins units. Using the units from the Battletome itself you will be limited to Thricefold Befoulment, Blight Cyst, and a few variants of lists built around one or two blocks of 30 plaguebearers and the Lord of Blights. 5.) A GUO with Bell/Dagger, 30 Plaguebearers, and at least 5 more blightkings. Horticulus can really improve your summoning game too. In short, Nurgle is fine if you like the look and feel of the army and just want to have some fun games. The definition of what is "competitive" can vary a lot between people. If you're wanting to win Grand Tournaments I'd recommend against Nurgle. It can happen but it will be a pretty up hill battle. Some observations about Nurgle Blightkings are swingy but can hit like a ton of bricks. However, -1 to hit really shuts down their offensive power and is widely available to armies now. Even then they don't actually suck since you get so many wounds for their points. Just have a back up hammer in your army list. Plaguebearers by themselves are decent but probably overcosted. With the Lord of Blights command ability on a unit of 30 they are amazingly tanky (with -2 to hit in melee) but will crumple quickly once they drop below 20. Plague Drones can be a good hammer but require a lot of moving parts to be good. As a rule of thumb with just their base attacks they suck, with +1 attack they are good, and with +2 attacks they are amazing. Just be careful of things with 3+ saves or better. Nurgle spells are really good but you will struggle to get them off. Blades of Purification is one of our best damage buffs but requires a 7 to go off and is a rotbringer spell. Our rotbringer wizards have no access to +casts outside of Arcane Terrain. In my experience you will almost never successfully cast it when you really need it and if you do it will be unbound by Nagash with his +3 unbind or autounbound by a Knight-Incantor or otherwise blocked by any one of the numerous armies with far better spellcasting then Nurgle has. Tome of a Thousand Poxes on a dagger GUO will give +2 to cast lore of Nurgle spells though which is immensely helpful and Plague Wind can really hurt, especially if cast in a Thricefold Befoulment. The Glottkin are pretty good and can provide some nice hitting power which Nurgle tends to struggle with. Just bring a Harbinger of Decay with them for a +5 save after the save as the Glottkin are amazingly squishy for an 18 wound model without him.
  10. With the new Verminlords all having a 4+ armor save with a 5+ save after the save and 2 spells for about 260 points do you guys foresee a substantial price drop for GUOs in the new GHB? I was hoping for a small one, mostly because of the sword, but looking at these I'm think as low as 280 is possible.
  11. I like Reavers in minimum units for chaff and bloodtide point generation. Warriors in 10 man squads are good for objects and holding ground with the unit champion (with the Goreglaive special weapon) being able to dish out some hurt. Not amazing but they look cool and aren't bad. I'm hoping they get some love in the new battletome.
  12. Yeah, you continue the attack. Abilities will specify if the attack sequence ends. My current record for my Rage Thirster is a Maw-Crusha, an orruk warboss, the grot harbinger guy, and 4 Gore Gruntas killed in one attack sequence from him. I'd agree 260 is about right with unmodified 6s. Being able to get off more outrageous carnages is just crazy powerful.
  13. Too be honest the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is horribly undercosted currently. Its just not super noticeable since the faction as a whole is kinda meh, same with Gore Pilgrims. I'll gladly continue to take him at 260 points if he no longer works with Gyrstrike. I'm just hoping the new battletome lifts the rest of the army up so we don't need these crutches to keep us going. Considering recent battletomes I'm thinking that's a safe bet and I'm looking forward to not having to take Gore Pilgrims in every freaking list.
  14. I'm curious what the people saying FEC is overpowered think about Legions of Nagash? While all the summoning, resurrecting, and extra attacks are pretty good FEC still kinda feels like an inferior version of legions. Skeleton warriors for instance are cheaper than ghouls, can get 240 attacks via an extra pile in, can bring back 4d3+ models a turn easily, and if they get wiped out the whole unit can come back guaranteed for 1 command point.
  15. I'm pretty sure we'll get a way to dispel endless spells. Its been one of those things that hasn't been a big deal yet but as endless spells continue to get pushed out I could see it getting to a point that an army will need a way to remove them in order to be competitive.
  16. I'm thinking of starting a FEC army in April but am not a fan of finecast. Any of you have a 3rd party model or conversion you really like for the Vargulf? I don't mind the look of the GW Vargulf I just really hate failcast.
  17. Speculation time! Blood Warriors: Do you think we'll get the Witch Aelf do a mortal wound on an unmodified save roll of 6 or the Underworld Bloodwarriors' updated on an unmodified 4+ roll a dice on a 6 do a mortal wound for their Gorefists? If we get the Witch Aelf version (I hope so) do you think two Goreaxes would ever be worth taking? Could we get an extra attack for them instead of reroll ones to hit (also like Witch Aelves)?
  18. While I won't argue that other armies could use a book more (like Slaanesh) Khorne has a lot of internal balance issues and pretty much plays by stacking modifiers to trigger 6+s which is a design decision GW is definitely moving away from. I suspect the new Khorne battletome is going to be a lot more than a couple extra rules tacked on to the existing one.
  19. My understanding, at least from when AoS launched, was that they we're wanting a system were they weren't committed to supporting a given army indefinitely. I think we will see armies armies, even ones released after the launch of AoS, retired to make way for new armies and Stormcast Chambers. That said I would think an army would stick around for at least 5 to 8 years minimum to prevent players from feeling too burned and army popularity would be a big factor too. In Fantasy GW felt constrained by endlessly supporting the same armies (or so I heard somewhere, several years ago) but that was over a 30 year timeframe.
  20. Oof, okay then yeah that's gonna be pretty brutal on a ghoul king on terrorgheist/zombie dragon.
  21. Isn't the new FEC character just giving out extra attacks to ghouls? At 4/4/-/1 those attacks aren't that great, you'd need a boatload of them to do real damage. On the other hand the Bloodsecrator can give his extra attack to a Bloodthirster. Not saying Khorne couldn't use some help (I think Khorne's internal balance is out of wack) but you need to be careful with direct comparisons.
  22. I'm going to take back my earlier statement about thinking rumors involving 10ish battletome releases this year being unrealistic. Its February and we're already at 3 now with this. I just hope Fyreslayers get an actual new unit kit or two. For Skaven and Flesh Eaters, I'm excited though their not a must buy for me. I've been wanting to get into Flesh Eaters but have found their lack of model variety off-putting. If they wind up getting zombies and corpse carts that might push me over. I'm curious to see how many of the resin/metal skaven kits make it into the new battletome.
  23. I haven't added up the points but Gore Pilgrims right? I think Skarr Bloodwrath is a hidden gem of Khorne. Having a model constantly popping up everywhere in an objective based game is just gravy. Side note: what do people think about the future of Blood Warriors? Would Gorefists still be worth taking if they get changed to the ones on Magore's Fiends where they only work on a save of 4+ (after rerolls and modifiers)?
  24. I know a guy who did that! He plays Idoneth now...
  25. I'm pretty sure GW wouldn't release an AOS starter box without Stormcast. That said, this is consistent with another rumor regarding the launch of Grand Alliance: Stormcast.
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