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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. Precisely. The animals are glued to the base, then the chariot is magnetised as a separate piece that can swap between the two bases. How will vary, but possibly magnets in the yoke and harnesses.
  2. If you want to swap animals then the best bet is to get a second base, and base the two sets of animal s separately. Then you just build the chariot to swap between the two bases. If you want the riders to change too then obviously magnetise their feet to the chariot.
  3. Super, thanks. I think that means I have enough units for my fanatics, so that should work out quite well! Still getting a feel for the army and how to do things. Its nice to see that they've kept a lot of the classic Night Goblin ideas, like Netters, fanatics being a random etc. I went into it expecting the wackyness to be watered down in order to make the army more competitive, but its good to see that they seem to have struck a good balance!
  4. I'm building a Gloomspite army, built around the Night Goblin type stuff, and am having great fun painting angry little goblins! My question is: do the spore fanatics hide in regular Shooter or Stabba units, like the regular fanatics do? It seems like they should, since they are a variant of the same thing, but unless I'm missing something I couldn't see that bit of the rules on their warscroll?
  5. Not really. You just have to roll lots of different dice, mix them up frequently and hope that it all averages out. So long as you don't curate your dice to identify the best and worst rolling ones it tends to all work out reasonably well.
  6. Wow, that's amazing! We've accidentally gone a bit off topic, but yeah, I'd think that the riders would work OK on the modern mounts. Although the creatures are larger, its not as though the actual saddles are. Both the mounted lord and mounted sorcerer have a slightly unnatural pose though, which works well with the older style of model, but might be a little jarring compared to the newer sculpts. They might also be a little top heavy, at least on a black dragon, since they are hefty pieces of lead!
  7. This would never have occurred to me, because Chaos, but that would actually work really well! The warriors and blunderbusses become Longbeards and Irondrakes respectively, the Sorcerers become runelords or battlemages, with the Sorcerer on Lamassu being a Battlemage on Griffon, and the Lord on Taurus a General on Griffon. The Rocket launcher and Earthshaker work as the two ironweld artillery pieces, and Bull Centaurs become Demigriff Knights! Obviously the Lords are warden kings, or maybe generals on foot, depending on the type. You could even use a Daemonsmith as a Cogsmith if you wanted to push it a little. I think there would be some difficulty with base sizes, but it might actually be a better proxy for the models than trying to run them as Legion of Azgorh! The Dwarf General in my is shouting "Heresy!" as I type this, but the Chaos Dwarf General is intrigued by the possibilities!
  8. Surely the lore appropriate use for the ogre half is to melt them down and use the plastic to cast more bonereapers! I can't imagine GW endorsing that approach for some reason though...
  9. Yeah, it almost seems like a no brainer to do a box which is just all the different trolls in one set. Given that Looncurse was quite squig heavy, they need something that will complement it. My only doubt is that these boxes often seem to be designed to be complementary to whatever start collecting set is going to be coming out a few months later. So it that ended up having the big troll in if then they might want to stay clear of that for a battleforce, and go with something like the mangler squigs for the centerpiece. Cool as it would be to see a start collecting that is mangler squigs, a set of five hoppers and a squig herd, I'm suspecting that they will make it a bit more diverse, perhaps with squigs, grots, and a Trogboss. Only time will tell!
  10. Didn't they say that another Chaos Tome was still coming this year, or have we had it and I didn't notice? With the rate of updates its getting a little hard to keep track!
  11. I'm most surprised by them referring to the Ogre's little helpers Gnoblars again. I don't know if any of the books have called them that, but on the webstore they've been listed as "grots" for far too long!
  12. For that matter, Cthulhu itself and the tentacled aesthetic it inspired in everything from Mind Flayers and Davy Jones, to some tyranids and the helmets of certain Corsair captains, is actually not that prominent in Lovecraft's work. Most of the stories don't actually involve Cthulhu at all, and records suggest that he didn't consider it as central a part of his mythos as later authors would. Lovecraft called his horror stories "Yog-Sothothery" suggesting that he considered that god to be more central to them than Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones. However, The Call of Cthulhu is one of the best stories, and became the iconic one, providing a touch stone for a lot of what came later. The original stories also have several different cycles, which have often been canon welded together into a more coherent setting than originally intended. Some were written by lovecraft, but others were written by Robert E Howard, Clark Ashton Smith and numerous other of their friends. After his death far more authors began contributing to the mythos, leading the its resurgence within gaming circles in more recent times. Its notable that a lot of people who play Cthulhu mythos games don't actually read the original stories, and so the pop cultural "idea" of what Cthulhu is about has somewhat grown beyond what it actually is about. This means that the more casual and aesthetic influences can be the most obvious, while more subtle themes aren't really recognised as being lovecraftian any more, since every horror author of the last 90 years has put their own spin on them.
  13. One has to hope that the way they're doing it with Sisters of Battle is a reaction to how badly the Cities of Sigmar discontinuations went. It might mean that they've taken the criticism on board, and are trying out a better way to do it. Then again it could just be 40K favoritism. I guess only time will tell...
  14. There is definitely a lot of lovecraftian influence in Warhammer. One of the important ones is the corrupting effect of magic in WFB and WFRP. The fact that you can easily go a bit to far, and end up mad, a mutant or worse very much fits with the nihilistic themes of a lot of Cthulhu mythos stuff. The Realm of Chaos stuff as a whole also has a very lovecraftian theme, and in many ways it seems that was the original "warhammer" setting, before the Old World of 40K's galaxy were really codified.
  15. Yeah, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Though that said, I'm not trying to be critical of those who frequently forget this. Its just one of those things which is worth saying every so often!
  16. Having everything for a given army is definitely the exception rather than the norm. For every one player who has bought all the nighthaunt you can expect there to be many who have only got a few, or didn't advance beyond the starter set. I'd consider myself quite a fan of them, but its taken me the better part of the year to get the starter set stuff completed to my satisfaction, so I'm only now thinking about expanding beyond that. Those of us who post on the forums are always going to be the most engaged with the hobby, so its easy to forget that we are not necessarily representative of the market as a whole. Even if all of the main Nighthaunt players on here have complete collections, you can bet that there are more casual fans out in the wild who would be interested in such a set.
  17. Yeah, depending on whats in it, I could see myself going for the Nighthaunt one. They have a lot of potential to grab people who bought Soul Wars and Storm Strike, but then didn't get much beyond those, and are eyeing the more expensive troop kits and the various bigger bits, but haven't gone for them yet. Since I consider some of those kits on an almost monthly basis, but haven't bought much more since the starter, I'm sure that I can't be the only one.
  18. Its interesting that "Soulbound" seems to be a subheading to "Warhammer Age of Sigmar Roleplay" That can sometimes mean that different aspects of the game will end up with different core rules, as with FFG's 40K games, and the more recent Star Wars line (Edge of the Empire, Force and Destiny, and Age of Rebellion). Its a trend we've not seen from cubicle seven as much though, so hopefully they'll keep everything compatible.
  19. I've not actually tried doing it, but I wonder if playing games over Roll20 could work quite well. Take the pictures from the AoS store, and upload them into a campaign with a big terrain covered map in, it, and you're good to go. I mainly toyed with the idea to allow me to game against people who are a long way away, rather than for budgetary reasons, but it would be effectively free, and the options would be practically unlimited.
  20. Nice! I guess back then there was no way to know what direction the Klingon and Romulan fleets would go in! I'm intrigued that they did Gorn ships, but again, if you are in the days before Next Generation then there's every reason to keep the Gorn and the Tholians as the major powers they were depicted as in the Original series!
  21. The dwarf is all well and good, but I'm more intrigued by that Romulan Scout ship. I've seen a lot of non canon ship designs from that era, but didn't know that GW was at it too! I wish we still had prices like those though...
  22. I dabbled for a while around the turn of the millennium, when I was in my early teens, I really got going with Battle games in Middle Eart h magazine in 2002 though. Before that i'd just git a small amount of 40k stuff, but lord of the rings was much more up my street.
  23. You could definitely do a nighthaunt box that had no overlap with soul wars at all. Do two or three of the non- easy to build troop kits, Either Olynder and Kurdoss, and something old like Black Knights or spirit hosts to pad it out.
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