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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. You can chose wich effect is applied first, and then move to the other one. But remember that's only for abilities with the same timming (e.g: when it's slain...), for effects that triggers in the same dice roll (e.g: on an unmodified hit roll of 6), you must chose wich one are you going to use in that dice roll.
  2. Remember that Cover only gives you +1 save. But being in a Garrison doesn't give you Cover anymore, instead, it gives you a flat +1 save and -1 to be hit that is not treated as "Cover".
  3. As @GrimDork and @Btimmy said, we have some issues in 3.0 that directly impact our gamestyle. Ex.: We use Rend to chew against armored units, but with all +1 saves around, that's a bit harder to do than before. But we are NOT that bad. We can shoot multiple units to try to bait All out Defense and we still have lots of rerolls to hit (something that I expect to lose in this edition) that makes our units a bit more reliable. Our subfactions are still playable (Thring, Urbaz, Zilfin, Mhornar) and we can use all our units (maybe Brokk and Thunderers are a bit behind, but not unplayable). There are some Skywarden-lists taking top3 in 3-games tournaments!! Our main problem is when we play against specific armies that counter our strength (capturing objective, mortal wounds AoE, save-stacking, defensive bonus to ranged attacks, etc...). That's a big problem in 5-games tournaments because we are going to face some of them. I still think that our problem is because we are not flexible enough for 3.0 (we are more "one-trick pony"). This edition demands players to adjust and change their gameplay to accomplish their tactics: they need to pull the trigger to kill THAT monster/battleline (we can only focus fire, but not increase our mortal wounds output), take X objective (no defensive bonus, just steal objective with +6" movement or fly high) and all this kind of stuff. We need to plan ahead and stick to that plan (that's a bit weird for an army with """""infinite"""" movement) Btw, we are a bit neglected by GW because we are still waiting for 3.0 FAQs to know how should we play (disembark, teleports within melee range in the movement phase, etc...).
  4. Anyone miss named characters and/or unique units? I know that a lot of people loves to play with their own background, but I miss to have some units with their own Lore or an “added” value. I'm sure that some people remember Bael-Grimnir: Imo, I don't need new models for them, I just need an excuse to play with them (rules!). They don't even need to be the most broken thing in the army (look at Brokk "Tophat" Grungsson), but some rules to draw players atention. Imho, Skumdrekk has an awesome rule to interact with their own army without being broken and still be really "fluffy": Kharadrons have a lot of awesome people in their ranks, maybe some of you remember Drak Grolsson, one of the most young endrinriggers to be promoted and his last stand with his skyriggers vs Tzeentch on the Aether-War: I just miss some fluffy rules (with maybe some new paint scheme). Some other non-hero units could have the same, like "Veteran Arkanauts" or " Vessels of Renown": So, what do you think? Anyone want to see more named characters or something like "promoted" units?
  5. They have a resource database with all erratas, but I think the last cards are still not there (with the alternative masters). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7kw1fe52r9ne0a5/AAD5LlVDDxclGL_bJI2ROuAZa?dl=0
  6. How much is a Vig badge? That's a lot of things!!!!
  7. I'm a bit annoyed about Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur. It seems to be the new "Endless Spells 2.0" and that's something that I don't like see: Models with an expiration date printed on their books. I can understand campaigns and books because they are telling an story with a resolution (ending) but I'm not a fan of miniatures that seems to be an upgraded version of a 4 years old mechanic with dedicated models. I hope I'm totally wrong and I just misunderstood the whole Post. It will be a nice new addition to the game without anything in common to Endless Spells.
  8. But 50% of their shots!! Let's hope that GW doesn't give them any "Frightful touch" battletrait to do mw on 6+ To Hit and an ability to improve to a 5+!!
  9. 12" seems fine. We just need an errata to reduce all ranged profiles to 18"-12"-9" and I'm happy.
  10. Let me understand what I'm reading: "Lumineth", that pointy ears dudes with BULL HELMETS "Another brother" it could be Tyrion, but it could be a metaphor about the new Tyrion and Teclis status in AoS, and I'm talking about being a GOD, and in the same level of other ones. For example, HASHUT!! I don't want to build any hype, but everything clearly points to Chaos Dwarfs!!!
  11. New rumor engine: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/03/22/the-rumour-engine-22nd-march-2022/
  12. That make sense, with the last rumor of not having any new kits this year XD (/jokeOff)
  13. @Chikout I think that's the problem. It's so random that the players can feel really bad about it. 1hit KO to one of your heroes, or nothing at all. In one roll.
  14. Laught as much as you want, but it will not change the fact that KOs are going to have the best battletome ever, revealed in one week!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH
  15. Yes, it affects itself (it was FAQ'd: all units are in LoS of itself). But take in mind that Flagship is a 1.0 ability and it can't be used in 3.0 (we are still using 2.0 book and warscrolls).
  16. Glad you asked! Kharadrons Overlords wave 2: Presentation of the new Kharadron Book with: Updated Battle Traits to reflect the ongoing story: 2d conference of Madralta and the Duardrazhal. New Battle Trait: Uncharted Companies (unlocked by a Trade-Commodore). Footnotes as new enhancements (Like Holy-Orders). Skyports with 1 Artycle (changing the way that you can build a list, like new battlelines or coalition units) and 1 Amendment (good ol'ability). 2 new units (double-kit): offensive melee arkanauts (Copperheads) and defensive melee arkanauts (Geldraad Defenders) with bodyguard and aether-shields! New unit: Cogmunculus (promoted from being an artefact!). Chaff-like unit that can be summoned or ressurected by aether-gold. New named character: Imoda Barrasdotrr. Master Navigator with a ranged punch!! 2 new generic Heroes: Grundstock Marshal that unlocks Grundstock Thunderers and gunhaulers as battleline for all skyports (thematic Grundstock-mercenary army force!!) and Trade-Commodore that unlocks a new Battletrait: Uncharted Company. New medium double-kit (ship): Makaisson-hauler (good transport with powerful low-range weapons) and Sky-trawler (mining skyvessel with good melee dmg). New 120€ kit: (tamed) HARKRAKEN. Yep, a Monster!!! Too bad the next White Dwarf rules are going to be obsolete in 2-3 months, but it is what it is. I'm still going to buy the next White Dwarf.
  17. Yes. You need to score a 1+ after all modificators. But if the enemy has -2 rend, your roll of 2 become 0 (in 3.0, not in 2.0) so your save roll is no success anymore.
  18. I don't think it's a bad patch, but I hate bandaids. It reminds me of parasitic design mechanics from videogames (MMOs): patches that only last a few years (months?). That's one of the worst designs if you want an ongoing/seasoned game. Josh Strifes has a video that explains this type of design from a videogame pov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwHJqXKwRKM My main issue is that this patch should be part of the core game. Some units are perfectly to fit as Prime Hunters. Just not use this Battlescrolls as a bandaid, believe in what you do GW!!!
  19. I agree, but I think it's more complicated than that. Imo, we are stuck in an Uroboros since the end of 1.0: You win by capturing objectives. You need dmg to remove that unit from an objective (mega-gargants). Repeat point 1 Not sure if that's the main problem, but as a KO player, it's an uphill battle.
  20. So, what do you want to see in the next WD issue?? We don't have any terrain, so pretty sure that we are not going to be BoCed. Maybe more triumphs and a new allegiance to take more Aethergolds contracts/shares could be awesome (Barak-Urbaz style). About tactics, something about movement without defending a points would be a dream! Or maybe have a unit in every side of the table or something like that.
  21. White Dwarfs usually pack some lore stuff appart from rules. I'm really interested in knowing why some Kharadrons have Fyreslayer's Ur-Gold runes on their flesh when they follow a Leader of Duardrazhal Runefather... Maybe our Leaders of Duardrazha Admirals are going to accept other Duardins on our Skyvessels...
  22. That's really easy to do for the Combat Phase: Remove 13.3.1 Allocate Wounds from the Attack Sequence (only for the Combat Phase) and write a new sub-phase at the end (after strike last) of the Combat Phase (12.0). Shooting is a bit tricky because there are armies that doesn't have any shooting and the Ranged Phase doesn't use Alternative Activations like the Combat one. Changing the Shooting Phase to be like the Combat Phase could work, but it will change the meta in to something a lot more shooty, and that's something that I don't want to see (before you ask, I'm a KO player).
  23. Disagree. I only play casual games, even I go to tournaments just to see friends and participate with the AOS community. And the worst experience I had (besides being destroyed early game by a 2" bad set-up) is when you need that turn to stay in the game but the dice thinks otherwise and my opponent take a double turn and the game ends abruptly. That kind of gameplay reminds me of a certain videogame:
  24. Da Curze of da early 'dition books! I hope to see more warclans (at least 1 more), more battleline if (unlocked by warclans and general), less abilities with restrictions (skare taktikz, poisons & elixirs), more swamp-lore interactions (bonus to cast), more Command Traits (two tables: magic users and bosses) and at least 2 more artifacts (with the same trending of "Once Per Battle") with an option to take more artifacts (like Greyfyrd). /WishlistOff
  25. 100% this! That remind me of some Horus Heresy mechanics (old War40k editions). Appart from clunky rules, rare interactions and too much USR, the Horus Heresy has a really good (and diferent) base stats/profiles that can make a unit stand out over others without new abilities.For example, Rend (AP) completely ignore armor (Ex.: Ap2 means that Saves of 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+ and 6+ can't be used to block this attack). Sounds crazy, but it creates units with dedicated roles. 80% of (Space Marine) troops have 3+ saves, so, you will always have 3 options: Dedicated AP3 weaponry, but it's a bit expensive, restricted range and with some conditions (1 every 5, only unit captains, etc...) A bucket of low-quality attacks. Easy to shoot (hit/wound) weaponry. Cheap or even free, can be used by everybody. AP 2 or better weapons. Expensive, with some conditions (a few melee weapons, only terminators, canons or heavy vehicle weaponry, special relics, Legion specific weaponry, etc...). I know it's not the same, but the point is that base stats and weapon profiles are a good start to build a unit with enough personality. Look at poor vampires, they have 4A with 3+/3+/-1/1D3, and then look at Killaboss with his 4A with 3+/3+/-1/2... Not fair! Common GW, it's your game, believe in it!
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