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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Ogroid theridons seems to be a good can-opener unit. Can pack a lot of punch with just a little setting. I love all this new units! Even if I don't see any dwarf around!!
  2. What pushed me out of Slaanesh was that their warscrolls were meh at best (only Sigvald and Glutos have cool abilities), and their battle traits didn't have anything interesting. We are talking about Slaanesh here, the prince weird stuff. I expected crazy stuff. Cycling artifacts every turn (like Nurgle Wheel but for artifacts), a table of temptations (KoS-style with a lot of other cool options), controlling enemy units (Mesmerizing Mirror but upgraded to 20) or even taking them as coalition units, a table of perfumes that affects units within 3" in diferent ways (Glutos style), etc. Instead, Slaanesh ended with explosive 6s to hit like Savage Orcs (nothing wrong with the green dudes, but I expected something more refined for our Hedonites), an ambush subfaction (?) or multi-hero subfaction. That's a missed oportunity in my book.
  3. That big thing with a tail on the Chosen pic seems to be the new Ogroid
  4. More books to read (I hope), more games to play (40k/Killteam) and more miniatures to paint! I'm excited about League of Votann!!! Everything seems awesome!
  5. That will put them in the range of Guttrippaz, Judicators (crossbows), vigilors and both Akhelian eels. And remember that eels were nerfed in the last book.
  6. From Dakka Dakka: I can see something that horrible being part of the new Chaos miniatures.
  7. Time to talk about the flags: Warhammer Fest (nothing) Horus Heresy: Imperial Fists Necromunda ??? Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth Warhammer 40k: League of Votann Something about Chaos Necromunda: Tusken Riders Kill Team: Logo Horus Heresy: Sons of Horus Warhammer Fest (nothing) Something about Chaos Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth Warhammer 40k: League of Votann
  8. The "leaked" phase 1 and phase 3 rules are split between 3 books: Generic stuff book (with a lot of missing units...) Loyalist Book (without a lot Heroes and the Exemplary Battles units) Traitor Books (without a lot Heroes and the Exemplary Battles units) No words for other armies but they are mentioned in some Rites of War.
  9. New Warscrolls for all the three Underworlds bands: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/04/22/dance-with-the-exiled-dead-in-the-depths-of-the-nethermaze-and-on-the-battlefield/ Notes: Deintalos is a Vampire (not a necromancer) with a conditional +1 to cast/unbind and has better profile in melee than the Shadeborn leader (?) Save of 4+/5++. This band has Mortal Wounds on 6 to hit. Shadeborn has a 4++ for >9" ranged attacks. Teleport band with 4+saves. Hagg Nar The rats have mw on 6 to hit (1D3). They have Run&Shoot and can ambush 6" away from enemy (and within 6" of terrain) and their leader can fight first. Clan Eshin
  10. 100% agree. I'm not a big fan of actual AoS rules (AoS rules are between this two big worlds, not complex enough and too much bloated to be simple fast-phased game) and I'm really curious to see what TOW will become. It could be a big hook for our gaming group.
  11. Their rules feel like an "DLC" mechanic than something that was designed for the game. Pretty sure that they are going to be phased out for something like "Endless Incarnates" in 4.0.
  12. There is a FAQ answering exactly the same question:
  13. I remember that there was a book or story about a Stormcast thatcontacted with people from the Wolrd that Was using the Realm of Chaos. Anyone knows where I can find more info about that? Thanks a lot!!
  14. I just want to support the concept of giving more diversity. As a Dwarf fan, our last female model was looooooooooooooong time ago: Helgar Longplaits. To be honest, I'm not a fan of her model, but it is what it is. The last few years, Kharadrons had a lot of new female characters that could drive their own stories with indredible and awesome deeds, like Borri Kraglan (star of two of the best Black Library Kharadron adventures). I'm a big fan of her, and I hope to see her model on plastic: Since our release on 2017, our Battletomes recieved an increasing amount of illustrations and concept arts of female Kharadrons. Thanks to that, the army feels a lot more beliable, something that I really appreciate (take note with the female Ancestor Mask, it looks awesome): Just to point out, Kharadron society is a meritocracy, being a male or female duardin doesn't give you a sit on the Geldraad. We just need that last push with some female plastic models to be more beliable and coherent with our own lore.
  15. New supplement for Soulbound. It is focused on The Grund, an Ironclad that previously appeared in Crash&Burn, Faltering Light and Cities in Flames!! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343865/Warhammer-Age-of-Sigmar-Soulbound-The-Grund-Operations-Manual Can't wait to read it!!!
  16. I'm in no way a super competitive player, I like to win, but not at all costs. If I want to use them in boats, I usually take the 18" shotguns. My main problem with this guys is that they need saturation or a lot of buffs to do dmg to armored targets (and this days, everyone rocks a 3+ saves or better...). I usually get better results with 20 Arkanauts: they do cheap dmg to heavy armored troops with so many dices and can still delete chaff (damn 9" pistols) With the new ammunition, it seems that this units can really shine. Their profile are still meh, but with some random buffs, they can threaten some armored dudes too. I love Special Weapons, and appart from an Ironclad, I think it's our best unit to Unleash Hell. My main issue with them is their dmg is so conditional and not really good unless the enemy is <9". Another downside is that they are reaaaaallyyyyyyyyyy boring because you need to roll for each weapons. I hope to see some simplification in the future. Same as above. That -1 rend ammunition is soooo juicy!! Their main downsides are still their range and profiles. I still think that Arkanauts are one of the best units, but I just love our " Elite" troops.
  17. Are we 100% sure that the rumormongers said "Skavens and Malerion Elfs" instead of "Dwarfs"??
  18. I didn't count that +1to hit was for ranged weapons too. Their dmg should improve a little. If there is a Hero/Monster that needs to die, the Urbaz/Custom Admiral can punch really hard: 5 attacks (9") hitting on 2+(+1hit), wounding on 3+ (Triumph), Rend-1 (or-2 with ammunition) and Dmg 4 (Grudgebearer), and can try to ignore wards (ammunition) if Rend is not needed. 3 melee attacks, hitting on 2+ (+1hit), wounds on 2+, Rend-2 and Dmg 6. With just a little bit of luck (or cheap dmg), our Admiral can one-shot Teclis (even with Protection of Shysh). I think it's a lot easier to deliver our Admiral than any other assassin from other armies, with a Kamikaze Gunhauler + some movement shenanigans (24"+charge with generic Footnote), it could be easy.
  19. Thx a lot!!! I'm really interested in the story and it seems that this book is perfect!! Sadly, I can't afford 42.50€. I prorbably will buy second hand.
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