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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. We are part of the Lethisian Defenders army!!! After reading the preview, a new army mixing some Order races ( Stormcast Eternals, Idoneth Deepkin, Kharadron verlords, Fyreslayers and Excelsior Warpriests) with their own allegiance abilities, artefacts, prayers... I cannot wait to see more!!!
  2. I really hope to see the mercenary system expanded with new regiments (not just fyreslayers and FEC, maybe some Ogors, Orruks and Free People too). I can't wait to see how you can build an army of Lethisian Defenders, and Legion of Grieff sounds awesome. New scenary for everybody seems right for armies without one, but I'm not sure that I want that. New Endless Spells is allways good (btw, I play without preists and wizzards, so it's not something I'm looking for too). My only question, how many of this things will be relevant for matched play?
  3. Are dogs of war just a group of mercs that become famous (and a Paymaster/Big Dude just group them under a banner)? If that's the case, Dogs of War are already in the lore, the only problem is that GW are not working on them yet.
  4. Yes, you are right with that point (Orktober). But I believe that GW will continue with the same modus operandi of 2018 (or something close). Imho, Forgoten Power is just this year "Malign Portents" (campaing with new mechanics). With some luck, we are not going to buy three diferent books (GHB+Malign sorcery+core book) and everything will be packed in maybe one or two books (core and GHB) with a new box opening a new conflict. Only time will tell if 2019 will be closer to 2017 than 2018.
  5. Well, I don't know what will come this june/july. I just aim for new mechanics and rules (with maybe a new box), and that's what AoS 2.0 was last year, so it's logic to use "3.0" label this year until we know more.
  6. Well, I believe that it started with more than that book: new core mechancis and of course, all 2018 books (Core Book, GHB2018 and Malign Sorcery). I just re-read the old news from warhammer community and looked to all 2018 books, and there isn't any "2.0 edition" written on them. In other words, it's just fan-label for 2018 books and new mechanics.
  7. Just swap "AoS 3.0" for "GHB2019" then (the point I made is still relevant). Explanation: there isn't any 2nd edition of Age of Sigmar, just "new edition (aka, new GHB book, there isn't any Battletome or Book that talked about "Editions" like of Fantasy, and I only remember the Community team talking about "new edition" and not 2.0 or anything like that). So, instead of GHB 2019, I used AoS 3.0.
  8. It seems that Forgotten Powers will have new mechanics: open vaults and recieve some type of reward (or something bad). That take me thinking, if Malign Portents expanded a new point system (previously called "Prophecy Points", and later addapted to Command Points), what kind of new mechanics are we going to see in AoS 3.0? Can't wait for more previews!!!
  9. It's simple, people wanted a full AoS army, but this release was focused on Slaanesh-y Demons and rules for them (and 40k). People that wanted mortals are still going to wait. I was an old Sigvald fan, and I still want some type of Slaanesh-mortals, but the next release is not about them. Disapointing or not, it's our fault that after two presentations we still believed that half of the range was hidden because "reasons".
  10. If they go for the same thunderers route (what you have in the box, is the maximum loadout that you will be using), then I hope to see some diferent rules to play. I'm a bit bored to rolling for 3-4 diferent weapons for the same unite (it's a waste of time). I hope to see something diferent. For example, special weapons could give some type of buffs to the whole unite: -Skypikes could give us +1 to hit to melee weapons -Skyhooks could give some rend to ranged weapons (-1). -Aethermatic volleyguns maybe could give some range (6" maybe) or +1atk . Aetheric augmentation could double the buff itself (-2 rend or 24" range pistols could be scary if you have in mind that it's a battleline unit).
  11. I really hope to see Endless Spells Science, and maybe terrain with a new book (and dice). One thing that will help on balancing is if they try to create a mechanic for all this new "hero phase" mechanics: endless spells, permanent prayers and endless Science (skryre, Kharadron Overlords, Ironweld Arsenal, etc...). That could help a bit and make them part of the game and not a supplement (we need to be realistic here, they are part of the game now). For KO, I really hope to see some type of Everblaze Comet (maybe not that big and without the comet, and some type of bomb or broken container), that can be shoot with any warmachine. Some more brainstorming: And Enrinmaster could load again the warmachine/cannon if he is 3"(or embarked). At least, endrinmaster could have a purpose with a mechanic like that (and some nice combos with gunhaulers-delivering "bombs").
  12. I'm not sure about that. To use any Firestorm Abilities, you need to use GA Abilities first (and of course, have the GA keyword). That's the only requirement. Any Allegiance can use GA Abilities if they don't have their own (from FAQs, if your Allegiance have some unique Abilities, you MUST use them). But this doesn't affect Phoenix Temple so... So, imho, Phoenix Temple should pick GA: Order Abilities +Firestorm even if they use their own Allegiance to build their list (allies and "battleline if...").
  13. You pay for all 15. But only take 14 to give some space for the khemist in the frigate (with zilfin artefact). Khemist use his artefact to make another battleshock in the shooting phase (so, no Inspire Presence CA) and hope that the enemy doesn't have an answer to that.
  14. At first sight, I can see: - The font is diferent from other battletomes. -Kerning too. -The img, like someone said, seems to be registred by FFG (it could be bought again or maybe they had a talk to use them...maybe not). -The cover has the "old bands" in both sides of "Order Battletome" (every Grand Faction had their own "decorating bands", but the last ones didn't continue that and the new design seems to have two lines in both sides of the "faction battletome"). Conclusion: Maybe I'm wrong, but imho, it's fake.
  15. Awesome! Hope your source is correct. I don't have any problem if we don't see any new army if in return we are going to have old armies updated. Let's be clear, IMHO, having a full AoS2.0 (3.0?) battletome is the final goal to every army. Everything else inbetween seems to be just a patch to make some time for their "update".
  16. After reading the last 10 pages... I must say that we need more rumours, wishlisting or some false/real leaks as soon as possible...
  17. Don't look at Chaos/Khorne threads. It seems that Khorne ended in bottom tier. In two weeks I will have an small tournament with at least 3 khorne players. Time will tell if they are "that" bad.
  18. I didn't say bigger because bigger is better (that's a bit orky). I said they should have some balance between being big, strong and agile. If you want to point that normal elves are the best sized elf-entities, then go for it. Imho, an elven god could aim a bit higher. About mindless elfs... It was just a concept. I wanted to say that they can create whatever they want to put something under the grimdark umbrella. You can go with the same (arrogant, racist, etc...) or any other thing (perfect entities being broken because their father's arrogance).
  19. Imho, they need to be something close to Brutes or StormCast. If you are an aelven god, you want perfection (tell that to Idoneth...). In other words: something big, strong and fast (perfect balance). Tyrion & Teclis don't have an anvil to reforge their children, so it's not out of place to think that hysh aelves should be designed with some type of healing" powers too (auto-healing, auto-ressurect, Ynnari abilities, etc...). And of course, magic. A lot of magic (buff, debuff, missile, etc...). I'm not sure if they need any type of mount or warmachine (wings can be an answer for mounts for example). The grimdark face of this design could be that they are mindless entities (that explains a little bit their problem with ID). If you are an Aelven god and wants to control everything, it could be the best/worst solution (classic elven fix).
  20. Im really sure that some of them were written with AoS 3.0 on mind (mainly Gloomspite, skaventide and FEC). Don't know why, but their rules seems to have something more behind them.
  21. The Game seems awesome. I will wait to see more before going all in.
  22. If this Settrus is Settra, how do we know that he still remember his old live? I mean, if Sigmar needs your soul, I'm sure he will lobotomize you to take care of any possible drawbacks that the your old dude had. But my main concern is what will happen if Settrus recovers his memory? On my book, Horus Heresy will become a fairy tale.😂
  23. Beliman


    I'm curious because Sequitors are liberators from a SCE-Chamber focused on magic, and Banshees are an anti-magic unit, but the box doens't come with any magic dice. Another thing that I'm interested is in the boards, seems to be one big board with the same size of two Underworlds boards, but even if it's divided (and they just photoshope'd the edges), there seems to be 5 starting hexes for one board and 4 for the other. Some other hexes seems to have some type of pit but are not marked red too... Maybe this box/game uses a board that is not compatible with Underworlds?
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