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Stormhost Additional Units

Let's 'ere it for da boyz!

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For starters, from the Stormcast Battletome:


Celestial Vindicators Warrior Chamber must contain the following:

Hammerstrike Force battalion (must contain units of PALADINSrather than 2)

Celestial Vindicators Warrior Chamber may also contain the following:

0-1 Lords of the Storm battalion

0-3 Thunderhead Brotherhood battalions

0-2 Hammerstrike Force battalions

Any number of additional STORMCAST ETERNALS units.


So, my question is: can you field battalions not listed here as part of a Celestial Vindicators force?  For instance, if I fielded a Devastation Brotherhood would they benefit from the Vows of Vengeance ability, provided they met all the other requirements?  This battalion isn't explicitly listed.  Would it fall under the auspices of "Any number of additional STORMCAST ETERNALS units?"


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1 hour ago, Let's 'ere it for da boyz! said:

So, my question is: can you field battalions not listed here as part of a Celestial Vindicators force?  For instance, if I fielded a Devastation Brotherhood would they benefit from the Vows of Vengeance ability, provided they met all the other requirements?  This battalion isn't explicitly listed.  Would it fall under the auspices of "Any number of additional STORMCAST ETERNALS units?"

I think this is an old question and the short answer is "no"

As Requizen said, a bataillon is no unit, plus, on the fluff side, This is a Warrior Chamber, not an Exmplar Chamber where Devastation Brotherhood formations belongs.

The Différent chambers purposely list all the formations you can field and this match the fluff as intended.

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That makes sense and apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.  I couldn't find any threads covered this question.

Here's my issue with your responses though (which was also my gut reaction for what it's worth): if I take all the units that constitute a battalion piecemeal, it's all okay.  Once I spend the points on the formation however, RAW, it appears to be a no go.

I can't argue with the Devastation Brotherhood example, but my actual intention was to use the Vanguard Angelos Battalion, which isn't listed as a possible inclusion in ANY of the Stormhosts.  

In fact, none of the formations featuring units from the Vanguard Chamber are allowable in conjunction with any of the Stormhosts.  I hope THAT was unintentional, but until we get some clarification, it seems like we'll have to play it the way you guys have said.

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In the faq under 'Warscrolls and Warscroll Battalions" the last question addresses this:


Q: lf your army meets the requirements of multiple warscroll

battalions, do you gain the advantages for all of them?

A: A unit can only belong to one warscroll battalion,

unless the battalion it is part of is included in

one of the larger warscroll battalions made up of

several ‘sub-battalions’.

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While we're somewhat on topic in regards to additional battalion options, has anyone tried cramming a Hammerstrike Battalion into The Anvils of Heldenhammer Warrior Chamber?

- For people like me that prefer hammers to swords for their Liberators, &/or dig the shiny black 'n' gold color scheme.  I also think the strong element of luck to it would be... fun, with the right attitude???

I wrote a list, but am new to Stormcast, & was having trouble picking Heroes to give each lil detachment/unit a chance to roll a 6 for a free/move/shoot. 

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2 hours ago, Dotification said:


While we're somewhat on topic in regards to additional battalion options, has anyone tried cramming a Hammerstrike Battalion into The Anvils of Heldenhammer Warrior Chamber?

- For people like me that prefer hammers to swords for their Liberators, &/or dig the shiny black 'n' gold color scheme.  I also think the strong element of luck to it would be... fun, with the right attitude???

I wrote a list, but am new to Stormcast, & was having trouble picking Heroes to give each lil detachment/unit a chance to roll a 6 for a free/move/shoot. 


Yeah, the Hammerstrike will fit in a 2k list with room to spare. The 3 battalions and all the requisite troops are only 1460 pts I think.  The problem is, the  Anvils of the Heldenhammer battalion ability only kicks in if you field a Lords of the Storm battalion as well....



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