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Disciples of Tzeentch or Blades of Khorne


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So I have got to a natural stopping position on my Stormcast, all painted at 1500pts and I want a bit of a change on the painting table and the gaming board.

Both are equally appealing on the painting table and aesthetically so really it comes down to the style of play and what type of lists I can create.

I have a decent grounding for both as I have both the Age of Sigmar Khorne Bloodbound and the adversaries from the Warhammer Quest Silver Tower, so I intend to use either as the core for my army. The troops that interest me the most are weirdly the Bloodreavers and Karic Acolytes, the idea of having an army that has a giant horde of either appeals the most.

What would peoples lists look like at 1500pts for either, or what can people tell me about the playing styles of both (if we assume I was using a largeish core of Acolytes and Bloodreavers).

Thanks in advance all :)

EDIT: worth mentioning I have a decent amount of regular daemons for both as well. Bloodletters, Pink horrors etc

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29 minutes ago, backslide said:

easily a week premature, Blades of khorne is not out for a week thus the daemons formations and how they will effect style of play is utterly unknown at this time

That may be true, but the way the army fundementally works I doubt will change.

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I'm just here to wait for the arrival of Blades of Khorne.

Between me and you I'd just pick whatever type of style appeals more to you. There are some smaller spoilers about Blades of Khorne in the latest White Dwarf and they basically confirm that there is a way to 'earn' free Daemons by keeping a killing tally and that the same tally will also be used for something that is called the Blood Thite, which is also found in 40K.

If you like the Khorne synergy and buff melee aspects more as Tzeentch magic aspects I'd say pick up Blades, other wise Desciples offers you Magic, which Khorne will most certainly not allow for. 

In any case you can always start out with just Chaos, focus where you want to in the future. This leaves you to grow your collection based on models and less so on (assumed) preformances ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, if you are comparing Khorne to Tzeentch, there's almost no comparison. Khorne got a few nice buffs and few really great battalions, but the problem I have is that they can't take any of their one-drop "super" battalions in a 2k list. Tzeentch on the other hand, can take almost any of them (the host duplicitous is just dumb and easily fits in 2k), but frankly doesn't even need them to be insanely powerful due to the amount of spells that they can sling to cause mortal wounds, and units like skyfires that will reliably delete multiple units per turn. I think you are going to realize very quickly how limited the khorne playstyle is. Its basically "run straight at your opponent and hope you make it before everything you have dies" Blood tithe makes it better, but with how powerful (and frankly undercosted in most cases) shooting is in this game, its still mostly a losing proposition.

Now, if you don't care about playing in tournaments or using matched play rules, and just like a really smashy melee playstyle, Khorne might work for you. For comp of any kind though, I'm pretty sure khorne is going to have the same problems it had before the new book.

Anyway, its still new and this is all just my opinion, but as someone who has both Khorne and Tzeentch already, I can tell you I've been thrilled with Tzeentch and mostly disappointed with what I've seen of Khorne in the new book, especially when directly comparing the two factions.

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2 hours ago, kaintxu said:

I'm also deciding in the same. leaning more toward Khorne as I want to build pure daemon and I see tzeentch week on that side.

Anyone know if Tzeentch pure daemon can worth it?

Go for the models. 

Tzeentch pure Daemon... Is rough, unless you want to count in the Tzaangors as Daemons and then it isn't so rough :) 

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As a khorne player, maybye  evilmonstar is right, but he don't count on the batallions and the horrible massive horde of khorne.

For.example i played my last tpurnament against an inmortal.silvaneth with 2 ancient treelordds, 9 kurnoth hunters, etc. (withouth blades of khorne book). I killed all his units except the treelords and one of 3 hunters. I have a ***** 120 wounds on 1500 point army, my worst save was the Marauders with 5+ save. The silvaneth just CANT kill all hahaha, they just cant, I dont killed him but I controlled the points with a massive horde of bodyes. And at the end of turn 5 I killed him 700 points, but he killed me 520. He just cant handle this mass of.wounds, and if I had a bit luck with valkia or reapers or the slaugterpriest for surr I killed one of the treelords.

With the book they win on mortal wound counts and some skills and items.

In the other hand you have tzeentch disciples, they can do tons of mortal wounds at distance, but if you dont put tzaangors or mortal stuff to protect your units even if you obliterate the enemy, he only need a double turn to get in combat with you, and all yourbunits are SO squishy.

At the end, you choose big wound cpunt, body count and good armor with low rend but some mortal wounds. Vs some shhooting power and a lot of mortal wounds but with low defense. Both are playable, you need choose playstile and the look of the army :)

(Sorry for my English, I usually don't use it xd)

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2 hours ago, Killax said:

Tzeentch pure Daemon... Is rough, unless you want to count in the Tzaangors as Daemons and then it isn't so rough :) 

I don't know about that. The Host Duplicitous is pure demon and its ridiculously awesome. Tons of mobility options swapping 2 units places every hero phase, tons of casting, and army-wide access to the best debuffing spell in the game.

That battalion will win tournaments once people get practice with it, almost guaranteed.

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Hmmm isnt unkilleable, i think khorne is the natural counter of it and.....

Buy one batallion and spam the same unit or 2 units is extactly what I want avoid playing Age Of Sigmar, the variety is always more fun. Play 8-10 units of pink horrors is so lame. And if I win against it I laught of him for the Eternity xD

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I have both so arguable the biggest problem I'm having is which one do I use next...


Change host has hilarious things it can do and I have always rated flaming chariots, now I have 6 ?


Do u try them tonight?


Or break out my skullseekers with 3 skullcannons ? And back them up with a nice simple murderhost?

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3 hours ago, Killax said:

Go for the models. 

Tzeentch pure Daemon... Is rough, unless you want to count in the Tzaangors as Daemons and then it isn't so rough :) 

Do you mean regular Tzaangors or skyfires?


thing is I didn't want to have to buy much stuff as I don't play that often and investing into 9 skyfires...


i have seen many lists with 3 of them but I don't know why I feel that just 3 with the rest of daemons is not so worth it

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26 minutes ago, kaintxu said:

Do you mean regular Tzaangors or skyfires?


thing is I didn't want to have to buy much stuff as I don't play that often and investing into 9 skyfires...


i have seen many lists with 3 of them but I don't know why I feel that just 3 with the rest of daemons is not so worth it

Either really, if you dont want too much to buy I think Khorne can be easier. 

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4 minutes ago, kaintxu said:

Can you give me some feedback on why the tzaangors are so good?

You get creative and convert yourself Skyfires :) Check the scrolls for why, it isnt too difficult to see.

More importantly go for the models you like more.

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8 minutes ago, Killax said:

You get creative and convert yourself Skyfires :) Check the scrolls for why, it isnt too difficult to see.

More importantly go for the models you like more.

I guess it is that I'm quite new in the game, but looking at the warscroll and points cost and I can't really see it. 180 points for 5 guys (10 wounds) seems rather steep. Yes they get lots of bonuses stacking up with heroes and such but still...

imlive all daemon models, which is why I own 30-40 of each basic daemon (sorry only 24 daemonettes), I like all greater daemons and the new tzeentzch stuff is good too, so I would,love to see what is more competitive before investing in it

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On 12/04/2017 at 0:55 AM, kaintxu said:

I guess it is that I'm quite new in the game, but looking at the warscroll and points cost and I can't really see it. 180 points for 5 guys (10 wounds) seems rather steep. Yes they get lots of bonuses stacking up with heroes and such but still...

imlive all daemon models, which is why I own 30-40 of each basic daemon (sorry only 24 daemonettes), I like all greater daemons and the new tzeentzch stuff is good too, so I would,love to see what is more competitive before investing in it

Wait a minute, you get 10 guys (20 wounds) don't you? 

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