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Rats, Rats everywhere


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I do not know if this idea for this came from lack of sleep, my love for clan moulder, restarting skaven, or my love for swarm armies, but I have a crazy theme list that will most likely fail miserably.   In my quest for the perfect horde army, have I created madness?  Here goes, advice always welcome. 


Heros(440 points)

4x pack masters

(1 general with crown of command.  trait great destroyer or cunning deceiver)

points: 240

Throt the unclean

points 100


points 100



312 Giants rats

total 1560

unit composition, most likely 9 units of 36(main combat lot, gain +3 leadership in full strength units, surprisingly killy), and 4 units of 6(objective grabbers units).   Or i could just do 52 units of 6 (which is a waste). 

Total models: 318


Now, let compare them to the most famous horde army in AOS: zombies.  The funny thing is, I think they the giant rats are a hidden gem.  They are move 8(+1 if near packmaster), at 30+ hits on 2, with 3 attacks on wound 5.  They can also hit on 1 with the packmaster ability, and become leadership 12(base 3, +3 for max size, then packmaster double to 12, so you need to be in twenties for leadership 10).  With the chaos trait, on, 6s they add 1+ to hit.  Finally, they are the cheapest unit in the game(12 rats for 10 zombies).  The zombies on the other hand, I see as more of a wall.  They regenerate losses, have 5+ save(rats have no save), can get corpse cart support/summoning/magic support.  But zombies are magic reliant (packmaster give buff automatically), slower, and cost more(need more points to properly support). 


Issues with list:  Time/setup, and sniping.  300 plus models mean it will take alot of time for movement/setup.  This will not work in tournaments, but movement trays could help.  Secondly, the heros, while getting cover save, will get snipe by any shooting.  saying that, you will be in combat turn 2 or 3 at the latest(9 inch move not bad). 

What does everyone think?  Am I just crazy? 

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It's not something I'd even entertain the thought of putting together..... I'd have no problem facing it in a game though. It would be a challenge to see if I could weather the storm for the amount of time it would take for me to kill off the leaders.


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6 hours ago, Planar said:

I 'd definetly like to see a picture of that army in the field!

I would like to do the army after my ironjawz, but I am in the concept stage.  If you wish to see this army become a reality, donations are welcome.  312+ rats is something you do not buy at once. 

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56 minutes ago, Kramer said:

I often field a unit of 36 Giant Rats and they are frustrating to face to say the least. If you could find a way to boost their to wound without breaking your concept that would be amazing. And seconded on the pictures. 

I use a plague priest (with plague censor) to aid the giant rats, he can use either the 'wither' prayer or the 'plague tome' to improve their chances of wounding. 

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42 minutes ago, Tom W said:

I use a plague priest (with plague censor) to aid the giant rats, he can use either the 'wither' prayer or the 'plague tome' to improve their chances of wounding. 

Breaks the theme a bit. But it is indeed an easy solution and isn't subject to rules of one so you could buff multiple units. 

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So the actual Moulder list I was looking at is this: 

  • 100     Throt the Unclean [General]

  • 120     2 Packmasters

  • 100     Skweel Gnawtooth

  • 900     9 Stormfields (1 Tunneler, 3 Shock Gauntlets, 2 Ratling Cannons, 3 Warpfire Projectors)

  • 180     36 Giant Rats

  • 180     36 Giant Rats

  • 180     36 Giant Rats

  • 240     4 Rat Ogres


The heroes and the Rat Ogres are bubble wrapped in the Giant Rats and move forward as a swarm.  The storm fiends obviously deploy off table.  When they have a good spot to pop up (near at least one hero for double Bravery), they deploy and look for the charge.  They'll likely get charged right after they deploy so the Tunneler and Ratling Cannons get pulled first. Their real power will be in the Warfare Projectors (obviously), but more importantly they Shock Gauntlets.  Those Shock Gauntlets have the Blightking's exploding attacks on a 6 to hit.  Luckily, every single one of the pack masters can give a stacking +1 to hit to to Stormfiends (so +4 for all of them) and Throt can allow the Stormfiends to double pile in.  So each of the 12 Shock Gauntlet attacks explodes on a 2+ into a d6 hits that are -1 rend and do 2 damage each.  The power of these stormfiends will truly delete units.  Similarly, the Giant Rats and Rat Ogres aren't bad for their points and can be buffed by the heroes as needed.

This isn't a hyper competitive list, but it would be fun.  A more competitive list would deploy a mixed force using more pack masters and use Sayl to throw sets of 3 Shock Gauntlet Stormfiends forward repeatedly to blow units up (Buff them and throw them 18" forward into an enemy unit).  That said, I wanted to see what pure Moulder could do and this is what I came up with.

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@Thomas LyonsNice interesting list, but I am wondering why the rat ogres?  I feel replacing them with 48 rats(two units of 24 or 1 unit of 24, 2 unit of 6 for obj)  could be a better investment.  Just a thought.  Also, I understand throt command ability is nice, but is it worth two inspiring presence? 

@Tom WA plague priest would be nice, but you must keep moulder key word for giant rats battleline. 

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