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Let's chat : Blades of Khorne!


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It's likely that Khorne will enter a long drought.

  • GHB 2019 is far, far away
  • there seem to be no direct releases on the horizon
  • it's questionable if something usable for AoS will come with a World Eaters release (daemons are unlikely to be released, Khorgorath might just get a stand alone box and that's it)
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49 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

You might be onto something there Charles. I've been listening to the official Age of Sigmar Podcast (Stormcast) and not one of the presenters or people interviewed has mentioned owning a Khorne army.

Pretty sure Russ has a bloodbound army. Couldnt comment on when he last used it.

Ben Johnson has previously done his usual double down on monsters thing, but even more so as he left points in reserve to summon a 5th bloodthirster. Possibly around the time KO launched. He had a fight out vs Ben Curry on the live stream and got his ****** handed to him. Mainly in part to the artifact thing KO have that is anti fly. Im also sure Ben J went on to take that same list to a tournament- south coast perhaps? If he didnt get the wooden spoon, he was certainly in the running for it.


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18 hours ago, Mikeymajq said:

At 140 I'd still take the bloodsecrator but with inspiring presence being reactive and a few other bravery buffs I'm actually thinking of at least trying some lists without him. Altough the +1 attack will be missed.

I hate crutches, and a model just standing there planting his banner is super boring. It's just that... It kinda feels like bloodsecrators are not just a crutch but both our legs as well xD

Kinda wish he could move with the banner. Like the Fyreslayer one. Then his artefacts would be at least slightly more useful, or at least fun to take. 

I also looked at lists without the Bloodsecrator but in this meta it appears we need to focus on trying to nullify magic, making the Gore Pilgrims an almost auto-include with 3 Slaughterpriests alongside the Bloodsecrator (Assuming rule of one prayer nerf doesnt hit)

I don't want to sound too negative but I view the Khorne army as very unforgiving now. One bad decision/round/even dice rolls can often lead to defeat. Against tier 1 armies, you will have to make correct decisions, roll well and maybe even need your opponent to make mistakes or roll bad. 

However, one good thing I will say is that I have been having a lot of fun playing with the new edition rules in a non-comp environment. Its been carnage!

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34 minutes ago, Thomas E said:

I also looked at lists without the Bloodsecrator but in this meta it appears we need to focus on trying to nullify magic, making the Gore Pilgrims an almost auto-include with 3 Slaughterpriests alongside the Bloodsecrator (Assuming rule of one prayer nerf doesnt hit)

I don't want to sound too negative but I view the Khorne army as very unforgiving now. One bad decision/round/even dice rolls can often lead to defeat. Against tier 1 armies, you will have to make correct decisions, roll well and maybe even need your opponent to make mistakes or roll bad. 

However, one good thing I will say is that I have been having a lot of fun playing with the new edition rules in a non-comp environment. Its been carnage!

With magic being more potent then ever this edition, not only do we need to focus on all the anti-magic we can get, but we also need enough bodies to survive the hail of MWs being thrown our way. 

I personally am going to run a Cygor in my Khorne army. Perfect ally at 200pts, it has ranged, can dispel two spells per turn that also damages the wizard, and a decent amount of health to soak up some wounds, which your opponent will definitely want to focus on instead of potentially your mongers/reapers

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16 minutes ago, Sieggi858 said:

I personally am going to run a Cygor in my Khorne army. Perfect ally at 200pts, it has ranged, can dispel two spells per turn that also damages the wizard, and a decent amount of health to soak up some wounds, which your opponent will definitely want to focus on instead of potentially your mongers/reapers

That is a great shout, I haven't actually seen their warscroll before! It would look sweet with a few Khorne conversions on the model. 

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12 hours ago, Mikeymajq said:

Yeah totally. It's super strange too, to have a guy that is basically holding the entire army together getting left behind because he can't move. In a super agressive army that needs to move fast...

Also one would expect such a role to fall on a leader not a support guy with a banner xD

I'd be super fine if they went the other direction and instead of allowing him to move just nerf him a bit and buff our core units so he's nice but not mandatory.

As a massive fan of the thematic Chaos design set in the 2000's I also often dont get why Nurgle outpaces us, Tzeentch in this edition suddenly doesnt care where the magic flows from and that skull collecting will likely end up being a better thing for Slaanesh.

A buddy of mine is more positive, but plays LoN and MoN, so I get that. At the same time I still dont really know where Khorne is supposed to excell in. Mortal wounds? But fighting again is done best with Daughters of Khaine now?

As always I aim to be positive and hope Im wrong. I love how we got Karanak but even his design shows the oddity that is too common in Blades of Khorne. I guess Karanak quaries my own Heroes? ;)

All in all AoS2 is a better game. But balance between factions didnt seem to be an design intend.

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@Killax I agree the general rule changes are great for AoS 2. 

The problem is unfortunately Khorne have clearly been treated as an after thought and are getting a serious nerf because of it.  I mostly play casual & Narative games but my regular opponent (SCE) thinks we will need to take actions to keep the games fun because he can see he is always going to slaughter me.

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I'm finding it difficult to builds lists right now ... I don't play competitive but just building for tough casual games seems like I never get all the toys I want into the list.

I'm currently adding Sayl to my list to assassinate backline heroes. Filling out battleline with cheap bloodreavers  who don't really care about mortal wounds. Then using Khorne marked slaves with Sayl ... currently painting up some knights and gorebeast chariots who do good damage when buffed / whipped before being teleported.

Might also include one of those cheap / easy to cast new spells, got my eye on a couple of them.


Liking the look of this so far, which I think comes to 1820, thinking of another mortal hero to round it out:

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthrister

Sayl the Faithless




40 Bloodreavers

40 Bloodreavers

30 Bloodletters

2 Gorebeast Chariots

5 Chaos Knights


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Seemingly there are no Rules-of-One in the new GHB, meaning our priests and some other units are somewhat save. (all former RoO are now part of the core rules)

Although I'm a bit scared that GW will revise some scrolls and not only clarify their meaning due to the lack of RoO but significantly change their function. (intended or unintended)

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