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Battletome: Flesh Eater Courts

Darth Alec

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Yeah, I'll probably wait a bit and get it once I have a reading slot opened up. Right now I have too much to read and not enough time. I also have the Fury of Gork novel to read. Plus, I kind of have a feeling that GW might re-release the TK before the summer is over... Hints being dropped in the Godbeasts timeline, David Guymer tweeted out a picture of a Bone Giant a few months ago saying he was writing an AoS story and the next place his audio drama is set to go is called the Sea of Bones. I don't know, I might be a little over hopeful right now, but I just have a feeling... 

So of course if that happens then there goes all my hobby money! :)

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You can colour me excited!

Death Battletome, more AoS Death fluff and some themed battleplans!

Even if it's only a small book, it's still just the start of cool stuff for the best Alliance in AoS.

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Honestly I'm fine either way. New models would be fantastic of course, if not though we will always have the warscrolls. Plus, I am a little scared to think of how are army would get chopped up into factions.

Deathrattle would probably just get expanded with chariots and horsemen. Imagine Tomb Guard would just be alt models for Grave Guard.

Then maybe a Reanimant faction, a Beast faction (carrion, tomb scorpions), and a Mummy faction?

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Pretty stoked about this book. I'm really curious how the fluff developed for this faction. Prehaps I'll pick this up just for the sake of the lore.

@Mengel Miniatures I hope we get some bowmen! Would love to play with some shooty stuff. I was thinking of converting some skellies with bows and use the Tomb King rules, but I think I'll be holding it off for now and wait for the new releases.

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Rules are up on the NZ site and soon for everyone else.Anyone else think this army looks really fun to play? The way they "summon" I think is perhaps how summoning should have always been done. Limited, but very thematic and fun.







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I'm quite interested to see what the formations do around the Courtier's. I do like how the new summoning works and it almost seem the faction works around heros. I like the command ability of the Abhorrent Ghoul King on a Zombie Dragon as you summon (but not summon) a Courtier to do some nice assassin runs 

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Eager to get a review of this book when someone gets it. New shiny disease is a real problem for me in this hobby. Last week I thought I hated ghouls because I have some crypt ghouls that seem to explode on touch and I've never gotten around to painting, now this sounds like the coolest army possible. I really like the idea they're all based on nobility and are a mockery of a real kingdom, not just a band of scavenging monsters. Only unfortunate thing in my eye is the varghulf not being plastic.

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Guys someone can confirm if Flesh Eater Courts have more exceptional unit like Abhorrant Ghoul King in Zombie Dragon, Crypt Haunter Courtier, Crypt Infernal Courtier and Cryp Flayers which is not at Grand Alliance Book? Does that append with another Grand Alliance Books?

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I've preordered the Big Box Set, an extra box of Ghouls and the Battletome.

Really looking forward to reading the fluff and seeing what the different formations will have. Think it'll go well with my Nagash, Mortarch and Mortghasts that are sitting on the shelf waiting to be built.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is obviously out of date, but in case anyone has not seen it by now, I've picked this up and love it.  The three Courtiers besides the Varghulf are simply a headswap for Crypt Haunter, base size upgrade for Crypt Ghast, or ornamentation wings for Crypt Infernal to create the new Heroes.  The entire army is composed of three boxes and the old Finecast Varghulf -- the Vargheist, the Crypt Flayers, and the Crypt Ghouls boxes are used to build out the entire army save the Varghulf Courtier.

That being said, I think this army has awesome character and looks incredible.

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