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Yet to get a game in with the Fyreslayers, but now own about 140 SCGT points worth of them. Also a member of the Facebook group, where ex-dawi-zharr players meet to discuss their fiery slayer armies :D

Been reading and re-reading warscrolls and done a lot of theory hammer. The one thing I can't find is a mechanism (other than a Runesmiter or realmgate) that will actually get a Grimwrath Berserker across a table into his happy place. Much play testing required. 

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I think I might need to use the Runeson on Magmadroth as my general just on the basis that his command ability seems to be of greatest movement benefit. Seems odd as I will also have the Runefather in the force, but I will self-justify by telling myself the Father has given the Son a mission specific command while the Father seeks out the enemy leader or some such.

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Well between Runesmiter's magmic tunneling, the Runeson 3d6 pick highest charge and realm gates (need to buy a pair soon) there are some movement tricks, just nothing on a chaos or stormcast level of movement shenanigans. 

The issue I foresee with the Grimwrath is perhaps going to be forced by my decision to run HG 'zerkers and a big (30) unit of vulkites. This means that my 3 main infantry blocks are all running around on a 4++ vs wounds while at distance anyway, the Grimwrath is only a 6++, to me this makes him the softer target/weakest link. 

Something I will have to deal with, should have a few games in this week to get ideas. 

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Hmm...interesting:) So smiter tunnels a unit up and hope runeson is in range to give the 3D6 of that unit the turn after they arrive so they can charge, or the same round of arrival in SCGT:) Fyreslayers have so many tactics options I think because there are so few choices.

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Veterannoob I saw your fyreslayer army at Fantasia Fanatic and got inspired to build my own. I played the 100 model brayherd horde.

I have been doing a bit of theory hammer on fyreslayers. Isn’t Vulkite Berserkers the best unit to tunnel due to the reroll a dice on charge distance?

That do you think of Guardians of the Great Chain? I like to build against a formation, feels more fluffy but I don’t really like the fyreslayer ones. Except maybe the one I mentioned. Two magmadroths that run up together within 5inches of the enemy screened by Hearthguards and shoot two Fyrestreams each doing D6 motal wounds sound good in theory. Have anyone tried it in practice?

That leads to my next question. I can see magmadroths wreak havoc to my brayherd but how to fyreslayers deal with high save fast moving monsters/heroes where other armys have warmachines, magic or their own high save fast moving monster/heroes. How do you deal with Archeon, Stardrakes etc

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2 hours ago, Andreas said:

Veterannoob I saw your fyreslayer army at Fantasia Fanatic and got inspired to build my own. I played the 100 model brayherd horde.


I have been doing a bit of theory hammer on fyreslayers. Isn’t Vulkite Berserkers the best unit to tunnel due to the reroll a dice on charge distance?


That do you think of Guardians of the Great Chain? I like to build against a formation, feels more fluffy but I don’t really like the fyreslayer ones. Except maybe the one I mentioned. Two magmadroths that run up together within 5inches of the enemy screened by Hearthguards and shoot two Fyrestreams each doing D6 motal wounds sound good in theory. Have anyone tried it in practice?


That leads to my next question. I can see magmadroths wreak havoc to my brayherd but how to fyreslayers deal with high save fast moving monsters/heroes where other armys have warmachines, magic or their own high save fast moving monster/heroes. How do you deal with Archeon, Stardrakes etc


Trying. Quote from the iPad so we'll see how this does. 

First, glad to hear you were inspired by the raw awesomeness that is the GrymFyrd Lodge off the fire realm,;) I recommend you join the Fyreslayers Facebook group for more tactics. I've found against shooting armies the large vulkite units can get destroyed before fight so tunneling them is smart and if you don't roll like me your charge on 9+ is more likely. I always use 20 to get that 4+ Ward save to take the first hit and it makes a big difference. I haven't tried three of the formations yet but you're onto something with the magmabombs. I've found in my own  personal use sending the magmabombs in  to be surrounded by as many as you can spewing is great with in 5 inches and then bleeding on maximum targets for it really makes a huge difference I found the most effective that way . But experiment. Just remember to lash tail you need units with multiple models and to bleed you want to take as much damage as you can stand that PHaSe, so you can bleed on them in their shooting and combat phase, especially strong if you need mortal wound.


do try it out and share your experience please. We Lodge generals are still flamelings on the table but we're getting there;)

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23 minutes ago, Veterannoob said:

I've found against shooting armies the large vulkite units can get destroyed before fight so tunneling them is smart and if you don't roll like me your charge on 9+ is more likely. I always use 20 to get that 4+ Ward save to take the first hit and it makes a big difference.

The 20 men vulkite units is another thing I have been thinking about. I can see that 4+ Ward makes a big difference but I can see some downsides to having that many. Many formations seems to require 3 units of vulkites. They have a high Comp cost. Many missions favours MSU. So I wonder if three 10 men units are actualy better. Maybe tunnel two of them onto objectives later in the game. But this is theory hammer, I havnt actualy played them. But I am thinking of building 3 small units to begin with and add to them if it isnt working.

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 Yeah I'm running into that problem so I have a 20, 20and a 10 with the shields and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that because there were 4+ ward save for me with my place tile in luck I find is much better but I'm experimenting with trying and if you were smaller ones with the formations  I did use the  kinband formation in a large game and it didn't perform the way it look like it would on paper because of the logistics of actually having to keep all those supposed together . gonna try again though.

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That might be the solution. One or two large units and some small ones. Maybe one 20 vulkite unit with Shields and the banner guy as an anvil and two tunneling units of 10.

Rulewise can you place a Vulkite unit together with a runesmiter underground and still count towards a formation requrement?

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 That's something you have to decide with your opponent you can either deploy a formation together or separate they could go both ways and the FAQ but some of the formation things specifically require you to be within certain distance to get the benefit and so if you tunnel and you don't come up near one of the heroes you need or formation models  then it could be bad so just have to think about it happening about basic strategy.

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To maximize the grimmy power you could take Arngard's Berserker Fyrd...full heal for him and buffs his damage. 

He is already super tanky but with the added Battlesmith he can reroll armor.


You could use a runesmither to tunnel just hI'm but that might be really risky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to play my first game with my new fyreslayers on monday. ?

I going to try the Guardians of the the Great Chain formation against Nurgle. It will be interesting to see how well it works in practice against against what I think is an ok match up. So I will report back to you. ?

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? Having spending a few weeks putting them together and doing some test painting without actually playing, I am really excited about monday. Had to tell someone that understand the excitement of marching the fyrd to battle for the first time. ?

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I just got my first actual Fyreslayer! It's the Doomseeker from the WQ set. Pretty excited about creating my own chamon-themed fyrd. Already have some fluff ready. There were two brother holds, one of the Fyreslayers and the other of regular Duardin. During the age of chaos, they stuck together like Grimnir and Grungni. But chaos was too strong, and the "regular" duardin fled. Now the Dispossessed have returned to find their verdant fields despoiled, nothing but a plain of rust. But the fyreslayers are still there, ready to renew oaths of kinship.


Hoping for some sort of Fyreslayer deal eventually. Can't justify buying any more of them for a while :(

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  • 1 month later...

Since I like list building (theoryhammer) and the point are out. I have come up with three 2000 points list that I could build right now. One aggressive, one defensive and one middle of the road. Which one do you like best and do you have any suggestion on any modifications.

A:                         The aggressive list

-                           Warrior Kindband

1                           Auric Runeson on Magmadroth

20                        Vulkite Berserkers

20                        Vulkite Berserkers

10                        Vulkite Berserkers

1                           Auric Runemaster

1                           Auric Runesmiter

20                        Auric Hearthguard

1                           Battlesmith

10                        Hearthguard Berserkers

The idea is to tunnel the 20 Auric Hearthguard 15 inches in front of a nice enemy target, shoot and hope for a double turn. This will probably force you opponent to commit to destroying the Hearthguard while you move up the rest of the army to countercharge.


B:                         The defensive list

-                           Warrior Kindband

1                           Auric Runeson

20                        Vulkite Berserkers

20                        Vulkite Berserkers

10                        Vulkite Berserkers

1                           Grimwrath Berzerker

1                           Auric Runemaster

-                           Forge Brethren

1                           Auric Runesmith on Magmadroth

5                           Auric Hearthguard

5                           Auric Hearthguard

5                           Auric Hearthguard

1                           Battlesmith

10                        Hearthguard Berserkers

The idea is to slowly move forward while using the Forge Brethren to make the Berserkers 4+ (or 3+) rerollable save plus 4+(or 5+) ward save basically going for the grind. This while trying to keep the Runesmith and the Battlesmith safe in the backline.


C:                         The middle of the road list

-                           Warrior Kindband

1                           Auric Runeson on Magmadroth

20                        Vulkite Berserkers

20                        Vulkite Berserkers

10                        Vulkite Berserkers

1                           Grimwrath Berzerker

-                           Forge Brethren

1                           Auric Runesmiter

5                           Auric Hearthguard

5                           Auric Hearthguard

5                           Auric Hearthguard

1                           Battlesmith

10                        Hearthguard Berserkers

Similar to the defensive list but a bit more aggressive with putting the Runeson on the Magmadroth to play a bit more aggressive with him and using the 3D6 charge command ability. Also keeping the option to forgo using the Forge Brethren and tunnel 20 Berserkers if you need to.


With one if any of the lists do you like or how would you change them?

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