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Hello everyone,

I am impressed by the people in this forum. I read a lot of topics and they helped a lot so I hope you could help me with this also.

I really love chaos, especially "pure chaos" such as Slaves to Darkness'. I have only played a few games in AoS with Khorne Bloodbound and Skaven vs Stormcast but I would like to create a StD army from 0, so I thought it would be nice to hear your suggestions before buying anything. I would like (if possible) to create a 1000 points army and to expand it adding 500 points each step with other Chaos armies. 

For me the most important tips are:

-The playability of the 1000 and 1500 points armies (normally I don't play larger games, so larger armies are OK but they don't have to be super perfect)

-The possibility of creating an army around Archaon with miniatures that produce great combos with him (i.e. lord of slaanesh on mount), using mainly Chaos itself when possible (no other alliances). Is it feasible to include Archaon in a 1500 points army as I did? How to improve it?

-What warbands are worthy? Is it good to pay points for it rather than including more miniatures?

Here is what I thought (I mark with X the miniatures I have from long time ago, from warhammer 6th edition, BL = battleline):

Chaos lord on Daemonic mount 140
Sorcerer lord 140 X
5 chosen 160
10 knights 200 BL
10 knights 200 BL
5 chosen 160
Warband?!  I can't find the characteristics of chaos warbands ... :/

Archaon 320
Lord of Slaanesh on daemonic mount 140 (combo with Archaon x2 attack phases) X
Sorcerer lord 140 X
5 chosen 160
10 knights 200
10 knights 200
12 warriors 216 BL X
20 clanrats 120 BL X

Archaon 320
Chaos lord daemonic mount 140
Lord of slaanesh mount 140 X
Sorcerer 140 X
5 chosen 160
5 chosen 160
10 knights 200
10 knights 200
10 bloodletters 100 BL X
Mortar skaven 60
Flamethrower skaven 60
10 daemonettes slaanesh 120 BL X
11 warriors chaos 198 BL X

Archaon 320
Bloodthirster 360 X
Chaos lord daemonic mount 140
Lord of slaanesh mount 140 X
Sorcerer lord 140 X
5 chosen 160
5 chosen 160
10 knights 200
10 knights 200
10 bloodletters 100 BL X
Mortar skaven 60 
Flamethrower skaven 60
10 daemonettes slaanesh 120 BL X
20 clanrats 120 BL X
12 warriors chaos 216 BL X

Thanks a lot for your time and your answers, I hope you could help me!

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