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Making Seraphon Great Again

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Hi everyone!

I decided to start documenting the conversion of my 8th Ed Lizardmen to AoS Seraphon. I've already made decent progress on a few of the units, but I'm still a long ways away from a 2000 point matched play army. My hope is that this plog will help keep the motivation to finish the Seraphon and not get too distracted by those cool looking guys with the hammers and huge shields.

First up, a few behemoths:


The Blastadon still needs some work on the stone and gold parts, but he's definitely playable as is for now. 

Thanks for looking and more to come soon!


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I'm really stuggling with a suitable scheme for my seraphon after picking up an older battalion about a year ago, a few big dinos and a start collecting box. I think the blue on the bastiladon is fantastic, care to share the paints used?  Really looking forward to seeing some of your infantry.

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Thanks for all the kind words! 

13 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

The bold cosmic blue already really suits their new status as space-ghosts. Nice work!

The ruined temple bases are really nice. How did you do them?

That's think cork chopped into little rectangles. I'll try and take some WIP of the next units I work on.

6 hours ago, Darth Alec said:

Painting and making websites? You duncan.

Ha! I wish!

3 hours ago, Booah said:

I'm really stuggling with a suitable scheme for my seraphon after picking up an older battalion about a year ago, a few big dinos and a start collecting box. I think the blue on the bastiladon is fantastic, care to share the paints used?  Really looking forward to seeing some of your infantry.

That's Russ Blue base, black wash, 50/50 Russ Blue + Lothern Blue, then white with a little bit of Lothern mixed in for the highlights.

3 hours ago, ElectricPaladin said:

If you want to make them "great again," shouldn't they be orange? :P

Of course :D Speaking of...

Here are 20 of my 30 Saurus Warriors I've been rebasing. I've been going back and forth with using these guys as battleine vs stormcast, but I figured I should at least rebase them to have them available. Did finally try out the Sunclaw Starhost the other night which gives the saurus a little more punch and they did fairly well.



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16 hours ago, scrollbuilderdude said:

I'm so glad I use Elmer's glue for basing my units. It practically peels off in one piece which has made this process a lot easier. 

How exactly do you use the glue?


Everything you've posted looks great, btw. I'm now reconsidering my Christmas list to Santa to include the Seraphon start collecting box.

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23 minutes ago, fartsocks said:

How exactly do you use the glue?

I don't know about @scrollbuilderdude, but I dilute it with some water, brush it on, then dip the base in sand. Once it's dry (or sometimes when it's a little solid but not completely dry), I add a wash to give it some color - usually Angarax Earthshade, but with my Death army I've been using Nuln Oil. It looks like a flat dusty/muddy/ashen plain.

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ElectricPaladin is correct. I've been able to use a hobby knife to get under the sand and just peel the miniature off the square base. Here is a somewhat decent picture of what that looks like when done:


After that it's easy to trim down and add sand around the edges on the new round base. 

Edit: And thanks for the compliment! Lizardmen/Serpahon were the hardest of all the armies I have worked on to finish. I like the end result but it was really hard to get through painting all those scales! I'm sure there is a better combination of washes and drybrushing that can result in something that would look just as good.

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