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The Painting Contract - April 2024

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2 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Very nice! I firmly believe that the model is not done until the base is done as well.

That's how I usually see it, too. I only posted this guy WIP before because I expected the base I ordered for him to take a few weeks and I wanted to contribute to this month's thread. But it arrived quicker than I thought, luckily :)

But a nice base really changes the framing of the model. For this one, I find that the warm reds and browns on the base make the cool blues of the model stand out a lot more (compared to the primer white of the temporary base I had him on).

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11 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I did Cursed City Dagnai as a palate cleanser. Quick speed paint, 2-3 hours.


I also used him as a test piece for my planned Stormcast scheme.

I envy anyone who can knock out a good paint job in such a short time-frame! My record for a single model would be a couple of days. I'm such a plodder... slow but steady. 

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2 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I envy anyone who can knock out a good paint job in such a short time-frame! My record for a single model would be a couple of days. I'm such a plodder... slow but steady. 

Haha, thanks. Personally, I don't always speed paint models (I do like to take my time most of the time), but I think it can be a good exercise when you are practicing composition for your paint jobs. I think the secret to good looking speed painting is to decide which details to focus on, and which to leave sketchy. Honestly, the hardest part about it is letting go of your perfectionism.

WIth Dagnai here, I really just wanted to check if the colour scheme works. Since I am planning to paint some Stormcast with the new edition, I wanted to see my idea for drybrush bronze was viable. The metallics here are just bronze paint over brown, and I didn't do a lot to enhance them, because I want to be able to knock out those Stormcast quickly when the time comes. I skipped quite a few details like gauges and trims on here, but I think the effect is still good, overall. If you look at areas like the axe blade, it's pretty obvious that the aim was to go fast.

I focused most of my effort into the coat, actually. Traditional layering techniques, but rough so that I can go fast and not worry about blending.


Putting some extra work into the face of the miniature also allowed me to be really sloppy in other areas. There are a bunch of tubes on the model which are just painted with a mix of all the inks I had on my palette after shading the coat. Dagnai's gloves and collar are a one-coat contrast paint job. The straps on this chest are not supposed to be metallic, I think, but whatever, I already had bronze paint ready. All of this is just not that noticeable because I put in the work to direct attention to he face instead.

I think painting some quick details is pretty valuable for speed painting. Like on this mini, I painted the eye and lens and spent some time on the visible skin. And since I already had whites and skin tones (as well as a small brush) out, I decided to paint his little scroll, as well. Took maybe 5 minutes to do all that but I think it adds a lot.

As a side note, just realized that this guy was the last Cursed City hero I still had unpainted, as well.


I painted some of them in a classic style and experimented a lot on others, but they are cool collection of weirdos. Very fun set overall.

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I got this guy recently and I really like the model - so I decided to paint him this month instead of working on Tree-Revenants. There's not much work left: I need to finish the bow and arrow, quiver and some small details.


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I didn't reach my target this month.

Got knocked down by a crazy fewer, already my second week of it. Really exhausting. 

Thus my target moves to May. I hope i will be able to do anything again coming next days. Am sick of being sick

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I finished my April goal. A unit of kit-bashed skeleton horseman with flexibility to be archers or knights. Simple colours and a dip. I’m loving the monthly commitment to get little hobby projects done. Slowly big projects are getting chipped away.


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