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TOW 1.0 - Dwarf Mountain Holds

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10 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Make slayers fast to get on target (fast, for a dwarf) charging with swiftstride for example (but +D3 instead of D6)

I think it could be D6 still. They're charge isn't going to be that amazing even with an extra D6, and an extra D3 doesn't make much difference at all.

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I'd say it's more simple to give them a version of Countercharge special rule allowing them to use it against monsters, monstruous infantry and monstruous cavalry specifically.

I guess adding Swifstrike may help them to charge further, but to be honest, I'm not convinced giving an additionnal D6 will really make them better. Dwarves aren't designed to charge in TOW, they're designed to hold the line. That's what Slayers do : they're not really meant to kill, actually, they're meant to fight to the last.

Edited by Sarouan
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What do you think about the rule Drill for a Karak Kadrin army of infamy? Being an army, I suppose they are more trained that basic Slayers that roam the forests and mountains of the Old World. I don't know if it will help but pairing something like Look Snorri, Troll! with marching column, could be a good, I suppose.

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I don't know, Drill is a powerful special rule and giving it to the whole army sounds a bit too much. Would that help ? Grimnir yes ! But not especially for marching columns...with dwarves, the difference between marching 9'' and marching 6'' sounds still a bit underwhelming and won't really help them charging more IMHO.


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Are those in plastic @Beliman? If so I'd be tempted to grab some of them when I'm next in (which won't be for two weeks, so I might miss out).

I did order 3 White Dwarfs 😄. One will be the White Dwarf, one will be a Dwarf Character conversion, the last week either be a second dwarf character (perhaps on shield bearers), or I might try to give the White Dwarf his Rune Helm of Zhufbar. We'll see...

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6 hours ago, KingKull said:

Damn waiting for the dwarf arcane journal is really getting on my nerves. 

Part of me wants to say that it's good that my wallet* can take a break, but yeah I kinda agree. I am hyped to see what they do with Dwarfs, and indeed everyone else after that.

*And my heart. Hitting F5 repeatedly from 9:45 onwards is not good for my nerves 😄

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A character can only buy one magic ítem from each category (weapons, armour, etc...).

Runic weapons are magic ítems but they are inscribes instead of purchased. Can we inscribe runes in a Hand Weapon and a Great weapon in the same model?

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38 minutes ago, Beliman said:


A character can only buy one magic ítem from each category (weapons, armour, etc...).

Runic weapons are magic ítems but they are inscribes instead of purchased. Can we inscribe runes in a Hand Weapon and a Great weapon in the same model?

I'd say probably not. The rules fur running items state that "It is also important to remember that a runic item is no different in principle to any other magic item, and that all of the usual rules for magic items apply to runic items as well." And who's I agree there's perhaps some ambiguity in what you're purchasing (Runic Weapons, it times to add to your weapons) I feel like the intent is definitely that you should only be allowed one Runic item of each type.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Beliman said:


A character can only buy one magic ítem from each category (weapons, armour, etc...).

Runic weapons are magic ítems but they are inscribes instead of purchased. Can we inscribe runes in a Hand Weapon and a Great weapon in the same model?

Interesting question. I'd say there's a possibility, at least the text in Weapon Rules seem to imply it is possible. At the very least, you have to follow the Rule of 3 and you can't have more than 3 Weapon Runes overall on one character.

Should be good to ask GW just to be sure.

It is also possible in certain situation to have multiple magic weapons on one character too, as the core rules indicate (granted, it's mostly common magic weapons).

The contentious point is indeed that sentence mentionned by JerethKruger, but I think it makes reference to the specific rules for each category of magic item page 339 and further, not the ones page 337 : because Runic Items use different ones as described in their army list for choosing and buying magic items.

Edited by Sarouan
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Yeah, with the rumoured delay of AoS 4th and this way to late release of DB 6 something is messed up (again) with GW logistics.. :(. I fear that TOW will suffer even more as AoS 4th edition is the big release of the year.

I am hoping that Dwarfs will be still in may/june, but I fear that it will be after july 😞.

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I am hoping that Dwarfs will be still in may/june, but I fear that it will be after july 😞.

That's what I'm assuming now. I think this week was our last, best how for a pre-AoS 4th release. It's not impossible that we'll be which in before in the next week or two /especially if AoS 4th is delayed) but I'm not counting on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 found a blog about Slayers that I just want to share, thanks Mr. Eric for this good read:


Note: even if it's really interesting, the writer is full of nostalgia and sugar for oldhammer and pre-AoS stuff. Take care.

Edited by Beliman
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