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Warpaint gone?


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So, I have a bit of a concern. The GA Destruction book has warpaint for Savage Orruks and the Boarboys, and if memory serves so did most of the other models in the Bonesplittaz range in the AoS app. 

However, it appears in the latest updates, warpaint has been removed as a generic option. So, is it only an option in a warscroll battalion now? Has anyone else noticed this? Makes me think they get a little worse without it (ok, a 6+ ward isn't much, but its better than nothing!!!).


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That's interesting. Not sure why they would take it off the warscrolls, but I guess that makes sense. I haven't bought the book yet, so I thought that maybe it would be an army wide ability. Different question:

Is the Bonesplittaz big mob worth using? +1 to warpaint seems pretty good to me.

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It's to ensure that they are a worse choice in a mixed Destruction army.

I'm hoping that the keywords don't match up so you cannot use it or that the formation doesn't itself have the Bonesplitterz keyword, so it's self-defeating.


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Interesting (fluffy?) that warpaint only works if the whole army is Bonesplitterz, and in a general destruction army a savage unit's warpaint doesn't do anything.

It's almost as if the warpaint only protects them if they believe in it enough :D

Boneplitterz (in a horde of their own kind): "Dis ere supa waagh paint will save uz"


Boneplitterz (in a mixed faction): "Dis ere supa waagh paint will save uz"

Ironjawz: "You gitz, dat's just paint, dat ain't savin nuttin.  Now dis is proppa arma. "

Bonesplitterz: "Oh, maybe you rite..."


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22 hours ago, Nico said:

It's to ensure that they are a worse choice in a mixed Destruction army.

I'm hoping that the keywords don't match up so you cannot use it or that the formation doesn't itself have the Bonesplitterz keyword, so it's self-defeating.


So Nico, the warscroll says:

Nothing useful actually. 1 Savage Orc Warboss, Shaman, Boar boys and normal orcs. No keywords added. So no point then...

Oh, and about the Alleigance Packs: Wurrgog is $21 (AUS), Bonesplitterz $14, whole book on app $26... Is it the Wurrgog one that people get as it has the battle and command traits, spells and artefacts?

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On 9/7/2016 at 3:40 AM, kaaras said:

That's interesting. Not sure why they would take it off the warscrolls, but I guess that makes sense. I haven't bought the book yet, so I thought that maybe it would be an army wide ability. Different question:

Is the Bonesplittaz big mob worth using? +1 to warpaint seems pretty good to me.

The old Compendium battalion doesn't work with the new Battletome warscrolls.  The word "Savage" (and "Big" and "Boar" I guess) is the only thing in common between the requirements for the formation and any of the new units.


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Thanks for the replies. On to the next part:

I have recently acquired the ironjawz start collecting and a sizeable chunk of savage orcs. I also found some standard orcs and boarboys (of the non-savage type) that I am converting to look like they are in the transition phase, having been touched by Mork (or Gork) and recently joined their savage cousins. The Ironjawz are following them around coz this lot always seems to find a good fight... 

At this stage I have:

20 x Savage Orruks (ok, i have converted a few of the standard orruks to have the same weapons, shields and other bits, and plan to paint tattoos and the like on them)

10 x Arrer boys (similar deal as above)

5 x Boarboys (these are easier conversions as they are most of the way there)

Plus the ironjawz box. I want to add brutes to these as they look cool.

What is the best hero to add for this? Wurrgog Prophet I would guess, a mega-boss as well? Savage warboss? All of them?

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