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Mega Gargant as an ally: yeah or nay?


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One Eyed Grunnock works in Slaves to Darkness as he provides consistent -2 rend and a massive combat Hero, which the army lacks outside of Archaon; Manticores aren't quite enough. My regular opponent runs him beside 40 marauders for a nasty double-whammy. For the cost of Archaon you can get him and the marauders, which is a fair choice. He's usually taken in Ravagers.

When deciding on taking a mega gargant, you need to consider what they are doing for the army, and what does it provide that the army otherwise lacks? As with StoD, it's consistent rend and the ability to get into the thick of it without the threat of being picked off, which can happen to things like Karkadraks and Demon Princes. Grunnock can function as a self-contained section of the army and can be left to his own devices if need be, while also being able to use generic command abilities like Inspiring Presence.

Having devised the strategy myself, and having played against it many times now, I actually find I focus down the things like the marauders and knights early for objective purposes, which allows Grunnock to persist into the late game, which is a significant detriment, as by then there's not as much to handle him. If I kill him, it's because I hit him early. If he's not addressed by the start of turn 3, chances are he's sticking around.

His bubble of -1 to hit he generates is also a big deal in preserving Marauders, so they pair well.

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I had a go with a Warstomper alongside my Ironjawz. worked fairly well all things considered. he definitely drew attention from some of the real combat-threats in the list, and the one time they didn't focus him he cleared up around 800pts worth of troops and characters on the flank (2000pt games)

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On 3/11/2021 at 3:20 AM, Nick Jebson said:

I had a go with a Warstomper alongside my Ironjawz. worked fairly well all things considered. he definitely drew attention from some of the real combat-threats in the list, and the one time they didn't focus him he cleared up around 800pts worth of troops and characters on the flank (2000pt games)

What about the Rogue Idol, isn´t it at least as goog as a Mega Gargant?



On 3/10/2021 at 9:19 PM, Dankboss said:

When deciding on taking a mega gargant, you need to consider what they are doing for the army, and what does it provide that the army otherwise lacks? As with StoD, it's consistent rend and the ability to get into the thick of it without the threat of being picked off, which can happen to things like Karkadraks and Demon Princes. Grunnock can function as a self-contained section of the army and can be left to his own devices if need be, while also being able to use generic command abilities like Inspiring Presence.

That´s exactly the summary of my own ideas. I play Nurgle and there is a lack of high rend attacks, too. Therefore I thought that it might be a good idea to run one of these beasties.

On the other hand, in Nurgle he would be my only really good melee unit therefore I kinda fear that he will be brought down rather fast to get rid of it.

Now I´m thinking of strating a Skaven force with an allied Mega Gargant, because that way I can easily field 2-3 threats (one of it can easily be a shooting threat) and therefore the opponent has to decide which threat he has to remove first.

On 3/10/2021 at 9:19 PM, Dankboss said:

His bubble of -1 to hit he generates is also a big deal in preserving Marauders, so they pair well.

Uuhh, I have to check his rules. Didn´t know that...

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I’ve run warstomper in gitz - makes for a fun distraction piece and the rest of the army survives a little longer  - changes the threat up if paired with a mangler - two sources of big output that can split opponents attention.  Not saying it’s really competitive but it adds something to your play style.  Plus it looks awesome on the table.   Main play is to push up 40 shoota behind, sit on objective and plink into units - shredded a unit of pinks into pieces and mopped up against tzeentch in last game and he had to ignore most of my army dealing with the massive wazzock.  Fun times. 

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On 3/13/2021 at 10:53 AM, GrimDork said:

Are there separate warcrolls for the 3 named mega gargants? or do they use the same warscroll as their unnamed version?

If separate, where can they be found? They're not in the app?

They are just a paragraph of additional rules inside the Sons of Behemat book, they use the Warscrolls of whatever type of Mega Gargant they are.

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