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Khorne skull canon


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Hi guys,


getting back lack I to the game with my Seraphon, and after thinking on going towards Khorne as my mai fantasy army was  daemons so I have plenty of those.


my idea is a mixed army army of humans and daemons, it would look something like 


- skarbrand

- blood thister

- bloods creator 

- slaughterpriest or bloodstoker 

-10 blood warriors

- 20 bloodletters

-10 bloodletters

- 2 skull cannons.

around 240 points to fill in.

what is people's opinion on the skull cannons? Are they worth it? The thing is I already own them, but could replace them.



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Get those bloodletters up to 30 so they can take a hit and still get the +1 to hit.


What blood thirster do you have? Hopefully its WoK. If so thats a great combo with a bloodstoker or two and skarbrand, then your bloodletters.


Skullcannons are ok. I play a mix of mortals and demons, and took a pair of them under SCGT comp. The issue is that they're now artillery, and for 180 points I have a hard time not just going for wrathmongers or something like that. In my most recent list I've taken mine out and replaced them with a pair of soul grinders (which you can do in this list). They shoot quite well, but more importantly they're twice as tough, and really want to be in combat.

Overall Skullcannons are ok for character sniping etc, but they dont blow me away at 180 points

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She, the problem I see with the hell cannon is the crew. Don't get me wrong, it has an amazing range and its D6 mortal wounds per shot on a 3+ with two shots, but crew is easy to remove for some armies and it leave you with a 300 point monster that does not attack that well.

The idea with the bloodleter I already had in mind Maddok. Since I have 240 points left, I was thinking on 10 more blood letter and 5 skullreapers

Can someone who has more experience with them tell me if skullreapers are worth it? or should I maybe try and aim for wrath mongers?

Soul grinders I do actually like, but I don't own any and can't really justify paying for them since I don't play that much these days. Maybe selling a Skull canon could ease me into one. We will see.


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Considering you don't want to purchase anything, I'd say that the skullreapers are alright. 

I've used a unit of 5, an tbh I think it's a little small to make use of their ability. Decent mortal wound chance and plenty of attacks, the unit champion is rather decent in combat as he benefits twice from the blood secretor banners 

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4 hours ago, Wolden Spoons said:

For me the Skullcannon offers something no other Khorne unit does. Ranged threat. It's great against the like of skaven sniping enemy war machines, just don't put it in combat, it only LOOKS like a Blood Throne.


I fail to see why you wouldn't want it in combat.  The odds of it scoring another shot is quite decent.

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16.5% chance to make it to the save, so on 4+ save infantry you're looking at roughly a 12% chance of it happening. Even when buffed by a blood secrator to get the extra attacks it isn't stellar.


It's fun when you get the extra shot- I've used it to pick off random heros, but it's too unreliable to count on

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I've always planned to throw it into combat against base infantry - i.e. 1 wound and lightweight armour.  Against heavier opponents your odds of killing something diminishes.  Combine it with the Chaos allegiance trait and possibly a Blood Stoker and your base chance increases.

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On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 7:37 PM, kaintxu said:

She, the problem I see with the hell cannon is the crew. Don't get me wrong, it has an amazing range and its D6 mortal wounds per shot on a 3+ with two shots, but crew is easy to remove for some armies and it leave you with a 300 point monster that does not attack that well.

Terrain and LoS behind cannon (chaos sorc if one in you list to buff cannon to reroll 1's and crew to reroll armor (occular)).

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I find they are pretty good, and a nearby bloodsecrator and/or wrathmonger really makes a difference in combat threat level. Getting 3 maw attacks for chances for another shot that hits a large unit on a 2+ is pretty tasty. They really arent bad as combat units, and they add a level of ranged threat that people cannot easily deal with without committing large resources to - you cant just fly a lowly unit over there, its got some staying power.

The bloodsecrator and wrathmonger combo plus the Chaos Runeblade can also turn a lowly Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage into a 7 attack with d6 wounds monster (retaining several attacks even when badly wounded), scales better than on the other bloodthirsters, and lots of chances for the Outrageous Carnage to trigger. 

Frankly, wrathmongers are just great to have loosely milling around inside other units to give buffs and put some serious fear into nearby high damage monsters.

Agree about the bloodletters, should run as a 30 really to get the bonus +1 to hit until 11 are dead, puts mortal wounds to a 5+, and you can easily enough change that to a 4+ if you want to spec your general that way. 4+ mortal wounds plus extra attacks as above, you know the story by now.

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