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Restoring the 1995 WHQ with new models?


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So, I want to restore the classic Warhammer Quest from the '90s. I have the basics: the boards, cards, tokens and rulebooks (admittedly these are individual pages in plastic sleeves in ring binders, but they're 100% present and correct). I also have the doorways, minus one.

What I'm missing is the miniatures, which is... a significant problem.

Now, some things are pretty timeless. If you want a dozen goblins the gloomspite gitz have you covered, and the reliable skaven clanrat isn't going anywhere. Skull Pass and Island of Blood, over the years, furnished me with more than enough of those. Some things are more esoteric, though, especially in the Age of Sigmar. Where now does one acquire a humble orc boy? Whence do you source a suitable elf to delve your dungeons? What happened to the snotling?

Does anyone have any advice on this? Third-party miniatures or creative solutions for the unavailable stuff would be very helpful. Here's a full list of what I need, links to the original minis for comparison, and notes on any solutions I've got. I'll spolier it so it doesn't take up too much space.


Main Game: (Originals)

  • 1 Barbarian (solved: Shond of the Godsworn Hunt)
  • 1 Dwarf
  • 1 Elf
  • 1 Wizard
  • 6 Orc warriors
  • 6 Orc archers
  • 6 Goblin spearmen (solved: grot stabbas)
  • 6 Goblin archers (solved: grot shootas)
  • 12 Skaven (solved: clanrats)
  • 3 Minotaurs (solved: bullgors)
  • 12 Giant spiders
  • 12 Giant bats
  • 12 Giant rats (solved)
  • 12 Snotlings

Catacombs of Terror: (Originals)

  • The Dread King (I have the throne and his lover half, I will have to make a new body for him)
  • 3 Tomb guardians (grave guard are the logical solution here?)
  • Gunther (I have this guy but he's going to need a new sword)
  • Luthor
  • The Grimoire Necris


Edited by Urauloth
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That's a neat idea, although I'm sure there are those who would balk at the very blasphemy of replacing the original models!

1 Dwarf - Warden King? You could use a kharadron overlord or Fyreslayer hero too

1 Elf - The Nomad Prince?

1 Wizard - One of the battle wizards

6 Orc warriors - I would get some second hand orc boys from Warhammer Fantasy

6 Orc archers - Same as above

6 Goblin spearmen (solved: grot stabbas)

6 Goblin archers (solved: grot shootas)

12 Skaven (solved: clanrats)

3 Minotaurs (solved: bullgors)

12 Giant spiders - The grot spider riders? These were in the Skull Pass set also

12 Giant bats - Fell bats or the chaotic beasts from Warcry

12 Giant rats (solved)

12 Snotlings (There is a new snotling team coming for Bloodbowl!


Those are my ideas, hopefully you find something useful there. It sounds a great idea, expensive though!

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I'm pleased someone is trying this! If you do it, a wip blog would be appreciated. 

I have had the idea myself but have been put off by the fact I own nothing of the original Warhammer Quest and it isn't cheap on ebay. The lack of modern models also seemed a problem.

I just recently finished doing a similar thing with Space Crusade. It took me 4 years and cost over 500 pounds. I've added a link here to the wip blog I did about it if you are interested. 


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  • 8 months later...

@Rodiger Impressive work with Space Crusade!
@Pagan A battle wizard is the ideal wizard solution, I'll get to work on one.

Still slowly working on this project. I have a lightbox on order, so I'll be able to take pictures as the skaven and goblins get painted - the former are built and will be pulling double duty as a Warcry warband - and I'm testing out some methods of painting stone for the doorways. Those I plan to do in batches in a couple of different colours.

The upcoming release of Cursed City might well have solved the bat problem, depending on the size of the bats in the set. If they can be borrowed they'll be ideal. There's an excellent Aelf in there too.

Still short of spiders that will fit on a 25mm round base, unfortunately.

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I'd  be interested to see your results. Dunno if you've seen it, but if you need more inspiration I really like this Instagram user's WHQ recreations (using a mix of new and very old models)


I'll probably try to recreate his Elf Ranger conversion (done with recent-ish High Elf Shadow Warrior/Dragon Mage bits) at some point.

I think there is a mix of bat sizes in Cursed City where every 1 swarm in 3 has a dire bat in it or something like that


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/29/2020 at 7:11 PM, Pagan said:

12 Giant spiders - The grot spider riders? These were in the Skull Pass set also

Grot Spiderlings from Silver Tower

The “giant spiders” in WHQ-95 were small enough to fit in single squares (IE 25mm).

Spider Riders are on 50mm X 25mm bases.

Unless you specifically need GW minis, I might recommend the Reaper Bones Spider Vermin

Or the Otherworld Miniatures Large Spiders (40mm)

Theres always “clockwork spiders” aka Single Necron Scarabs on 25mm bases. 🙃

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/25/2021 at 1:34 AM, DAGOBonito said:

Honestly, at this point, I would look for images and design ideas for a 3D printer and just make your own. (.stl). Any originals, you’ll have to pay out the butt for.

I would if I had access to a 3D printer, but I don't unfortunately.

Anyway, new spiders from Spellcrow: https://www.spellcrow.com/forest-spider-pre-order-p-971.html

These look good and they're the ideal size for WHQ 95. Actually obtaining them could be awkward, but I'll keep an eye out.

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For the Snotlings, look at the Snotling Blood Bowl team.

Spiders: Wargames Atlantic giant spiders.

Gutrippas for Orc warriors are a new take to an old theme, and they may get archers. Otherwise, try Oathmark orcs.

Battle wizards or Frostgrave Wizard 1 works for the wizard

Sadly, the Kurnothi hasn't been released separately. Maybe the Nomad Prince with a bow?

Dwarf: Warden king seems to fit well, but both this and the elf could be sourced in Atlantis Miniatures as well.


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  • 1 Barbarian (solved: Shond of the Godsworn Hunt) - Or darkoath-chieftain
  • 1 Dwarf - Cities of Sigmar Warden King
  • 1 Elf - Reaper Minatures - 14553 - Arthrand Nightblade, Wood Elf Sergeant - Warlord
  • 1 Wizard - Collegiate Arcane Mystic Battle Wizards
  • 6 Orc warriors - Mantic, Oathmark, second hand "standard" ork fantasy models
  • 6 Orc archers - See above
  • 6 Goblin spearmen (solved: grot stabbas)
  • 6 Goblin archers (solved: grot shootas)
  • 12 Skaven (solved: clanrats)
  • 3 Minotaurs (solved: bullgors)
  • 12 Giant spiders - For spiders, Wargames Atlantic do a set which contains large spiders, and 'small' ones the small ones would make fine giant spiders.
  • 12 Giant bats - Reaper do giant bats
  • 12 Giant rats (solved)
  • 12 Snotlings - Bloodbowl team (Crud Creek Nosepickers)


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@CrashStacy The Mirkwood spiders are nice models but they're huge, they're on 60mm bases. The spiders for WHQ are actually very small, the original minis were on 25mm bases. It's hard to get spiders that size these days.

For the rats I'm using some old metal ones from the Skaven range, they used to come with a packmaster. I got mine for Mordheim originally. I have a few plastic rats of various sizes from different Skaven sprues as well, some of which are big enough to do the job (or can be paired up on 25mm rounds to make them a bit more imposing).

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  • 4 weeks later...

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