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6 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

I'm a gitz fanatic, I've got more than I can ever field or need, but I think I might be in the gitz minority here... I really want to see the non-night goblin stuff split off. I like the armies having cohesive aesthetics. I'd still collect them, but separately.
But I feel that way about most of the soup stuff.

I like the way they split up VC (post LoN soup mess).
Giving spirits, ghouls and vampires with thralls distinct armies of their own (and expanding them). I still own them all, but they're separate in neat tidy little armies and not all jumbled together based on what I can field, or need to field to compete.

I think the Kruleboyz reintroducing orcs and goblins together kind of backwards stepped the line they drew between them. Hobgrotz, sure, have them I guess until Chrofs ask for them back. But the little minion grots... why?

I'm guessing it's an unpopular set of thoughts from what I'm seeing but, oh well.

I'd love to see gitmob and grotbag, just not really in my soup 🍲. I'd like them as an extra course please 🥧.

I'm personally not against gitmob being part of the gloomspite tome (even if they rename it) but also I would like to run some nighthaunt and fec in my soulblight army and for them to work together (I already have fec and soulblight and noone can stop me).

When it comes to new gitmob units I have a few ideas that I already posted here once before but It won't hurt to do it again (maybe GW designers will read this)

Moundback troggoths, a unit of troggoths that are either a smaller unit of 5 (that roll up into mossy stones and roll around) or one big trog that has a whole burial mound on his back (and maybe carries a dead gitmob boss in a necklace around his neck for buffing?) Inspired by burial mounds associated with roaming nomadic cultures. Bronze_Age_burial_mound_in_northern_Mongolia_near_Jargalant.jpg.1e6eb81d5e916bbf3341ea6f9073e301.jpg043020-54-History-Ancient-Scythian-Kurgan-Burial.png.45a7976ba2795d766f3520f2ee72fd24.png

A Snarlfang battlesleigh instead of a normal chariot for a bigger kind of mounted unit.fsmrb4koros41.jpg.3b604fd95d62482215037fd14d21b59c.jpg

A unit of 5 gitmob goblins on stilts with big long scythes that walk around picking off units in tall, plains grass (Gitmob Kosyniers?)Wojsko_polskie_Kociuszki_Walery_Radzikowski.jpeg.5ecbdb5dee0accbb1bbe3db8b20190d9.jpeg(Scythes that look like this, just a reference picture)

A more elite, armoured unit equipped with armour inspired by persian cataphracts and mongolian warriors. These guys would be in units of ten, I imagine them with either long scimitars and gitmob shields or with polearms/glaives inspired by the chinese guandao. I can't come up with a name for these.medieval-lamellar-stainless-steel-armor-body-suit-1.jpg.6e853223a01a98184fc9e7223af77c28.jpg22405482_1927049154221227_5841809066387597814_n.jpeg.ac78df76c99aab6e03b3fcba68963e8b.jpegAncient_Sasanid_Cataphract_Uther_Oxford_2003_06_2(1).jpg.3da3165bb7304e3f0025627ba8037e1e.jpgguandao_9_e424fb6e-4b6e-4e80-b709-25ff9d8d7105.jpg.f944e88f1c220a61254ba8e07d1b49cd.jpg

I wouldn't want gitmob to be a retread of gloomspite so I tried coming up with a more elite side for the whole gloomspite tome that isn't all monstrous infantry units like trogs and aren't pets like squigs.

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34 minutes ago, Someravella said:

We already know that skaven are the next army to be revamped. But, what about the next one.

Did we have to wait long until the 40k roadmap post leviathan?

IMHO several armies need a sizable second wave before any army revamps. 

IIRC the roadmap was published at Warhammerfest 2023 so little over a month after the 10th was announced.

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38 minutes ago, Someravella said:

We already know that skaven are the next army to be revamped. But, what about the next one.

Did we have to wait long until the 40k roadmap post leviathan?

It seems a certainty that Chaos Dwarfs will come sooner than later. I think this will be one of the bigger releases for 4th edition.

CD had in the past lots of non CD units (Various Hobgoblins and O&G slaves). It's not unlilkely that the CD fluff will be changed a bit to included various beasts tainted by Chaos. The rest of the BoC could partially be integrated in the other Chaos battletomes (ignoring Skaven).

Or nothing changes and BoC is still fully part of AoS 4th edition.


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6 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Now lets just hope the new rules will truly show their charactersitic.

not like the current one we have.

If I cant shoot into my own troops, do some dumb shenanigans with the number 13, and my machines cant fail into big green mushrooms, it isnt a proper skaven armybook and it's instead furry goblins (Im looking at you, flavourless TOW Index) 

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7 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I dunno.

just remember that a story doesn’t always indicate new models for a faction.

or the skaven would have gotten some of theirs years ago😂

Yeah, they don't translate into minis, but they have quite a predominant role in the current narrative, and it has been mentioned, that they declare war on Rats. It would be weird if they don't get some love. Especially considering they still hold a decent bunch 

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Halfling don't need to be cannibals to be paired with ogors though...they were made by the old ones to complement each other so they could be just assistants to butchers as "cooking helpers" and just eat the various beasts they hunt.

They could even be made more technilogically advanced as sort of "civilized servants" to "homage" the whole khanates using subjected nations craftsmen and scholars for their empires.

I'd love to see gutbuster having a more asian aesthetic while the beastclaw retain the cavemen/hunters things.

Or just make firebellies more civilized with bronze,forges and so on (perhaps mimicking early shang and Zhou bronze iconography) with their halflings as assistants.

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7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So we got a couple option

  • Armored Troggoth which was mention in the Short. There also the sulfer breath troggoth

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  • Updated Shottas and Stabbas like in Grinkrak looncourt
  • new Doom diver/Spear chukka or any sort of siege weapon
  • A new breed of squigs (personally would like a Squiggoth to make an appearance)
  • Updated Spider-riders (make use of the Gallet spider-rumor engine)


  • A Nasty skulker legacy unit

Yes bring on the AOS Squiggoth!! Plastic kits have come a long way and it would make for an excellent centrepiece model. A massive Squig Bison for Gitmob.

2 hours ago, willange said:

I still don't believe the BoC leaving rumor.  That's in large part because I don't want it to be true, but also because I just can't see any logical reason for it.  If they do "leave" I imagine it would be just the current models mostly leaving alongside a largish model refresh akin to the seraphon one.  I have no source for this, but it's what makes sense to me.

I agree I dont think theyre going anywhere. I think itll be a COS style refresh with most units going to TOW and the rest being updated for AOS. It could in turn end up being a much smaller faction like Wave 1 Fyreslayers until its second wave next Edition.

If the Tome is released without a refresh and gets the single model or even no model treatment I still woulsnt fret.

Bwing absorbed into STD is also a possibility. I just dont see them being squatted.

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2 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Halfling don't need to be cannibals to be paired with ogors though...they were made by the old ones to complement each other so they could be just assistants to butchers as "cooking helpers" and just eat the various beasts they hunt.

They could even be made more technilogically advanced as sort of "civilized servants" to "homage" the whole khanates using subjected nations craftsmen and scholars for their empires.

I'd love to see gutbuster having a more asian aesthetic while the beastclaw retain the cavemen/hunters things.

Or just make firebellies more civilized with bronze,forges and so on (perhaps mimicking early shang and Zhou bronze iconography) with their halflings as assistants.

I agree. Keep the Mongolian/Hun aesthetic for Gutbusters and lean more heavily into Cavemen for BCR. Maybe even give the option to dress new Gluttons in furs for BCR.

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17 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Halfling don't need to be cannibals to be paired with ogors though...they were made by the old ones to complement each other so they could be just assistants to butchers as "cooking helpers" and just eat the various beasts they hunt.

They could even be made more technilogically advanced as sort of "civilized servants" to "homage" the whole khanates using subjected nations craftsmen and scholars for their empires.

I'd love to see gutbuster having a more asian aesthetic while the beastclaw retain the cavemen/hunters things.

Or just make firebellies more civilized with bronze,forges and so on (perhaps mimicking early shang and Zhou bronze iconography) with their halflings as assistants.

I think this halfling idea is too funny. Make the halfling lore so that they love to cultivate and cook before all else and like to feed the Ogors with endless hunger make for an unlikely alliance. Make them these crazy fanatic gatherers with chef hats and giant cutlery XD. Yes GW i said a subfaction with funny hats. I know i got your attention now!

Edited by Gitzdee
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2 hours ago, Someravella said:

We already know that skaven are the next army to be revamped. But, what about the next one.

Did we have to wait long until the 40k roadmap post leviathan?

Before the new ed is launched we would get the roadmap post. At least that's how it happened for Leviathan.

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39 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Yes bring on the AOS Squiggoth!! Plastic kits have come a long way and it would make for an excellent centrepiece model. A massive Squig Bison for Gitmob.

I agree I dont think theyre going anywhere. I think itll be a COS style refresh with most units going to TOW and the rest being updated for AOS. It could in turn end up being a much smaller faction like Wave 1 Fyreslayers until its second wave next Edition.

If the Tome is released without a refresh and gets the single model or even no model treatment I still woulsnt fret.

Bwing absorbed into STD is also a possibility. I just dont see them being squatted.

Maybe the approach to the BoC refresh is slightly different to what we had so far. A similar number of kits to CoS or FEC, but as "everything" has to go from the army (rather than having room to leave stuff like what happened with FEC) you make as many kits as possible dual kits. That way you double the size of the release without "too much effort/ kits".

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30 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I think this halfling idea is too funny. Make the halfling lore so that they love to cultivate and cook before all else and like to feed the Ogors with endless hunger make for an unlikely alliance. Make them these crazy fanatic gatherers with chef hats and giant cutlery XD. Yes GW i said a subfaction with funny hats. I know i got your attention now!

We all know we will end up having a Hat's Circus faction where GW would be able to release their true design potential.

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8 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

So we got a couple option

  • Armored Troggoth which was mention in the Short. There also the sulfer breath troggoth

Warhammer Underworlds Grinkrak's Looncourt Review, 40% OFF

  • Updated Shottas and Stabbas like in Grinkrak looncourt
  • new Doom diver/Spear chukka or any sort of siege weapon

I do think new loon gobbos are on their way. The current shootas/stabbas are a WFB kit that needs replacing, and GSG are popular, that's 2 big reasons why I think it's a safe bet we'll get them eventually.

GSG being the spoiled kids of Destruction, they always get more than many other factions every edition. I 100% expect a small Gitz wave in AoS4 and them appearing in whatever narrative campaign GW comes up with. 

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About halflings, I think they will come but it will be for TOW. Either added to the Arcane Journal for the Empire of Man or through campaign books. TOW seems the perfect game to bring the Moot back to the tabletop. Imo, ofcourse. 🙂 


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I agree. Keep the Mongolian/Hun aesthetic for Gutbusters and lean more heavily into Cavemen for BCR. Maybe even give the option to dress new Gluttons in furs for BCR.

It'll be a fine balance to manage to have a steppe nomad inspired aesthetic, without falling into stereotyping, which is something the current Ogre kits fall a little bit in. Especially the gluttons/bulls. But it's still better than the Spiderfangs or the Bonesplitterz... The BCR already do cavemen quite well, even if the mournfang riders have pistols and armour.

2 hours ago, pitzok said:

A more elite, armoured unit equipped with armour inspired by persian cataphracts and mongolian warriors.e.medieval-lamellar-stainless-steel-armor-body-suit-1.jpg.6e853223a01a98184fc9e7223af77c28.jpg

I agree. Lamellar armour is awesome yet woefully underrepresented in western fantasy. 

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12 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I do think new loon gobbos are on their way. The current shootas/stabbas are a WFB kit that needs replacing, and GSG are popular, that's 2 big reasons why I think it's a safe bet we'll get them eventually.

GSG being the spoiled kids of Destruction, they always get more than many other factions every edition. I 100% expect a small Gitz wave in AoS4 and them appearing in whatever narrative campaign GW comes up with. 

Im out of likes but i fully agree. Its to be expected they get some new shiny model. I hope really hope its a unit this time. I would love new stabbas or bat riders or another type of squig thats really different from the generic squig. Give me a stalagsquig cannon please now that i think about it.

Edited by Gitzdee
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I’d prefer Wee Free Men style Gnomes to join the Ogors, but that’s just me.


Regarding Stormcast not dying in the big battle trailer - I wonder if that’s because we’ve already seen the protagonist die a couple of times…and I would start to wonder if Sigmar’s Men and Women are on the right pills at that point . 🤷🏻‍♂️

It would have been neat to see them ‘blip out’, IMO. 

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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Today gotta be the day, right? We will finally see Warcry's Pyre and Flood for sale... right?

It has to be, GW is really messing up the release schedule for their best game smh

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