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Alternate schemes, themes and dreams for mortal realms' beings...


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I like this thread as it quite nicely fits to my current struggle:

I´ve purchased some old Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders from a Friend. Most of the stuff is painted in a pretty...basic way. All the same skin tone, same red trousers, quite boring and technicaly a solid C-. Therefore I want to repaint them and I concidered the following Ideas:

  • Shyish Scoffers
    • Painting the Skin in a basic Ghostly Green/Hexwraith Flame tone, the mounts of the BCR Units will be painted like this, maybe in reverse colors: A Basetone with warpaint assembling some bones underneath.
    • Lorewise it would be also pretty cool: This force of Gutbusters/BCR´s was one of the forces that led an attack against Nagash shortly before the Necroquake (there was some short about armies of the 3 GA´s that somehow failed stopping Nagash´s Malign Portent Plans on Warhammer Community during the Campaign) and was stranded in Shyish after that Battle. They were roaming around the Realm in search for Food (read: Villages and People) but couldn´t find any. Nagash send out a Host of Nighthaunts to needle the Ogors while they were starving during their long march through the endless wastelands. This went on for a long time, with Ghosts appearing only to laugh about the Ogors slowly falling, until once day one cunning Ogor came to the great idea to simply devour the Ghosts. What first of all looked quite desperate and dumb and made Nagash himself giggle and laugh about thoose stupid creatures, ended quite fast in shock for the God of the Death. Whilst in the beginning the Ogors simply weren´t able to catch a Ghost, slowly the tides changed and...the Ogors were able to catch the ghosts and devour them. The more of the ghost the ogors were able to catch and devour, the more souls ended in their guts, trapped and slowly digested. In the end the whole Nighthaunt-Infestation that was send to mock and jibe the Gutbusters was simply eaten, and the skin of the Gutbusters stated to glow in a ghastly green. Since this day the Ogors started to roam Shyish and devour undead hordes, becoming a plague to the forces of nagash as precious souls ended up as food for thoose big parasitic brutes.
  • Eyes of Chamon
    • Painting the Skin of the Ogors silver with an airbrush for a chrome-alike effect, adding some bright colored marks all over them (rave rave rave)
    • I have the Portal from a Mutalith Vortex Beast Thingy as Bit, I would place it on a Stonehorn or Thundertusk as the Big Eye
    • Lorewise this Gutbusters drifted way to far into the unstable boarderregion of chamon where a weird anomaly manifested which they called the Big Eye. It was actually a real eye that belonged to a titan which was torn apart by the instable magic in this region. The Big Eye is therefore a manifested piece of realm magic that is as unstable as one would expect it to be. It´s gaze can turn Flesh into Metal (and also vice versa), Stone into Water, Fire into Ice and so on. Actually manifested weirdsome change, althrough untouched by Tzeentch yet an object of desire of all his cultists. Well, the Ogors are simple: As there is a big maw they are praising, there must be other parts and this Eye is therefore also a godly manifestation. They paint their bodies in virulent/glaring warpaints so the gaze of the eye may fall on them and grant them it´s blessing.

I really cannot decide which of both to realize, but I actually rather tend to the second one as weird neon colors and X-Ogors or the Silversurfer are just funnier to imagine and also may finaly satisfy my need for a more popy army design.

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12 hours ago, JPjr said:

@Durant It would take some work but I'm also thinking you could do an absolutely incredible conversion by combining the Beast of Chaos wildfire taurus endless spell with a Kharadron ship.

I was thinking about it that 

But i think i will go in a different direction 

Can i post here my progres ?

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12 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Wow, those look amazing. The big hat look certainly suits overlords. Where are the various heads from?

It is russian alternative chaos dwarfs and fw for the admiral 

RA is down for the moment but they will be back 

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11 hours ago, Charleston said:

I like this thread as it quite nicely fits to my current struggle:

I´ve purchased some old Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders from a Friend. Most of the stuff is painted in a pretty...basic way. All the same skin tone, same red trousers, quite boring and technicaly a solid C-. Therefore I want to repaint them and I concidered the following Ideas:

  • Shyish Scoffers
    • Painting the Skin in a basic Ghostly Green/Hexwraith Flame tone, the mounts of the BCR Units will be painted like this, maybe in reverse colors: A Basetone with warpaint assembling some bones underneath.
    • Lorewise it would be also pretty cool: This force of Gutbusters/BCR´s was one of the forces that led an attack against Nagash shortly before the Necroquake (there was some short about armies of the 3 GA´s that somehow failed stopping Nagash´s Malign Portent Plans on Warhammer Community during the Campaign) and was stranded in Shyish after that Battle. They were roaming around the Realm in search for Food (read: Villages and People) but couldn´t find any. Nagash send out a Host of Nighthaunts to needle the Ogors while they were starving during their long march through the endless wastelands. This went on for a long time, with Ghosts appearing only to laugh about the Ogors slowly falling, until once day one cunning Ogor came to the great idea to simply devour the Ghosts. What first of all looked quite desperate and dumb and made Nagash himself giggle and laugh about thoose stupid creatures, ended quite fast in shock for the God of the Death. Whilst in the beginning the Ogors simply weren´t able to catch a Ghost, slowly the tides changed and...the Ogors were able to catch the ghosts and devour them. The more of the ghost the ogors were able to catch and devour, the more souls ended in their guts, trapped and slowly digested. In the end the whole Nighthaunt-Infestation that was send to mock and jibe the Gutbusters was simply eaten, and the skin of the Gutbusters stated to glow in a ghastly green. Since this day the Ogors started to roam Shyish and devour undead hordes, becoming a plague to the forces of nagash as precious souls ended up as food for thoose big parasitic brutes.
  • Eyes of Chamon
    • Painting the Skin of the Ogors silver with an airbrush for a chrome-alike effect, adding some bright colored marks all over them (rave rave rave)
    • I have the Portal from a Mutalith Vortex Beast Thingy as Bit, I would place it on a Stonehorn or Thundertusk as the Big Eye
    • Lorewise this Gutbusters drifted way to far into the unstable boarderregion of chamon where a weird anomaly manifested which they called the Big Eye. It was actually a real eye that belonged to a titan which was torn apart by the instable magic in this region. The Big Eye is therefore a manifested piece of realm magic that is as unstable as one would expect it to be. It´s gaze can turn Flesh into Metal (and also vice versa), Stone into Water, Fire into Ice and so on. Actually manifested weirdsome change, althrough untouched by Tzeentch yet an object of desire of all his cultists. Well, the Ogors are simple: As there is a big maw they are praising, there must be other parts and this Eye is therefore also a godly manifestation. They paint their bodies in virulent/glaring warpaints so the gaze of the eye may fall on them and grant them it´s blessing.

I really cannot decide which of both to realize, but I actually rather tend to the second one as weird neon colors and X-Ogors or the Silversurfer are just funnier to imagine and also may finaly satisfy my need for a more popy army design.

Hmm I like both the ideas. But metal flesh rarely looks good in my opinion, but ghost eating gut busters! Hellz yeah! Pale skin with green contrasting colours would/could really pop as well. 

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