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FEC Path to Glory Campaign.


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Hey FEC-Players out there,

first of all my English is not that good and I hope you wont be angry if I do some mistakes ;)

I am new to this Forum and I wanted to Report about our Path to Glory Campaign starting next Week.

Therefore I started my new Army: The Flesh-eater Courts.

We are four guys starting the Campaign with following armys: Blades of Khorne, Gloomspite Gitz, Beasts of Chaos (or) Stormcast Eternals and me with FEC.


Now i want to optimize my starting list with the your Help.

My first thought was something like that:

1 Abhorrant Archregent

1 Crypt Infernal Courtier

3 Crypt Flayers

With that list I got some serious output for the first game and the Archregent Spell for the Campaign.

I try to send a Battlereport for every Battle made. :)


Thanks for your Help

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Ich habe auch erst vor kurzen eine Path of Glory Kampagne gespielt, meine Kriegerschar sah so aus:  Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist und  eine Einheit aus 10 Crypt Ghouls, mein Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist hat im Alleingang die feindliche Armeen gekillt und ich habe somit am Ende die Path of Glory Kampagne gewonnen ohne auch nur einmal eine Schlacht verloren zu haben.

Daher kann ich dir den Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist nur empfehlen.



I also recently played a Path of Glory campaign , my Warband was Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist and a unit of 10 Crypt Ghouls , my abhorrent Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist single-handedly destroyed the enemy armies  and I won the Path of Glory Campaign without ever losing a battle.

Therefore, I can only recommend the Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist Abhorrant.



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5 hours ago, Diablo said:

Daher kann ich dir den Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist nur empfehlen.

Abartiges Teil... aber die Gegner werden sich anpassen. Min dire wolves hab ich schon nach meinen ersten Versuchen 2016 gegen Iron jawz fest im Programm. Gristlegore gkotg ist noch widerlicher, da kommt Beschuss wieder groß raus...



disgusting things..., but enemies will adapt. Minimum dire wolves were a set choice since my first AoS try outs against Iron Jawz in 2016. with gristlegore even nastier, shooting might get a comeback...

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59 minutes ago, Honk said:

Abartiges Teil... aber die Gegner werden sich anpassen. Min dire wolves hab ich schon nach meinen ersten Versuchen 2016 gegen Iron jawz fest im Programm. Gristlegore gkotg ist noch widerlicher, da kommt Beschuss wieder groß raus...



disgusting things..., but enemies will adapt. Minimum dire wolves were a set choice since my first AoS try outs against Iron Jawz in 2016. with gristlegore even nastier, shooting might get a comeback...

Wieso dire wolves ?



Why dire wolves?

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23 minutes ago, Diablo said:

Why dire wolves?

Stolpersteine... Angriff abblocken, ggf sterben und für meinen Gegenangriff Platz zu machen. Oder sie stehen im Weg herum, damit ich meinen Schaden auf wichtige Einheiten konzentrieren kann.




Speed bumps... take the charge, die and make place for my counter charge or hinder the opponent to concentrate my damage on his meatier units

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Danke erstmal für die Antworten. Wir werden die Kampagne aber länger spielen. Heißt bis ca. 20 Ruhmpunkte! Deshalb würde ich gerne den Archregent nehmen, weil der Zauber einfach zu stark ist!👍 

Wie wäre es am Anfang mit dieser Liste:

1 Archregent

1 Royal Terrorgheist 


Thank you for your comments.

The campaign will ne played to at Kraft 20 glory points. That‘s the reason i want to play the Archregent. His spell is to ***** strong.

What about the following list:

1 Archregent 

1 Royal Terrorgheist

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3 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

What about the following list:

1 Archregent 

 1 Royal Terrorgheist

His spell is great, his extra casting (spirit host, blood feast or endless) also pretty good... take the throne and summon in whatever, pretty cheesy!!!

i am not sure if not the gkotg with gruesome maw is not deadlier in smaller games, giving you more easy glory points in the early games...

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Hey guys,

something changed in the setup!

Instead of the Blades of Khorne we vor Beastclaw Raiders now.... 

I Never played against them! What do i need to do, whats nessecary to look at?

Ah and I Hand an idear for a third and last List:


10 Ghouls

10 Ghouls

1 Ghast

1 Ghast


That would be hard to kill and i got 3 Champs for some missions to hold points. 

Ah btw i saw many  mistakes the post above.... i mostly post with my Smartphone.... and the autocorrect always f**** my texts up!😕

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27 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:


10 Ghouls

10 Ghouls

1 Ghast

1 Ghast


Okay, first - regent get's only 3 choices
Second, this is incredibly weak, ghouls in such low numbers are just speedbumps, ghasts can't fight as well
IMO Leaving the fighting to your Regent and whatever he summons is a bad choice

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29 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

Oh, thanks for the fast answer.

You are right, i had 4 drops in mind!

Well what would you chose then? The TG Party of the Flayers? 

I think the TG got more impact, but with the Flayers i got more objective controle!

I personaly will go Regent-Infernal-Flayers once we start PTG with friends

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2 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

I Never played against them! What do i need to do, whats nessecary to look at?

Me neither, but here is what I think about your second list... snowball to the face, impact hits, tabled turn 2... (and that was the nice Version ;-D)

how to one shot a muhcow?! GkoTg, Steak is what’s for dinner.

Maybe blisterskin flayer drop...but only with 6 buffed flayers

you do not have the „points“ to outgrind the bcr, while he snipes your heroes.

Depending on the fairness culture and fun>win mentality  in your group, I would take the gkotg to stomp people into the dirt (please insert Conan Phrase here, you can do the accent)

for fluff and fun, I would go for an archregent flayer army (AAR,3F,10G), summoning in a varghulf... blisterskin or feast day 

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Sorry i didn't thought about the restictions for the campain.


For 1000 Ponits i would go something like that:

Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
- Grand Court: Court of Delusion - The Feast Day

Abhorrant Archregent (200)
- Artefact: The Dermal Robe 
- Lore of Madness: Deranged Transformation
Crypt Infernal Courtier (120)
- General
- Trait: Dark Acolyte 

6 x Crypt Flayers (340)
6 x Crypt Flayers (340)

Total: 1000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 20
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 61

You are able to cast up to +4 Attacks to one of your Units of 6 Flayers. Thats crazy. its +100% more Attacks. Paired with feeding frenzy in both turns in a round you got 400% more Attacks than usual...

Summoning a second infernal or a varghulf. You can swap the artifact to Grim Garland. -2 to bravery to the Flayer screams is insane. But you have to be within 6" to the enemy unit.


Fighting against BCR depends on the Behemoth he picked. If it is a stonehorn be aware of th charge. it does D6 MW on the charge and halfes your damage characteristic. So you are safe with flayers. Horrors of GKoTG are affected.

If he picked the Thundertusk just be save and deploy more than 29"(18" shot + 8" move +3" wind) away form it. with your heroes. that 6 MW on a +2 is terrible.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It‘s starting today. These are the Lists my Enemys play now:

Night Haunt: 

1 Spirit Torment

1 Black Coach 

2 Chain ghast 

Gloom gits:

1 Loonboss on Mangler squigs 

2x 5 boingrot bounders 

Air dwarfs (yes thats my Name for them): 

1 arkanaut admiral

1 arkanaut ironclad 


1 Lord arcanum on gryph charger 

1 Knight incantor 

evocaters( dont know how many)

castigators (either)

Iron jaws:

1 megaboss

3x (x) ardboys

1x (x) goregruntas

(dont know how many either)


thats it guys. My First game will be against the glooms. I think my flayer will shine in the shooting phase, and i will get another 3 with my aar! Seems to be awesome.

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The first match is fought and i hardly won it.

We had the mission where only heroes are able to hold the points. With 3 points to hold.

He took the first turn and splittet his Army to much. 1 troup of Bounders where on the right flank, the General and his other troup

on the left flank.

My AAR stood in the mid on his Throne and my Flayers and the Courtier where on the right flank.

My flayers ate his 1 troup Bounders like a starter. My AAR got another troup Flayer cause of the range attack against his bounders.

His General did only 3 wounds to my AAR in combat. I saved 3 on 5+ and he rolled his dice realy bad 😋

The next round my 3 Flayers with +3 attacks and feeding frenzy did a great job against his General :D

His face was priceless. :)

On monday we meet to look what we get for the next fights!


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  • 2 weeks later...

The next Game was fought against Air Dwarfs. He already got some new units (5 Grundstok Thunderers with rifle). 

I took the first Turn while there was no enemy unit on Board. I got 3 new Flayers, and just saved my aar behind them.

He then shocked in all his untis and killed 1 and a half Flayers with all his attacks.... i think he worships the wrong dice god.

Roll of for the Second Turn.  I win the roll of and cast the aar spell on my Flayers. +3 attacks is realy Fine!:-)

long Story Short: After my Turn only his General was left behind with 1 life. Turn 3 the Game ends. It wasnt a great victory cause you needed 5 units to hold 1 marker (of 2) and i only had 8 Modells... nevermind....

i Hope my next dice role is a new unit role..... i realy want to play a terrorgheist next game! 😅

my last role was Vendetta(+1 to Hit roles) for my troup of Flayers.

I am going to write again After the next match.

btw. I think feeding frenzy is pretty in unbalanced....😕 its getting nerfed 100%!😢

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10 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

btw. I think feeding frenzy is pretty in unbalanced....😕 its getting nerfed 100%!😢

I don’t think so...

I fear everybody will get the cheese, if the fyreslayer book is any signpost. They have an attack twice CA and iirc, Khorne could spend points for that.

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They have pretty good shooting, but fold like a wet towel and in my clashes were not able to keep the distance well

😈 glorious bloodbaths 😈

except when they got their target priorities right...ouch

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