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Malign Sorcery worth it for the FEC player?

Mr. White

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Realm Spells might be interesting for Royal Family, when you have a bunch of kings running around.

Endless spells the geminids/pendulum can pack a punch, the chronomatic cogs speed up you charge, the palisades block a flank...

if you’re fielding an elite list against the ghoul mob even the the purple sun might not backfire too bad

so there are uses, but they are not really that of an auto-include

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7 hours ago, CanHammer-darren said:



+2 to move and charge and ability to reroll from delusion makes FEC at least playable. 

Yup, pretty much this. But for $7 worth of "gears" from Amazon and a 40mm base you can make your own cogs rather that dropping all the $$ on Malign Sorcery which is mostly spells you would never use. I'm actually planning to make themed cogs for every army I play this way. 

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Standard FeC lists tend to only run 1 caster, maybe 2 at most. Its just not worth investing 40-60pts points in endless spells if thats the case. Especially in the current magic heavy meta. 

Realistically the only FeC list running enough casters to justify some endless spells is Royal Family. Shackless and Geminids both look good for our grindy play style, but im not sure that Cogs actually does a whole lot for our lists. We dont have the hard hitting units to alpha with effectively.

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12 hours ago, Pangu said:

We dont have the hard hitting units to alpha with effectively.

My horrors b-slap opponents pretty good...especially with feeding frenzy from a GkoZd 


but as usually, personal pref and list is key to what ES suits you... not that hyped either, pretty easy to dispel most and some who might backfire 

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