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Angie's Assorted AoS

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Hey everyone! I'm Angie and I love painting and collecting miniatures. In this log I'd like to show them to you!

I started out with Warhammer Fantasy years ago and you might see some project logs of me floating around Warseer or Carpe Noctem for my Dark Elves or Vampire Counts. When Age of Sigmar came out I was a bit lost as to where I wanted to go with my hobby, but the more the story of AoS grew, the more I've been rebasing and more over, building and painting new stuff! You'll probably see a fair amount of older Warhammer models sprinkled in along the new. I love using the old stuff and making it fit together with the fancy plastic.

Let's start with the first small army/warband that I started with when Age of Sigmar came out: the Fel-Khorne. They're not finished yet since I ended up doing other projects in between, but I recently picked them up again. The Fel-Khorne are very heavily inspired by the Fel Orcs and the Eredar in World of Warcraft, gaining red skin, glowing green eyes and an unstoppable rage after drinking the blood of a demon.









And then there's the most recent addition, five more bloodreavers. These I finished this week and were painted a good year later than everything above. It shows, as they're a lot cleaner (and the photo is rather brighter). Because the starterset contains two of the same sets of 10 Bloodreavers I swapped nearly all the weapons on the models of the second set and headswapped them too to make them unique!



Coming the next few days: pictures of my biggest AoS project thusfar - the inhabitants of the twisted Labyrinth, followers of the Malign Portents of Tzeentch!


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Love it! Love those greens coming through, I can totally see the warcraft inspiration. Feel like I'm in hellfire peninsula again.

The khorgorath is fantastic. I've never been a big fan of that model but you've changed my mind.

Looking forward to Tzeentch stuff.

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Now to bridge the gap between Khorne and Tzeentch, here's the diorama I made for the Duel Contest by Games Workshop. Tzeentch vs Khorne, the Changeling vs a Bloodreaver. The Changeling is accompanied by two familiars: Scrull who is helpfully brining out new scrolls and Chroni-Quill, who is writing down the fight. Let's start with a 360 ° view, and then some photo's!









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7 hours ago, AngiesArmies said:

Now to bridge the gap between Khorne and Tzeentch, here's the diorama I made for the Duel Contest by Games Workshop. Tzeentch vs Khorne, the Changeling vs a Bloodreaver. The Changeling is accompanied by two familiars: Scrull who is helpfully brining out new scrolls and Chroni-Quill, who is writing down the fight. Let's start with a 360 ° view, and then some photo's!

So cool! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you everyone!

@christophe I use a Canon EOS1200D, a lightbox, Hangar18 backdrop and two Ikea Tertial lamps with daylight bulbs.

Let's continue with my Tzeentch army! I already had an old Warriors of Chaos army that had a few Tzeentchy heroes. When the Malign Portents came up, I painted a box of Start Collecting Tzeentch, and then I ended up integrating and rebasing the old army into my new one - and I haven't even mentioned the Silver Tower game!

In this post we have the following:

- Lord Beak and Lord Fyre, a Lord of Tzeentch on Disc and a Fatemaster. They are some of the older heroes I had already painted and I just had to rebase them.

- Ephemerula, Magister of Tzeentch. I painted this one at the start of the year to be a hero for Silver Tower.

- Start Collecting: Tzeentch! The chariot is magnetized so I can switch out the flamer and field the Herald on chariot, disc or foot. I wrote a guide to how I magnetized the Burning Chariot on my website.










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These are all fantastic, but hats off to Ephemerula. That model is gorgeous. This makes me want to collect tzeentch so much. Did you freehand the underside of the cloak yourself? I'm not familiar enough with the model.

And thanks for the photography information!

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19 hours ago, AngiesArmies said:

@Brad GammaThank you! You mean the Tzeentch eye/sign on the back and the little squiggly lines+eye on the inside? Those are freehanded. The tiny runes on the staff/chest/sleeves/ouside of the cloak/shoulders are sculpted onto the model.

Yeah the eyes and squiggles. Really impressive ?

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