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Suneater Tribes Battletome WIP: Full rules Pg6


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Cults of the Magma Drinkers

There are those in the Suneater tribes who feel the Gothi Priests have made themselves entirely too neccessary for the Migrations survival, they have engineered themselves into positions of powers no Grot is truly deserving of and in doing so have made enemies across the ranks of the Ogor Beserkrs. In the far reaches of the Realms Magma Drinker cults have begun to emerge, Beserkrs consuming massive amounts of Volatile chemicals to (albeit temporarily) replicate the Pyres those Gothi erect that they might engage in purely Ogor Migrations

3-5 Ogor Beserkr
2 units of Gullveig

Divine Flame:
In your shooting phase HEROES from this Batallion may opt not to make a shooting attack, instead they may select a terrain feature within 6 inches and roll a D6. On a 3 or more you may place an INFERNO MARKER on that terrain feature following all the normal rules for placing such markers, on a roll of a 1 however that model suffers a MORTAL WOUND.

Fire Walkers: In your hero phase Gullveig models from this Batalion within 6 inches of an INFERNO MARKER may be removed from the board, in any of your following MOVEMENT phases you may setup units removed in this manner entirely within 6 inches of any HERO from this formation and more than 9 inches from any enemy models, belched forth in the great flame of the Beserkrs

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2 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

I'll have a think on it, naming in general is always a bit of a headache. For the Suneaters i butchered the norse language along with any word for fire I could come up with :P

then I'll just use butchered industrial revolution terms, thanks for the advice! I also am wondering if you could share some insight for the Dread Fleet, I have the basis for the cannon worked out, but am having trouble with the flying carpets(as my last post on that page shows), any advice there? Have a good day sir.


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Bit more background, continueing on from the first piece:

The tomes of Azyrheim tell little of the battles that quelled Gorkamorkas rebellion, nor the atrocities that followed it at the hands of those who fought in the name of justice and Order. The few tales that have survived to the modern age speak of a host of men, aelf and dwarf the likes of which the young realms had never before seen, all marching in the shadow of the Man-God Sigmar under the mighty flags of Azyr. This massive host was drawn not just from the noble houses within Azyr, but every general (disgraced or otherwise), pirate, corsair and mercenary who owed fielty to the Barbarian king. This vast host spanned from horizon to horizon, some say that its footfalls could be heard across the entire spanning continent of Ghur as it marched across the lands, that its nightly campfires were so many that they threatened to drown out the darkness entirely as though day simply spanned into day once more. It is said that the tides of Gorkamorka were met by this host on the plain of Rok-Gor, a once verdant and beautiful landscape in a realm of savages, the green tides number were twice that of the Order host and beneath the combined footfall of the legions every spec of grass within sight was crushed out of existance. It is said that the mages of Hysh wielded their sun based powers with reckless abandon, forever changing the intensity of the sun in this part of the realm to scorch all life from the grounds below, that so savage was the combat that no native fauna escaped the onslaught.


The battle was savage, with vast number of casualties on both sides, but eventually the god of destruction found himself brought to heel, beaten and bloodied but his thirst for mayhem and war thoroughly saited the mighty Orruk god lay down to revel in his heady onslaught. With the rebellion quashed Sigmar returned back to Azyr, with matters more befitting a god to focus his attentions on he left his grand host to disband themselves, here he trusted in the souls of men to do as they were instructed… a fools hope. His vast host had been raised on the promise of bloody conquest, of glorious trophies and heroic deed, but moreover they had been promised a wealth of gold and treasures that they might use to raise kingdoms of their own. Men lured by such temptations are not so easily swayed into forgetting them, and Sigmars conquest against Gorkamorka had cost them many lives and far more gold than they had been repaid, now left in the midsts of the savage landscape of Ghur these weak men sought to find treasure of their own.


Corrupt generals and greedy nobles all spurred their legions forth into Ghur, they butchered the local populace indiscriminately, Ogors that had no part to play in Gorkamorkas rebellion and mighty beasts older than human memory all under the guise of bringing order and civility to the Realm. Whole Ogor migrations found themselves on the wrong side of man-forged blades, any lands of worth or found to be rich in metals and minerals soon became annexed by Dwarven kings and merchant guilds, the previous owned put to work in slave camps or executed as warning to the savage populace of Ghur as to what happened to those who resisted the recent influx of Order into the Realm.


The Iron Klaw Ogors, who had lived in relative harmony with the man-kingdoms of Ghur for as long as records existed, never took more meat than needed from the human villages around their migrations. To blame them for taking their share would be to blame the man for taking the sheep to slaughter, these Ogors demonstrated immense discipline only picking the elderly or weak from human villages to sait their hungers, never staying in one place long enough to diminish the populace beyond reason. Their demise came without warning, unbeknownst to the tribal elders their migration had setup camp atop a wealth of mineral deposits high up in the mountains at realms edge, it was in the dead of night amidsts a thunderous storm that a dwarven cannonade sought to bring the whole mountaintops down upon them. Flashes of black powder detonating lit up the nights sky, punctuated by streaks of lighting racing to the heavens, war scarred and embittered dwarven veterans marched up the mountainside to butcher those Ogors who survived the savage cannonade. It fell to the young Chieftan of the tribe to muster what little defense he could bring to bear, a mere handful of champions atop mournfangs raced down the crumbling mountainside to meet with their attackers. Fortunate was not however with the young chieftan, struck in the helmet by an oncoming cannonball he found himself flung backward off of his mount, foot still tangled in the saddle straps he was dragged down the mountainside, dazed from the strike and beaten by every rock on his descent his blood crazed mount ran throughout the night deep into the deserts beyond the mountains.


As the dwarves butchered all those Ogors who remained they lacked the insight to know what they had instigated, the nightmare that they had unleashed upon the realms with the soul survivor carried far beyond the charted edge of the realm….

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The pointing debate:

So having built and shared my Bal Kasta there has been some debate on the right price point for the unit. When I first statted up the unit I looked at the following units points cost:
Mournfangs - 6 wounds each, 4+ save, questionable damage output but mobile (160)
Kurnoth Hunters - 5 wounds each (but fielded in 3's), variable weapons but focusing on bows very long range with reasonable damage output (220 but getting a decrease in 2.0)
Fulminators - 5 wounds each (so only 10w per unit), but deal mortal wounds, 3+ save, higher bravery and more mobile (also reroll 1's on save) high damage output (240)


In terms of resilience and wounds the Balkasta are roughly equivalent to the Mournfangs, same wounds and save but Balkasta have added ability on saves (so should be more in points) they are however far fewer wounds than 3 kurnoths (12 vs 15) for the same save, so to my mind should be cheaper and their save is flat worse than the 3+ reroll 1's of the fulminators which leaves me based on resilience sat between 160 and 220

In terms of damage output, both the mournfangs and fulminators are capable of producing mortal wounds, the balkasta cannot, and then kurnoth hunters have range (over double the balkasta) however in maximum damage output the Bal Kasta have the less than Kurnoths but more reliably put out a higher average (upto 16 dmg per unit not near pyres vs possible 18 from the Kurnoths) and in melee are higher than kurnoth but less than mournfangs and Fulminators (so again sit around 180-200 as a midway)

In mobility Bal Kasta are the slowest of the three, and share the lowest bravery score

With these in mind I put the Bal Kasta at roughly 180-200 with the condition that in their one ideal situation (Within 12 inches of a target, within 6 inches of a pyre, not within 3 inches of an enemy) they can be potentially very deadly, but with a low move and range than roughly 9 inch sweet spot may occur once a game a best.

So thoughts on costing? Should they be more (current suggestion I was give was 260 but I'm not sold on it yet)


bal-kasta (1).jpg

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Who makes up the tribes and a nod to the Furnace kings:


As the name implies the Suneater Tribes consist of more than one Singular migration, back before the Age of Chaos the great prophet climbed from his pitlike grave and set out across the realms to unite his kin in a conquest that would shatter the very walls of the cities of Order. It was here that the first tribe, dubbed the Burning Klaw tribe was formed, born out of Ghur and yet in time many others have sprung up, each led by and tailored to the great Volsungr that leads them. Whilst the Suneaters might naturally seem to favour the wild landscapes of Ghur or the flaming hills of Aqshy they can be found in nearly every realm.


THE PYRE MAWS (SCORCH) -  When the forces of Man, Aelf and Duardin sought to retake the realm from the wilds and chaos that had reigned the did so with supreme arrogance and lack of foresight to the whims of the realms themselves. In the chaos that had descended over the realm the Suneater Tribes had flourished, their trail of destruction cared not if the cities razed were of Sigmars pathetic cohorts or the Dark Gods of the deluded masses, simply that the flames rose high into the night to please the Suneater. To see such glorious destruction come to an end as the forces of Order sought to raise new Cities, their “Seeds of Hope” was an affront to the Great Destroyer, that anything could rise from the Ashes was an insult to the devotion that the Maw Pyre clan had shown in their ravaging of the forests of Ghyran.

Incensed by this affront to their destructive labours the Maw Pyres migration was ceased, no longer pushing onwards to their homes in the lands of Aqshy and the blistering heats of the volcanic winds in that realm of fire their Prophet turned them back toward these fledgling cities. The wrath of this tribe was unlike anything the mortals had come to expect, the ferocity of their flames tore through the forests of Alarielle in a seemingly unstoppable tide, the very nature of her Sylvaneth making them vulnerable to the heat and flame that sought to devour everything in its path.

It was then to the great engineers of the Freeguild that she had so often rebuked for their ways of industry that Alarielle went, their smoke belching machinery seemingly more tolerable in the face of the total incinerations of her forest realm. These bewildering machines were put to task by their engineers, digging great trenches through the forest to blockade and surround the tribes of Suneaters as they made their advance. These great trenches were linked to the river Terral, its coursing life giving waters flooding through the trenches and forming a bulwark against the fires and halting the Ogors advance. The wound the Maw Pyres carved into the very skin of the Realm of Life would never fully heal, the heat of their onslaught had burnt deep through the dirt, scorching and sealing the dirt and rocks into blades of volcanic glass that would endure no life to grown in them. To this day this lingering malignant wound persists, a reminder of the outrage of the Suneater Tribes to the fresh onset of civilization seeking to end their joyous infernos.



The Burning Klaws tribe is said to be the original Suneater tribe, born of the teachings of the first prophet after he was chosen by the great burning god. In the beginning they were few, the Ogor Firebelly wizards had been spread far and wide throughout the realms as they sought new and more potent elixirs to try and mirror their gods mighty powers, however the Prophet was a beacon fire, one great burning pyre that drew all the disparate Firebelly tribes from across the realms toward the Shatter Tooth Plateau in the realm of Ghur. It was here, many months before that the Prophet had been reborn in the stomach of the Suneater, here he had faced trial by fire, combat and of resolve, and it was here he had emerged the champion and prophet of the great God.


In modern days the Burning Klaws are the largest of all tribes, holding dominance in the realm of Ghur whilst many of their kin undertook the great migration to the fires of Aqshy, here they control the greatest site of power in the Suneaters history, one that inspires both the respect and ire of lesser tribes. When each of the great Volsungr left the Burning Klaws to start their own tribes they took with them their own interpretations of the Suneaters whims, it was in this way that his teachings of the Pyres changed, evolved or diluted with every new tribe. The Burning Klaws however stayed true to the teachings of the first prophet and are afforded far more potent magicks than their kin, in battle they are known to field elite Ogor bodyguards for their Chosen Prophet, carrying great slabs of volcanic glass as shields to create an unbreakable wall around their foes, penning them in and pushing them ever closer to the pyres. In this way foes that do not perish in battle slowly roast alive in an ever-tightening cage of fire and shield.

The Burning Klaws invoke far more Bal Kasta than any other migration, so long and far has their migration marched that many tribes have fallen to their ever onwards onslaught.



When the Great Migration to the realm of fire occurred, it was the Ur-gore tribe that led the way, their young and inexperienced Volsungr commanded his tribe make the journey that they might bathe in the burning might of the Suneater in a realm that reflected his eternal glory. The first of the great tribes to separate from the Burning Klaws they cut a swathe of destruction from the Ghur gate into Aqshy, however in their wake they often spied the stunty and arrogant Fyre Slayers, these dwarves held no love or respect for the great Suneater but worse they seemed to pillage the Ur-gold left in the ruins of the great advance of the Suneater Tribes. To see anyone finding comfort or solace in their reign of destruction angered the mighty Ur-gores, that their weak and pathetic foes might profit from the glory of the Suneater was a slight that could not be allowed to endure. It was then only proper that the Volsungr found a momentous act of spite to shown dominance over this foe, when they razed their next village the prophet gathered his Gothi Fyri priests to him and set them to task, a great pit was dug in the heart of the ruined village with every precious metal found thrown in. When they had gathered all of worth he stoked a mighty blaze, calling on the primal fires of the realm and his own gods mighty magics the blaze roared with blistering intensity, slowly melting the precious metals into a glimmering, bubbling pool of burning hot metal.


Gathering his most elite kin to him the Volsungr and his priests set to work, shaping and warping the molten metals with agonising efficiency into glistening golden tattoos across the skin of the Tribes chosen. The very touch of the metal was a torturous burning unlike any they had endured before and yet the Ogors endured it as they would any gift from the great Suneater, and when the Volsungr will was completed his tribe marched to war once more, now emblazoned with rippling metallic tattoos formed of the very Ur-gold that they Fyreslayers had sought to pillage from the ruins of their migration.

 The Volsungr of the tribe is a mighty creature, his entire skin covered in rippling and shifting Ur-Gold ever heated by the supernatural flames stoked from inside his destructive soul. He marches as a living effigy and idol to his tribe, considered far more a demi god than mere prophet by those who follow in his wake no blade can pierce his golden hide.

Such arrogance and spite has left to a fierce conflict between the Ur-gores and Fyreslayers, the latter desperate to reclaim the Ur-gold of their god.



It is said that the mists of Ulgu glow with the brimstone haze in the approach of the Ash Walker tribes, the thick fog that envelops the realm shifting and enhancing the lights from the many torches of the tribe until the very air around them seems to boil and hiss with the encroaching flame. It has been many decades since the Ash Walkers moved into the mists of Ulgu, led by a young prophet seeking to carve out his place in the legends of his people by finding and bringing down the cities of the elusive Aelves rumoured to call the city home. However there are creatures that lurk within the mists of this realm, born and shaped by the ever shifting nature that began to pick away at the migration, ripping Ogor from mount and consuming whole swathes of the Grot accompanyment in a single bite. Beset on all side and never truly seeing their foe the Prophet found himself shaken by not quelled, he spurred his Aldin Draken kin forward with him at the head of the pack, charging headlong into the mists with a ferocious roar and a gout of flame that lit the entire region.

What fate found the Volsungr is as yet unknown, but with both their prophet and elite warriors having been taken the migration was on the bring of collapse, no Ogor had the strength of will nor the divine status needed  to lead the tribe onwards. Just as it appeared the migration had come to an end the Gothi priests came togther, their shrill voices shrieking and wailing out into the nights sky as they were riddled with visions (or so they say), it is the word of the Gothi that the Suneater wishes them to push onwards into the realm, that their prophet yet lives still waging wars ever deeper into the shifting mists of the realms. WHilst doubtful there was little the Ogors could do to contest the vision, this small flicker of hope was enough to spur them onwards deeper into the mists of Ulgu.

As time has passed the Gothi leadership of this migrations has shifted and shaped its actions, leaning more heavily on Grots to do the majority of fighting they favour quick strike and hit and run tactics across the realm. The Ash Walkers make extensive use of Carrion Drakes, favouring bow over spear and pulling the mighty artillery and Waagh karts behind them that they might atleast have the eye of the Suneater upon them if his prophets cannot be with them.


The Dead Heads are odd kin to the Suneater tribes, hailing from the rotting lands of Shyish where all life begins to wither and fade they have taken the very energies of the Realm into their migrations. Wielding strange and shifting green flame borne of the darker magicks of the realm they are a disconcerting sight for those that behold them, their warriors dubbing bio luminescent paint across their forms in the vague shapes of a skeletal visage they can be seen leering from the darkness on the still nights as a legion of glowing skeletal monstrosities. For Suneaters this is a sombre migration, gone are the visicious chants, the maniacle laughter or the revellery that comes with a normal migration, instead they set to task with a startling efficiency and near silence save for the occasional grunt or groan of the mighty beasts that accompany them. 

In battle the Dead Heads make more use of the elite Ogor units than their kin, favouring the Slatr warbeasts and Aldin draken both of whom can march for days without food or sustinence, ideal for a realm where even crops are known to wither with the briefest of glances. It is said that their mighty Volsungr can never know death, having bathed in the ethereal flames deep at the heart of the realm his body lay littered with scars from wounds that could have been mortal to a lesser beast, he dons and ancient carved skull mask  and has adorned his magma drake with skeletal armour. To fight the Dead Heads is to witness the ruthlessness of their commitment to the task, to face sheer burning agony in the eerie green glow of the flame, and when battle is done the Dead Heads efficiency in burning all that fell ensures their battles do little to reinforce Nagashes legions in the realm.

Whilst the tribes hail from nearly every Realm there is one that no tribe calls home, the mercurial and shifting metallic realm of Chamon, it is said in centuries past some upstart Ogor tribe within that cursed realm considered themselves the true disciples of the Suneater. What followed was a savage battle between the Suneater migration and the self dubbed Furnace King of Chamon over the true teachings of their destructive God (who likely simply revelled in the fresh destruction and onslaught to be witnessed). It is said the Prophets and Iron Baron clashed over days, weeks and months, every battle sending hundreds of Ogors to an early grave and countless grots, great gouts of flame clashing with cold and beaten ironworks of the Furnace kings yet there was to be little victory found on their side.

As the months turned to years the first great prophet made a decree, the realm of Chamon was to be blocked to the Suneater tribes, the children of the Suneater could not waste their numbers in such petty conflicts whilst the true enemy of their kind erected yet more cities, walls and fortresses across the other realms that they had neglected. Instead an accord was found, the Iron Barons would send great shipments of the Iron Bark of their realm through the mighty gates to Aqshy and the Suneaters holy site, in return the Fyrepowders of the realm of fire would be sent back, each would pursue the destruction of the cities of Order in their own manner without shedding the blood of other Ogors.

The accord was sworn, yet shakily held, all together weakened by the rumoured the Iron Barons had made off with a shard of the eternal flame of the Suneater stolen from a fallen prophet. What machinations these Ogor engineers had for such a potent relic was as of yet unknown, though if it was brought to bear against the newly swelled ranks of the Suneaters the conflict might well consume both tribes.

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Working on the wargear and spell/prayer cards for the faction, mostly because in my mind with spell, prayer and wargear lists with every character potentially having two of the three dependant on number of batallions its easier for both myself and my opponent to keep track of what is where throughout the game with a visual marker and description of the ability without needing to run through scrolls every two minutes.

Here's a sample back to every card:


And sample front to an Artefact card:


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Now I hear (nobody) everybody asking what about the Beserkr, the original firebelly model, why is it not a fancy new unique warscroll that has a new converted model for use in the tribes!?!?!


Well the reason for that is one half of the model is not yet released (Half?), the concept is much like the Ogor Butcher, there will be a normal model based on the firebelly, and then an enhanced firebelly who carries with him a bag of burnt bits into battle to consume to stoke the fires within throughout the course of battle.


Its from this second model that the cool bits come, during the battle if he consumes from the bag, the closer he is to death the more likely he is to earn the favour of the Suneater to fight once more, if he successfully eats from the bag without dying he swells and deforms into a giant lumbering monstrocity (for this part I need the giant fat dude from the rogue trader previews), violent and damaging in close combat but no longer capable of sufficient brain power to cast magic or benefit those around him. This gives players a second lease on life from wounded beserkrs and means if you hit one you better put it down or you'll just make him mad.



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2 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Now I hear (nobody) everybody asking what about the Beserkr, the original firebelly model, why is it not a fancy new unique warscroll that has a new converted model for use in the tribes!?!?!


Well the reason for that is one half of the model is not yet released (Half?), the concept is much like the Ogor Butcher, there will be a normal model based on the firebelly, and then an enhanced firebelly who carries with him a bag of burnt bits into battle to consume to stoke the fires within throughout the course of battle.


Its from this second model that the cool bits come, during the battle if he consumes from the bag, the closer he is to death the more likely he is to earn the favour of the Suneater to fight once more, if he successfully eats from the bag without dying he swells and deforms into a giant lumbering monstrocity (for this part I need the giant fat dude from the rogue trader previews), violent and damaging in close combat but no longer capable of sufficient brain power to cast magic or benefit those around him. This gives players a second lease on life from wounded beserkrs and means if you hit one you better put it down or you'll just make him mad.



Dang, thats just evil. 

Edit: Maybe you could use the Gorger model? lore wise you could say that the chemicals and blessing of the Suneater burns through the Berserkr's fat, and uses it to fuel the fire spreading all over his body.

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5 hours ago, TheR00zle said:

Dang, thats just evil. 

Edit: Maybe you could use the Gorger model? lore wise you could say that the chemicals and blessing of the Suneater burns through the Berserkr's fat, and uses it to fuel the fire spreading all over his body.

The aim is to use this model for the enraged version once its available.


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Having assembled the Aldin Draken riders whilst I wait for the Dracoline cavarly models to release for their mounts I've revised the warscroll to its final incarnation and set the points cost at 180 (500 for a unit of 6). This sets them marginally cheaper than the Bal Kasta who have the higher damage output but with the benefit of more mobility and good against their specific targets (monsters). I've also been working over the relics and prayers into the battlecards revising names and minor details as I go (Will be getting the cards printed at the end of the month), also working on 3d sculpting pyre markers for the army to print which will be exciting (for me anyways) as visual markers on the battlefield. 


Currently here is the new Aldin Draken scroll


And the army points list:









Aldin Draken






Ashen Grots






Bal Kasta












Gothi Fyri






Gothi Herald on Carrion Drake






Gullveig Ogors






Magma Drake






Pyre Belcher






Slatr Warbeast












Exalted Volsungr Volcanic Idol






Burnin’ Bomb Catapult






Volsungr on Magma Drake












Fire and Ruin






Deluge of Phlegm and Fire






Slatr Migration






The Hungry Flame







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2 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Having assembled the Aldin Draken riders whilst I wait for the Dracoline cavarly models to release for their mounts I've revised the warscroll to its final incarnation and set the points cost at 180 (500 for a unit of 6). This sets them marginally cheaper than the Bal Kasta who have the higher damage output but with the benefit of more mobility and good against their specific targets (monsters). I've also been working over the relics and prayers into the battlecards revising names and minor details as I go (Will be getting the cards printed at the end of the month), also working on 3d sculpting pyre markers for the army to print which will be exciting (for me anyways) as visual markers on the battlefield. 


Currently here is the new Aldin Draken scroll


And the army points list:









Aldin Draken






Ashen Grots






Bal Kasta












Gothi Fyri






Gothi Herald on Carrion Drake






Gullveig Ogors






Magma Drake






Pyre Belcher






Slatr Warbeast












Exalted Volsungr Volcanic Idol






Burnin’ Bomb Catapult






Volsungr on Magma Drake












Fire and Ruin






Deluge of Phlegm and Fire






Slatr Migration






The Hungry Flame







Im sorry If you have said it before but what models do you plan to use for your Aldin Draken? I know that a Volsungr rides a magma drake and the gothi priests the carrion drakes/LotRs beasts but I have no idea what an Aldin drake looks like.

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10 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

Im sorry If you have said it before but what models do you plan to use for your Aldin Draken? I know that a Volsungr rides a magma drake and the gothi priests the carrion drakes/LotRs beasts but I have no idea what an Aldin drake looks like.

He said a few posts back that he’s waiting for the sacrosanct chambers Calvary to come out.

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It’s the new Dracoline cavalry mount from the Sacrosanct chamber. The more fluid looking dracoth like beasts, the riders are combinations of the Stonehorn riders, iron guts and mournfang riders all equipped with giant crossbows 

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Having hit scroll capacity for my Battletome (15 unique warscrolls, not counting Battalions) and whilst waiting for parts delivery I've instead started looking at generic destruction characters not unlike the Harbingers to add some flavour to the destruction alliance. Bringing back a little bit of the old character to a very specific Maneater conversion (Paymaster+pistols from the mournfangs). Designed to integrate with the new command point system as a resilient short range shooty utility hero.



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15 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Having hit scroll capacity for my Battletome (15 unique warscrolls, not counting Battalions) and whilst waiting for parts delivery I've instead started looking at generic destruction characters not unlike the Harbingers to add some flavour to the destruction alliance. Bringing back a little bit of the old character to a very specific Maneater conversion (Paymaster+pistols from the mournfangs). Designed to integrate with the new command point system as a resilient short range shooty utility hero.



It’s an interesting idea,  what other scrolls do you have planned.  

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Mulling over various one-off heroes for destruction to fill some of the voids across the faction, thinking wandering warriors of repute who join a migration/war/tribe in order to further their own legends. As a grand alliance destruction doesnt have quite the depth of soup heroes that the other grand alliances have, so having a half dozen "Champions of the Waaagh" as additional harbinger choices for the faction could do some way toward filling that void.


Some kind of grot engineer - Thinking here a grot with a crate on wheels with a bunch of spikey spears sticking out the front and a jack-in-the-box style winding wheel on the side, literally winds it up and fires spears down the field to the excitations of the snottling crew. A grot hero of repute/mercenary/travelling salesmen that boosts nearby warmachines

Ogor Paymaster -Short range shooty utility hero, command point modification and general specific buff to bounty target. Resilient hero.

A Decent Wizard (Fimir) - Magicky, mysterious, hard to hit and capable of shenanigans.

A general destruction Priest (Race unknown, thinking destruction Centaur but could go another way) - Priest of Gorkamorka, buffs for general destruction units, base prayer is a heal/enhance modifier but with the potential to channel the waagh if stationary (Think a priest hybrid with a blood secrator for destruction)

An area of effect buff (Banner of the Waaagh) - Unit buffs, battleshock buffs.

A cunnin' assassin (Mork aligned grot most likely) - damage dealer, one hit wonder glass cannon but something currently lacking.

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17 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Having hit scroll capacity for my Battletome (15 unique warscrolls, not counting Battalions) and whilst waiting for parts delivery I've instead started looking at generic destruction characters not unlike the Harbingers to add some flavour to the destruction alliance. Bringing back a little bit of the old character to a very specific Maneater conversion (Paymaster+pistols from the mournfangs). Designed to integrate with the new command point system as a resilient short range shooty utility hero.



I really like this. The Blaze of Glory reminds me of the Horus Heresy Moritas. This should make for a fun mechanic. The only thing I would change is the CP ability. I know abilities like this exist in 40K but I think due to the lower number of CP in AoS (generating one per Hero Phase compared to 12+ in a 2K game of 40K) makes this way stronger. Maybe only have it trigger when yourself uses one CP? Or just limit its range? 

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52 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

I really like this. The Blaze of Glory reminds me of the Horus Heresy Moritas. This should make for a fun mechanic. The only thing I would change is the CP ability. I know abilities like this exist in 40K but I think due to the lower number of CP in AoS (generating one per Hero Phase compared to 12+ in a 2K game of 40K) makes this way stronger. Maybe only have it trigger when yourself uses one CP? Or just limit its range? 

Might change it to only when the opponent uses one, the theory was he paid off a spy so he can tactically react better to what his opponent does because he knew ahead of time. The both players was him playing both sides but limiting it to just the opposing force makes sense (statistically just stealing an opponents it’ll be 2 Extra in a game, given that he,ll cost more than 3 CP on his own it seems ok)

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Working on the first four Batallions for the Battletome, alot of mixed destruction forces for them to interplay with the existing sub factions within the grand alliance and establish their place within the destruction Hierarchy:


The Ogors and Grots are not the only ones who revere the great Suneater, though perhaps the most prolific, many an Orruk or Troggoth has been swayed by the roaring flames and blistering heat of the devotions of the great god of Flame. These would be worshippers form a court around particularly adept or potent Volsungr hoping to learn... or steal the secrets of the Suneater tribes and their seeming favourable position in the eyes of their savage God.


- Volsungr on Magmadrake



Forbidden Knowledge- The Volsungr from this Battalion knows the SOLAR FLARE spell in addition to any other spells known. Other Wizards in this battalions know one additional LORE OF FIRE spell in addition to other spells they know.

Trials by Fire- WIZARDS from this Battalion may re roll one failed casting attempt once per turn. To do so inflict D3 mortal wounds on one model from this battalion before attempting the re roll.

In the Presence of Greatness - WIZARDS from this battalion may add 1 to casting and unbinding rolls if they are within 3 inches of any other models from this battalion.

Solar Flare- Channelling the overwhelming power of the sun the wizard calls down a pillar of burning light which incinerates those around it. Casting Value 10 - Select a point on the battlefield all units within 3" of it take 6 mortal wounds, units within 6" instead take d6 mortal wounds, units within 9" take d3 mortal wounds.

A unit can only take damage from this spell once per cast.



The Gothi Fyri revel in malicious delight at setting blazes, the more prolific... the bigger the flame, the louder the screams of their victims burning alive the better. Some Gothi Fyri take the opportunity in the heat of battle to slip from the front lines (if they every truly made it there in the first place) to poke and prod at the mighty pyre belchers as they launch their burning deluge down the field. In their manic delight they often find themselves loading the giant squigs gullet with all and sundry to stoke their flames higher, praying and screeching to the great Suneater for a stronger flame to consume their foes.


1-3 Gothi Fyri

2 x Ashen Grot Units

3 Pyre Belcher


Tsunami of Spit - In your hero phase roll a D6 for every pure belcher from this battalion within 6 inches of a Gothi Fyri. On a 4+ that unit may shoot as if it were the hero phase.

Survival of the Cunning - Ashen Grots from this battalion gain the “Cunning not Brave” rule from the Gothi Fyri Warscroll.

Cults of the Magma Drinkers

There are those in the Suneater tribes who feel the Gothi Priests have made themselves entirely too neccessary for the Migrations survival, they have engineered themselves into positions of powers no Grot is truly deserving of and in doing so have made enemies across the ranks of the Ogor Beserkrs. In the far reaches of the Realms Magma Drinker cults have begun to emerge, Beserkrs consuming massive amounts of Volatile chemicals to (albeit temporarily) replicate the Pyres those Gothi erect that they might engage in purely Ogor Migrations

3-5 Ogor Beserkr
2 units of Gullveig

Divine Flame: 
In your shooting phase HEROES from this Batallion may opt not to make a shooting attack, instead they may select a terrain feature within 6 inches and roll a D6. On a 3 or more you may place an INFERNO MARKER on that terrain feature following all the normal rules for placing such markers, on a roll of a 1 however that model suffers a MORTAL WOUND.

Fire Walkers: In your hero phase Gullveig models from this Batalion within 6 inches of an INFERNO MARKER may be removed from the board, in any of your following MOVEMENT phases you may setup units removed in this manner entirely within 6 inches of any HERO from this formation and more than 9 inches from any enemy models, belched forth in the great flame of the Beserkrs


"Of Fire and Ice"

Volsungr on Magma Drake
2 Units of Aldin Draken
Huskard on Thundertusk
2 Units of Mournfangs

Elite of the Tribes - if the Volsungr from this Battallion is your general both the Mournfangs and Aldin Draken become battleline

One blade worth ten - Mournfangs and Aldin draken from this Batallion count as 5 models each for the purposes of claiming objectives, each is an elite warrior worth a ten mortal souls able to hold ground that few others could

Stormriders - As the Everwinter clashes with the mighty Pyres of the Suneater the clashing elements result in a thunderous Storm the likes of which few have ever witnessed. Every charge from the formation comes with the cracking of thunder and the piercing glow of lightning racing over the skies above. Enemy units targetting models from this formation that have charged this turn suffer -1 to hit in the combat phase.

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When reviewing the unit choices for the faction I kept coming up against the lack of an Elite melee unit for the Tribes, something that could both encompass the themes of the army whilst managing to cover that current deficit. I went through a few unit concepts before coming up with the following background:



Within the tribes of the Suneaters there is much superstition and ritual surrounding the worship of their destructive god, from the roaming Nomads of the Shattersoul planes who grind the bones of their victims into a warpaint to anoint themselves, to the Grakjaw savages who rip every teeth from their mouths that they might not serve the dark god Nagash with zombie bite should they fall in battle. One particularly prolific ritual has begun to arrise in the aftermath of the wars in Shyish, as the Gothi priests witnesses the raw power contained in the Realm stones they began to experiment with ways to utilise it within the tribes, many Ogors falling victim to their experiment after promises of ascendance in the favour of the Great Suneater.

With time and the passing of many souls the Gothi have mastered the art of blending small traces of Realmstone with the potent Fyre powders of Aqshy in a highly volatile alchemical powder. In the dark nights before battle commences sacred warriors are chosen by the Gothi from the mightiest tribes in a migration, each sworn to revoke all loyalty to tribe to serve the Suneater as no normal Ogor could. Each is bathed in the blood of conquest, anointed in the very essence of the war they will now embody, their forms painted in sigils borne of ash from the first flame to elevate them above their former kin. The Gothi all the whilst guiding this ritual with an attention to detail previously unseen in the rebellious grotkin, these fanatical priests then burn their concoctions in urns within the great tent of the Prophet, one by one the tribal elite enter to inhale the vapours produced, the energies of the realm rippling through their every vein as their bodies begin to harmonise with the vibrations of the realm around them. In this way these champions of the tribes become living manifestations of the battlefield, their every step in tune with the elements around them, each inheriting a small portion of the arcane power from the Realmstone they consume and manifesting unique mutations to match. Those who undergo the process are armed with the finest of Magma Wrought blades from the Gothi armoury, relics of the tribes that have seen many masters in their time, great slavers leading these champions into battle with serpentine lashes wrought of living flame to drag victims back to the Gothi for "Testing"

Whilst many of these champions perish as the battle commences, their bodies riddled with the unstable concoction and giving way unto death others find themselves all the stronger for it, harnessing the arcane power to summon forth great belching torrents of fire to scorch those who cross their path. When the power of these unstable alchemy leaves their form they begin to crave it, often unable to leave the realm they became attuned to without feeling weakened beyond memory. Such addiction gives the Gothi Priests leverage, mixing small amounts of alchemical powders to keep these Fanatics as their own personal champions and private killers.



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