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How likely would it be for an aelf to follow Nagash?

Lord Veshnakar

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I'll set the stage here first that I am a fairly strongly narrative-oriented AOS player.  

I was working on conceptually building out a Legion of Sacrament army and I was curious what peoples thoughts were on how believable it is for an Aelf to become one of Arkhan's Black Disciples,  a disciple of Nagash himself and/or even a Necromancer?  

I am sure I could justify it from a lore standpoint but I was curious if this had come up in any of the lore thusfar from AOS? I know Nagash was able to create necromancy in part through use of Dark Magic he learned from captured Dark Aelven Sorceresses, so it's likely they have a natural propensity for it if humans can manage to master it (which may be in part due to their obsession with  death due to how short the human lifespan is by comparison), but I am just curious of other's thoughts.

Would this feel a little lore-forced if you saw an Aelven Necromancer or even Soulblight? 

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Most humans turn to necromancy in an attempt to extend their own lives. That was Nagash’s original goal when he began to manipulate Dark magic. It led to the creation of the elixir of blood which in turn created vampires. Since elves have life spans that are longer than humans, necromancy and vampirism generally don’t appeal to them. They also tend to have a greater respect for their dead than humans do. However that doesn’t mean that a particularly power hungry or less-sane elf wouldn’t turn to the art in order to further their own goals. I have found that AoS is more forgiving lore wise as long as the story works well.

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I say go for it dude, that sounds awesome. I think "lore wise" they make more sense as vampires than necromancers though if you are looking to make it seem as plausible as possible. There is already a strong obsession with blood among some elves (Khaine worshippers) so it isn't much of a stretch to think that some elves might be tempted to become vampires. 

As for Necromancers, I'm sure you could make up a reasonable and plausible backstory for one if you want one but my 2¢ is that elves are often very obsessed with aesthetics so the idea of letting their bodies slowly wither and rot to work with necromancy probably isn't something that elves would like. I'd also surmise that for the same reason you probably wouldn't see many zombies or zombie-like creatures in an elven vampire army. 

One other option could be to go down a road with Flesh Eater Courts representing an elf army that has become obsessed with dark magic and it has become an addiction to the point that it is leeching at their souls. This is basically the whole "Nightfallen" concept from WoW, but it is a cool theme, fits well with the idea of an elven obsession with magic, and could be thematically very interesting.

Also, remember, that just because an elf has become obsessed with death or vampirism doesn't mean he or she needs to follow Nagash. 

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Everyone can be corrupted, so why not an Aelf?
If you want to create a lore background there might also be the option of an Aelf who lost someone and was turning to necromancy to get that person back, or of course an Aelf with an affinity for "Death" Magic who was then shunned and turned dark? There are quite a few nice possibilites.. It is easier with vampires since the Karsteins back in the good old days turned people like ther was no tomorow, and with the oubliette in Shyish opening every kind of nastiness could be sprung out^^

Model-wise I think it is a quite nice idea and you should follow it regardless of lore^^

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If he`s dead, he`ll worship Nagash a 100% :P


But seriously, many Aelfs try to gather knowledge and in the current time period of Warhammer I see an Aelf tur to Nagash more likely. Teclis is trying to create new Aelfs, so there is for sure one or another Aelf with the loss of a loved one or a valued family memeber for example. As mentioned afore, humans are known to experiment with necromancy more likely, but the root is the same for any race usually: desperation.

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I guess getting turned by some Carstein or Lahmia vampire is one of the „most common“ reasons for an aelf to be in the undead rooster.

but considering one of the Gotrek&Felix novels... they we’re running around with that human wizard (was it Geld?) kinda teamed up with lahmia vampire Lady to grab some vampire domination artifact which turned out to be built by Big N himself...

freedom of thought and speech is not really his strong side in dealing with people and even touching his stuff can end up with you doing his bidding, willing or not...

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