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I now realize what AoS is lacking in my eyes

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2 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

Obviously not a myth from OUR point of view but of course he was as far as the setting went.

Most of the people in the setting of WHFB had only ever heard of him in stories he wasent this active being that was definatly around.

His background left alot to the imagination which in many ways to me was far better than his actual self. Dont get me wrong i was SO excited when he appeared in the end times because a legend was coming to life.

But that legend cant come to life again any time soon.

As for his model i think saying he went out of production for a "while" is something of an understatement.

So yeah he was a myth and legend at one point. Its not like everyone in the old world new for a fact that he existed just like how in 40k many of the genral populous dont know that Chaos exists.

This is fair.

In regards to the common people - yeah he was a myth at that point to the realms of men (and probably many WFB players).  He was one of the first characters that I found really interesting when I got into the game, so I personally am glad that he is back.  He makes for a very good villain and fictional settings are often make or break based on the villains more than the heroes.

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7 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

This is fair.

In regards to the common people - yeah he was a myth at that point to the realms of men (and probably many WFB players).  He was one of the first characters that I found really interesting when I got into the game, so I personally am glad that he is back.  He makes for a very good villain and fictional settings are often make or break based on the villains more than the heroes.

Its not that im not happy he is around but there is a trade off.

As great as Nagash is he will never be as awesome as when he first re enteted the setting properly in end times as non of us knew just what he was capable of especially after becoming an incarnate also. But it feels like the "moment" was used up.


There are a finite number of characters like that and once they are introduced in a real way. thats it.

Imagine if in some great unveiling khourne entered the setting fully manifested it would be a moment of pure epicness (whether something you would want to see or not) but once we get used to him being around and not something we just feel the prescence of its gone.

and when you think about how long WHFB has been around it will take a long time to develop new legends to replace them.

Just dont want to run out of those moments i guess.

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2 minutes ago, KHHaunts said:

There are a finite number of characters like that and once they are introduced in a real way. thats it.

Just dont want to run out of those moments i guess.

Fair enough.

Although to be devil's advocate - it's all made up and if they are creative enough they can make up more.  I am more interested in having big impressive model kits and compelling characters.  So ultimately I am glad that Nagash decided to get off his butt and stop being such a couch-potato.  But I will agree that we need more larger than life villains and characters.

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In my home games I like to envision my skirmish force of Stormcast Eternals as a mix of Old World Sigmarite priests and more typical fantasy Paladins.

I think part of the disconnect is that the Paladin archetype really did not exist in Warhammer Fantasy.  All you had were priests, and due to the gothic European style of the setting, they were much more of the demagogue-aspect, whipping the masses into a frenzy, rather than being heroes of the people, which Stormcast have the capability of being outside of meatgrinding mass-battles, but is not really covered much yet.

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