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Knight of Shrouds vs. Wight King


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1 hour ago, bsharitt said:

My problem with the beast is no only that it cost that much for one member of what should generally be a multimember unit, but that for all the options it gives you, it's still monopose. I like the model itself, but if you put three in a unit, even all built with different options, they still look kind of silly in the exact same pose together(and not silly in the good way the beasts of nurgle look).

Yeah the beasts are one of the worst examples i have seen. They need a major buff for 40k or a drastic price reduction. 

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The price of the Heralds being due to their new release versus existing characters like the Wight King is bunk, unfortunately.  One of the last batch of releases was the trio of Easy-Build Primaris Aggressors for 40k, a box of three models on 40mm bases, each larger than a Stormcast.  All for $35, the same in the US as a single Herald.

And each of the latest Primaris Space Marine characters are single-sprue characters each the size of a Stormcast for $25 each.  The Heralds should have been the same, at the most.

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So GW's strategy definitely seems to be: Keep old stuff the same price but increase the prices of new stuff.

Personally, while I enjoy being able to get the old stuff at good prices, it really does make direct comparisons feel silly. I mean, if you are unaware of that strategy, you walk into a store and you see the Lord of Plagues and Lord of Blights next to each other, with vastly different prices, you're going to be thinking "WTF". 

Even as someone who's got a decent paying job and has plenty of money to spend on my hobby, how much an army/models will cost me is definitely a consideration I put in when I'm buying things. I don't actually have many of the new models, and partly it's because I know I can collect lots of the older models I enjoy just as much at much cheaper prices (2nd hand market and from GW itself).

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I don't think the Heralds *ahem* herald a new era of $35 heroes from GW, but it's just that they're considering them a special release(and the packaging has me wondering if they will remain a general release after MP is over) and charging a premium. It's a shame, because model and rules wise, they're not quite up to the same level as GW's other pricier heroes(not to say they're bad, but they're not must have for the table top or oversized super detailed models). It's a shame, I'll probably still get the Knight of Shrouds and the Shaman just because I can't pass up the only new releases for Nighthaunt or Moonclan as an owner of both of those armies. I probably would've gotten the the Ordinator for $25, but I'll probably be passing on him.

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I just got and assembled Knight of Shrouds and the Cave Shaman. The Cave shaman is a nice well detailed model and would have a no brainer at $25 and while I wouldn't says he's worth a box of Grots, I don't feel too bad paying the extra $10 for him. The Knight of Shrouds is a different story; $35 for a 5 piece(1 of those is a piece of rubble for the base) snap fit model(yep, he's got all the qualifications of GW's "easy to build line") that really isn't that detailed is a bit insulting. Being snap fit and not that detailed to paint, I'd expect to see him sold for $10 of $15 as in intro model. At $35, I'd expect this model to be bundled with some paints. It does make me wonder if maybe he wasn't intended for this role, perhaps was supposed to be an intro model in a death release, but go retasked to Malign Portents and they decided to price everything the same. After all their model development allegedly comes first(makes sense since it takes so long) and then book and campaigns come along.

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Aye, he does look very simple. Remember the cairn wraith? this guy is better, of course, I like his helmet, clocks and sword, but apart from that... Shaman couldn't be better with his superb details and such bits as his staff or a bad moon symbol, he is amazing, followed by the chaos war queen. But the Knight is indeed a bit disappointing.

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