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is there a TGA like forum for 40K?


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Don't go to DakkaDakka!  The vitriol espoused by some of the posters there killed any excitement I have for 40K, and I played that for 6 years as my exclusive hobby and game.  With the release of the 40K 8th edition rules, the line became even more divisive over what kinds of games one can be expected, or even allowed, to play.  I still have bad memories of the whole "power level versus points" flame war of 2017...  And since then, I have basically swore off of 40K completely, and focused all my attention on Age of Sigmar, as the TGA community here is an overwhelmingly better one than what is at DakkaDakka.  Sure, there are arguments and discussions, but at least they actually are arguments and discussions, rather than the flaming, hate-filled, us-versus-them, with-us-or-against-us, WAAC-or-super-casual-and-no-middle-ground ramblings or narrow minded individuals (I can count with ONE FINGER the number of people who responded to my posts with actual discussion and not the aforementioned flaming).  I logged out of there, and deleted it from my bookmarks, and I am done with that website for good. 

Never again.

If you can find a 40K forum that is half as good as TGA, then you will have found the best 40K forum around.  I don't have much time for wargaming here lately, but I still think it is one of the best hobbies that a person can have, and a good and friendly place to share that with others is tantamount to having a positive hobby experience.  I wish you the best of luck in finding such a site for 40K.

And sure, there are ultra-competitive players here at TGA, but even here there is still an enthusiasm for goofy lists and Narrative Play that just isn't present anywhere else that I have seen.


...  That may have been the most cathartic post I have written.  I actually feel better now :)

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3 hours ago, BunkhouseBuster said:

Don't go to DakkaDakka!  The vitriol espoused by some of the posters there killed any excitement I have for 40K, and I played that for 6 years as my exclusive hobby and game.  With the release of the 40K 8th edition rules, the line became even more divisive over what kinds of games one can be expected, or even allowed, to play.  I still have bad memories of the whole "power level versus points" flame war of 2017...  And since then, I have basically swore off of 40K completely, and focused all my attention on Age of Sigmar, as the TGA community here is an overwhelmingly better one than what is at DakkaDakka.  Sure, there are arguments and discussions, but at least they actually are arguments and discussions, rather than the flaming, hate-filled, us-versus-them, with-us-or-against-us, WAAC-or-super-casual-and-no-middle-ground ramblings or narrow minded individuals (I can count with ONE FINGER the number of people who responded to my posts with actual discussion and not the aforementioned flaming).  I logged out of there, and deleted it from my bookmarks, and I am done with that website for good. 

Never again.

If you can find a 40K forum that is half as good as TGA, then you will have found the best 40K forum around.  I don't have much time for wargaming here lately, but I still think it is one of the best hobbies that a person can have, and a good and friendly place to share that with others is tantamount to having a positive hobby experience.  I wish you the best of luck in finding such a site for 40K.

And sure, there are ultra-competitive players here at TGA, but even here there is still an enthusiasm for goofy lists and Narrative Play that just isn't present anywhere else that I have seen.


...  That may have been the most cathartic post I have written.  I actually feel better now :)

I agree, I got into AoS because 7th edition was SOOOOOO soul draining, esp for me as a long long time Imperial Guard player. 8th is better, but those people who ruined 7th still remain. I am loving AoS because of the fact that theres good people on places like TGA, the models that are coming out are exceptional in lookand quality, and the rules can be a bit cartoonish but they are rarely so broken that you have to quit (unless you play Bretonnians, sorry guys!)


oh and star drakes are really really cool. 

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15 hours ago, Twitch of Izalith said:

Interesting. I find AoS to be the more complex game - particularly as more developed factions get released. The missions are better designed, just the addition of a warscroll battallion can completely change the way an army list plays and tiny aspects of movement and deployment can have a huge impact on the game. OK the "rules" are simple but I think playing the game well takes a lot more thought than 40k. For me anyway. other peoples experiences may vary. 

40k seems a lot more dependent on how good your list is than how well you play it. 7th ed was just enacting a set of rules. a lot of players confuse "its complicated and hard to remember everything" with "you need to play really well to be good at this game"

:/ makes some tea and waits for the inquisitors to arrive...


I didn't really mean it from a playstyle/strategy perspective, but more of a "get into" perspective. I think AOS is one of those easy to play hard to master kind of games, where-as 40k is a bit more rule intensive with all the little interractions between stuff, but in the end becomes a bit plain and "rule lawyer"-y  for my taste. There are only 2 AOS players about 1.5 hour travel by train or car away from here, but 30 or so 40k players 5 minute walk from  where I live :(. I wish it were the other way around.

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6 hours ago, Twitch of Izalith said:

@Kugane yeah I think that's a fair comment. AoS looks quite simple on the surface - which I think is why it was dismissed so quickly by a number of people.

I also only have 2 people to play against but fortunately we all have several armies and they are both very good players so it stays interesting and challenging.  

I also have a few armies, just looking for a regular group now :D. I think a group of 2 to 4 people would be the best tbh. Since you can easily build some great games together

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