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Help me build an army around a chaos mammoth

Jagged Red Lines

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So I managed to lay hands on a chaos mammoth, which is gigantic and utterly amazing. It's inspired me to start my first Age of Sigmar army. I was looking for some advice.

I have a few units in my bits box already from various conversion projects - 5 knights, 5 marauder horsemen, 15 warriors of chaos, 20 marauders. Plus I bought  50 blood reavers on ebay because they're amazing models, and 5 blood warriors. 

What sort of army should I build? Slaves, bloodhound? A mixture? If slaves can I use my blood reavers as marauders?

Sorry total noob, just wanted to pick some brains before I buy any more stuff!

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1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Love the old world vikings. Gutted they never got around to making the kurgan. 

Would two mammoths in a game be legal in terms of army building restrictions?

Haha Just went into this Thread to suggest two mammoths ?


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15 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Can you ally the mammoths into bloodbound?

Don’t have the Bloodbound book but the mammoth has the SLAVES TO DARKNESS keyword and looking at blades of khorne’s allies list you can ally in SLAVES TO DARKNESS. So unless Bloodbound is a different faction or something I would think so. 

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17 hours ago, Kramer said:

Don’t have the Bloodbound book but the mammoth has the SLAVES TO DARKNESS keyword and looking at blades of khorne’s allies list you can ally in SLAVES TO DARKNESS. So unless Bloodbound is a different faction or something I would think so. 

You can, and hes only 320pts so can be added in as an Ally for an 2k game

As for how to build an army around him. There are lots of options since he is quite powerful for his points cost. Though bear in in mind that his rampage ability can hurt allied units as well so I wouldn't be putting expensive elite units near him.

A cool army concept for him would be a mostly cavalary force. Basically a thunderous charge and a whole lot of squishing while your infantry follows up to clean up the rest and hold objectives. Something like this:

1x Lord of Khorne on Jugger with Brazen Rune

3x Mighty Skullcrushers

3x Mighty Skullcrushers

3x Mighty Skullcrushers

3x Mighty Skullcrushers

3x Mighty Skullcrushers

3x Mighty Skullcrushers

3x Mighty Skullcrushers


5x Blood Warriors

10x Blood Reavers

10x Blood Reavers

10x Blood Reavers

10x Blood Reavers


1x Chaos War Mammoth

1x Brass Stamped Battalion

Comes to 2000pts

A pretty formidable force that is going to do a ton of MWs from charges, the mammoth's tusks, and avalanche of brass rule. (unfortunately you need 7 units of skullcrushers for that which is why there are so many) The the small units of reavers will be great for taking up space, bubble wrapping, and just dying to get you blood tithe. Alternatively, I'd say drop the warriors for another hero but I was trying to use as many of your existing models as I could. Took Brazen rune on the lord to give you a tiny bit of anti magic. 

Also since the army has so many tough multiwound models, the crimson rain blood tithe ability will be brutal. The army will be incredibly tough to kill

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skin wolves is your answer!!!!!!!!!!!!! fill your army with them and they will quickly take your opponent's attention leaving the mammoth free to deal dmg without suffering too many wounds!

I started something along this line at the beginning of the summer when, speaking of, they announced Norsca for Total War: Warhammer and my idea was something like this:


Aspiring deathbringer (general)

Lord of Chaos (mark of Khorne)

Bloodsecrator (compulsory in every khorne army plus you get to make your opponent re-roll his successful casts so you re covered partially from magic)

marauder chief on chaos warmammoth


40x chaos marauders (flails and shield + damned icon)(mark of Khorne)

10x chaos marauders (flails and shield + damned icon)(mark of Khorne)

10x blood warriors (weapon is up to you i have used gorefists because in the majority of the times   you will already have the re-roll 1s)

6x skin wolves

6x skin wolves

chaos warshrine (mark of khorne)

chaos gargant ( this is personal choice because i wanna have fun and to trick my opponent a bit in taking attention away from other things not that I relay much on it)

TOT 1910/2000


if you take the chaos gargant you can fill in other thing o your choice like another 6x skin wolves which might be useful but I find they are a bit of an overkill I don t think you eed them.


The whole idea is to have as many attacks as possible (you have a furious rage-blinded horde running across the table) having all sort of bonuses from the aspiring deathbringer, warchief on mammoth and bloodsecrator making you marauders having 3 attacks each with an average of 4+  3+ re-roll 1s (if not better on the hit rolls due to their rule).

the warshrine will enhance the skin wolves making them better on hit-rolls and giving them 6+ against MW. plus its bonus wll just be better for all your other unist (re-roll all hits instead on just 1s)

War mammoth is pretty straight forward, I mean he is your source of MW but you know that. and chaos lord is your hitty character and he does hit pretty hard.

Blood warriors stand on obj and they do hold it!!!!!!!!!

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On 12/27/2017 at 11:39 PM, Jagged Red Lines said:

I read your other thread, how has it worked out for you? Do you suggest skin wolves to bolster the marauders?

Hey, sorry for not getting back sooner.


The skin wolves are great, and I'm only upset that I can't get marks on them.  They're enough of a distraction unit to divert attention, and quick enough to be a concern.  The golden thing with them is their pile in, which allows you to jump over a unit and attack it from behind with sone of the wolves.


I like my twin mammoths, and they work very well.  The chieftain on them makes the marauder horsemen very very scary as you can cover the board in next to no time.

I don't load out my heroes to be beat sticks, but I do load them out to assist the army, and as such the benefit though not immediate is more noticeable when you get into combat, I learnt that from chaos dwarfs.


Your mammoths will undoubtedly be the centre of attention, and in a way that's a good thing. because they're annoyingly resilient to take down. and their true damage output comes when they stampede.  I have a guy at our local with a skyfire cheese fest, so I might play him to see how it stands  up, as he's going to nottingham with it on an event and wants to see how it plays with something "not normal"

I'm kinda old school so I don't really go for shiny bling, and most of my lists are written off straight away by cutting edge players, and in amy respects they're right.


The list you saw worked pretty well.  The khorne marauder cavalry with the warshrine, bloodsecrator and bloodstoker are pretty scary just for the amount of speed they have and the amount of dice you get to sling around.   The mammoths will each force a loss of bravery if they charged, and coupled with the banner and the mask in the slaves to darkness artefacts and you suddenly have a pretty brutal wake up call fro that lovely fat unit of stuff you just charged...   now add a curs'd Ettin gibbering away in the back ground  at 2k...

You could make this pretty brital with chaos knights but I just preferred the wall of warriors, however the gorebeast chariots I have to say do pretty well, especially if they have a lord on daemonic mount doing for the warriors, chariots and knights (tin can slaves)  what the chieftain does for marauders (fleshy slaves).

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