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New Sylvaneth Player


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Hi all! New to Sylvaneth and Order in general actually & went out and splurged on some Sylvaneth models a few days ago. Looking for help to throw together a powerful list from building on what I have! 

Treelord/Treelord Ancient/Spirit of Durthu

Drycha Hammadreth


30x Dryads

6x Kurnoth Hunters


A friend tells me the Gnarlroot Wargrove and the Dreadwood Wargrove and good battalions, and coming from death where battalions are limited I'd like to maybe play one of these? 


What at are you guys finding good in gh2? :)

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14 minutes ago, seanafly said:

Hi all! New to Sylvaneth and Order in general actually & went out and splurged on some Sylvaneth models a few days ago. Looking for help to throw together a powerful list from building on what I have! 

Treelord/Treelord Ancient/Spirit of Durthu

Drycha Hammadreth


30x Dryads

6x Kurnoth Hunters

A friend tells me the Gnarlroot Wargrove and the Dreadwood Wargrove and good battalions, and coming from death where battalions are limited I'd like to maybe play one of these? 

What at are you guys finding good in gh2? :)

Welcome to the grove. :)

This in-depth discussion on Sylvaneth in GH2017 might be helpful: 



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So I made this list and had a game with it. Me and an aetherstrike sigmarite play vs dead watch/ghoul patrol in a 4K battle. Went pretty well despite losing all my Dryads and Drycha on the first double turn ?


This is is the list I want to run, any thoughts on it? And what artifacts to use/spell layout?

Treelord Ancient as general w/ Gnarled Warrior, Ranu's Lamentiri, Regrowth and Treesong.

Drycha w/ Squirmlings & Reaping

Branchwych w/ Acorn & Dweller's Bellow

20 Dryads 

10 Dryads

5 Tree-Revenants

3x3 Hunters with Bows

Household & Gnarlwood Wargrove


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1 hour ago, WABBIT said:

I know you can't give Drycha an item but the Circlet works well with the Reaping as its extends the range all units in 9" instead of 3" ;) a good combo for a TLA or suicidal Branch Wych? :D


Would be nice on a (survivable) 2nd TLA in gnarlroot list... not sure it would be worth it though.

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  • 3 months later...

Drop the unit of 10 dryads

take 5 more tRevs

and bump the unit of 20 to 30

i feel utilising 2 units of TRevs, zipping around the board and capping objectives late game is a great trick to have in the army and making the Dryads 30 as opposed to 20 makes them just that little bit sweeter 

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It might be too late to suggest doing this but I think it's VERY worthwhile to magnetize your Kurnoths if you haven't already. Scythe and Sword Kurnoths are pretty generically solid against anything, but Bow Kurnoths are very swingy. They are great against opponents relying on fragile support heroes that can be sniped or who have big, expensive, glass cannon monsters. Against opponents that are running bulkier, high wound lists they are really bad though. Being able to have some flexibility in what you can field is fantastic.

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