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Slashing My Own Hamstrings



This weekend I got in my weekly game with @Sunchaser at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix, AZ. I showed up with the same mixed Nurgle list I played last time. We had agreed that we wanted to try a Battleplan from the SCGT 2016 Tournament Pack and we set that game up. I can't remember what the Battleplan was called, but it's the first one in there and it's like, you have to control altars in order to move a storm.

Anyway, to control an altar requires a Hero or Monster and so @Sunchaser (who plays Sylvaneth) made a quick change to his list to include another hero. I asked him about how many points the models he took out were worth and he indicated it was about 180 points. So, like an idiot, I had this idea in my head that a Chaos Chariot was worth about 200, and I was already coming in at 960, so I said, "Hey, just leave that unit in there! I'll throw in this ****** chariot, since I've been wanting to try it anyway!"

So we played the game and while the end result was technically a draw, if he had played really hard and @Sunchaser could probably have tabled me. He's a really great opponent and very chill and relaxed which kept the game competitive and interesting when it could have been super one-sided.

The turn that really stands out in my memory was right in round one.

I advanced my Chaos Knights next to a Chaos Chariot and then proceeded to charge them into two units if Kurnoth Hunters, one with bow and arrow, one withscythes. My Chariot did nothing. I mean, literally nothing. I think after all was said and done, I came up with one wound that he shrugged off. Or hell, I dunno, maybe that squad carried it around with them the rest of the game. Either way, the Chariot didn't really do anything.

It was a far cry from the days of 5th E when Chariots were supah-bomb anyway.

On their retort, the scythed Hunters brutally executed the Chariot.

It was only later that I realized that I could have afforded two chariots for the cost of the models he put on the board. Not to mention the deficit I was already running. I might have been able to run THREE Chariots with those points. Not that I will. I was really underwhelmed with how one performed and I just can't see spending the money on a model that is going to be that lackluster. I think I'll probably play with this one while the rest of the army is coming together and then it will just sit in a box until we do some kind of battle royale with every model on the the table kind of thing.

Sorry there were no pics this week! I'll make sure and get some at my next battle on Thursday!


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Yeah - Slaves to Darkness units (and heroes) are really underwhelming. They are vaguely tough, but not as tough as Liberators plus Paladins for example.

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22 hours ago, Nico said:

Yeah - Slaves to Darkness units (and heroes) are really underwhelming. They are vaguely tough, but not as tough as Liberators plus Paladins for example.

When I started this army I guess it was my hope that it would function sort of like my old Death Guard did back in 5th Edition 40k. It was not the strongest Chaos build at the time, but it had it's moments and it won perhaps more than it lost but not so much that anybody called it out for being cheesy or broken. It was just a good time and I could take it to tournaments and not feel like I had just gotten scrapped off of someone's boot. The Plague Marines were really hard to get off of the table and I played with a couple of Chrono Princes that gave people headaches.

I was really hoping that Rotbringers would bring something similar to the table. Rock hard units that you have to wear down slowly over the course of the entire game. Maybe a couple of hitters to make people pause. As of right now I'm not seeing a lot of synergies that are going to make that come together. 

Right now it seems to be like the Nurgle plan is field a bunch of big slavering monsters and as many Blightkings as your wallet can afford. Even then I think that's a pretty dicey list. I'm not complaining! It sounds fun! I'd just like to see an army that feels as holistcally interwoven as say Skaven which I think synergize really well with one another.

I'm devoted to Nurgle though, and I'll see this army through to 2000 points fully painted. I hope that in that time Rotbringers gets a book that makes the faction gel a little bit more.

Only time will tell.

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A couple of Gorebeast Chariots, some Knights with Glaives supported by a Lord on Daemonic Mount should wreck a bit of face on the charge ?

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You would think they would, but with no strong synergies they just wouldn't. Compare their output to that of 30 whipped Bloodletters (300 points) with +1 to hit from the Command Trait and (just) one Bloodsecrator giving them an extra attack.

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I don't think it is that straight forward:

  1. the mounted force is more manoeuvrable so can pick and choose the fight better and increase chances of getting the charge.
  2. It is more likely to be able to get 8 models into contact, than the full 30.
  3. The Bloodsecrator often gets caught short if the opponent gets a double turn.
  4. Points wise, you're only looking at 540 v. 500, so not much difference.
  5. The Lords rerollable charge and +1 to hit on the Gorebeasts, makes them deadset killers
  6. Other stuff happens in games, the Bloodstoker might have to whipping another unit, mission objectives happen, the sheet of ice half you army is standing on slides into the ocean etc

To summarise, you can't look at damage output in isolation to infer that Slaves can't bring some noise to the table ?


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I know them feels. Every time I play one I spend half the game looking at the warscroll wondering where all the damage is supposed to come from. Nowhere, apparently. Maybe just a hangover from Fantasy, but you'd expect a charging chariot to inflict some hurt, but instead they just bounce. 

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Get an Exalted Seeker Chariot unit - not helpful for Nurgle I know. It's nice to know that Slannesh have one good thing going for them.

Edited by Nico
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6 hours ago, CyderPirate said:

I know them feels. Every time I play one I spend half the game looking at the warscroll wondering where all the damage is supposed to come from. Nowhere, apparently.

Hahahaha! That's my life in a nutshell! A ****** tree spirit with a bow shoots me and it's -2 Rend for D3 Damage. Meanwhile a chariot crashes the lines and it's 1 Damage with rerolls. What?

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