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Stormcast: too big for one battletome?


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Hi,  just a random pondering.


With so many Stormcasts available now, are they too big for a single battletome?  I mean, we're already 3 chambers bigger than the very first battletome, and while Extremis isn't that big, Vanguard and Sacrosanct seem big enough to be worth books of their own.

Do you think the day will come where we go to multiple battletomes for Stormcast?

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I'd like to see them all in one battletome, but have an Chamber specific allegiance abilities etc. and then weaker generic SCE allegiance abilities if you take a mix of chambers. Just to give a bonus for taking a fully chamber aligned army.

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1 hour ago, Bueno said:

I'd like to see them all in one battletome, but have an Chamber specific allegiance abilities etc. and then weaker generic SCE allegiance abilities if you take a mix of chambers. Just to give a bonus for taking a fully chamber aligned army.

Those would have to be really strong allegiance abilities. Vanguard only is super weak and limited, Extremis has no battleline and almost no choice of units, and Strike is more varied but quite boring. Sacrosanct will be the same as Strike but with more exotic choices.

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11 hours ago, Jupiter said:

Stormcast dont have that many models, it's just that they give every different weapon option a warscroll.

Stormcast have a hell of a lot of models compared to most AoS army books at least.

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16 hours ago, Aezeal said:

Stormcast have a hell of a lot of models compared to most AoS army books at least.

That's because the old factions got ripped apart (which is still kinda stupid imho). After the new chamber release they should be fine for a long time, they will have a well rounded faction.

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I’m not going to complain about SCE getting releases, because every time I do, they get another release.

My Tiers for ranking armies:

SCE, Seraphon, and Nagash are at the size the old world armies were.

Maggotkin, Disciples, Blades, Nighthaunt, Daughters, and Idoneth are the next tier, proper size to get a lot of different things in an army.

Tier 3 is in two parts. The first is the old world armies that got busted up, but still have enough to field a sizable army (Dispossessed, Freeguild, Slaves, Gutbusters, etc). The other half are factions that stand alone but need to be more fleshed out (Fyreslayers and Ironjawz)

Tier 4 is pretty much allied factions, that would be better rolled into a T3 faction, or definitely expanded upon.

Tier 5 is the stuff didn’t know where to put it tier. Daemons of Chaos and a few of the Aelves

The problem with SCE is that they are already T1, and are getting more love when there are plenty of T3-5 that could use an upgrade.

Segregating them the same way the Aelves got it might help with this a little more.

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