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Fyreslayers at FANATIC battle reports


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I have posted a lot in the let’s chat fyreslayers thread discussing my fyreslayers list which I call the Auric alpha strike list. I have played it on and off for over a year but I thought it could be quite good now with the points reduction and new allegiance abilities. So I brought it to FANATIC a “large” tournament in Sweden with 32 players and quite competitive at least at the top. I want to write some short battle reports and post a few pictures and talk about about the overall strategy with the list and some good and bad with the list.

The base of an Auric alpha strike list is this:


Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth, General, Exemplar of the Ancestors, Ash-plume Sigil






Auric Runesmiter



Auric Runesmiter



Vulkite Berserkers



Vulkite Berserkers



Vulkite Berserkers



Auric Hearthguard



I usually tunnel one unit of 30 Vulkites and my Aurics.

Then you have 300pt to spend on something else I tried 9 Skywardens to get some long range shooting and some long range moving with 3 grappling hooks.





The tournament have a little bit different scoring system. You get 15pt major win,10pt for a minor win or a draw and 5pt for a major loss then the score is adusted up and down depending on the difference in destroyed unit points. It is a 20pt must system so the score can be for example 20-0, 16-4, 12-8 etc…

I will post the battle report one by one below when I get the time for it.

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Game 1

In the first game I played a Stardrake list. Standard build with Staunch defender, mirror shield, castellant, relictor with lightning chariot etc… The differens was that he had 10 retributors and 2 concussors instread of two units of fulminators. The player is very good and usually end up in top 5. We played battle for the pass which was very good for me, this is not a list fyreslayers want to meet in most scenarios.

I think he had played fyreslayers a few times before but I think his usual fyreslayer opponent plays a lot more defensively and  that he usually runs him over so he made a big mistake in the deployment. He placed the 10 retributors on the 12” line and was convinced that I would give him the first turn. I didn’t.

I took first turn and places 30 aurics in front of the retributors on one objective with a ring of 30 vulkites around them.

Then I used the movement rune to run the other unit of 30 vulkites on to the other objective.

I also moved the skywardens and used the hooks to place them even further forward, to trick him to attack them with the concussors so I could countercharge if I won the turn roll.

I shoot the 10 retributors almost killing them. I charged the vulkites into them in a congaline to throw the shields to finish them off.

The picture shows how it looked after that.

Then it was his turn and he charged with the stardrake (now hiding behind the tower) and the concussors (into to my vulkites, he ignored the skywardens). I couldn’t do anything against them and the rest of the game was them killing duardins. In turn 4 I had to retreat back to my home objective and when the game ended I had 5 duardins left but I got a major victory. But only 12-8, he killed alot more.

I think I played this game quite good and I am not sure if I could have played it in another way. He made a deployment mistake but he was almost able to wipe me out anyway. The lack of mortal wounds is devastating against this kind of list. But you can win playing the scenario as I did but that is very scenario dependent.


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Game 2

I played against a Nurgle list in scorched earth. He had Glottkin, Epidemius, 30 plague bearers, 2 daemon princes, 2 plagueclaw catapults and some stuff. His main tactic was to run the 30 plague bearers in a long line and cast fleshy abundance and mystic shield on them. Then shoot with the catapults and fly over with the daemon princes when he get the right opportunity. The list is very unusual but it did cause a lot of problem for some opponents.

Not much to say about this game. I got stuck behind the plague bearers and spent 3-4 turns trying to make a hole in the line so I could run over and burn the objectives. I did manage to do that and won a major win and got 16-4. I don’t think I played this particularly well and I don’t know what to take home from this game. Maybe hold off the tunneling instead of just trying to go with brute force.

My skywardens did manage to fly over and burn one objective so that was good but his daemon princes did the same thing to me on a double turn so… I could have played this much better but it was a win and the opponent was great.



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17 minutes ago, Meraklis said:

Thanks for the reports. Looking forward to more. 

Btw what did you arm your vulkite units with?

I have one unit of 30 with pickaxes and shields, one unit of 30 with handaxes and shields (mainly so I could separate the units otherwise I would have used pickaxes on both) and one unit of 10 with two handaxes.

I think large units is a bit better with shields so you get some mortal wounds when you charge and also so they get the extra +1 in save then you get charged.

For a unit of 10 I think two handaxes it better so you can easier kill some weak units if you get the opportunity. 

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Game 3

I played against an Order list in Knife at the Heart. It was a pure gunline with a hurricanum, two units of kurnoth hunters with bows, waywatcher heroes, glade guard battle line, darkriders for some movement, more shooty stuff etc… He used pretty much the same army on the last FANATIC and ended up on second place. It is deceptively strong and a very unique army. Every model shoots and he usually win by tableing his opponents with his shooting.

He made a bunker on his objective and spent a lot of time setting up so I could not shoot anything of value with my aurics. I have played him before and won the game so he knew my strategy going in. So I gave him first turn and hoped I could get the double turn to first kill his screen in turn 1 and then in turn 2 kill some higher value stuff.

He didn’t do much in his turn and in my turn I droped my vulkites but hold off droping my aurics if I was to loose the turn roll. My vulkites shoot and managed to charge and almost killed his screen but I got stuck. I won the priority but still didn’t have any good place to drop the aurics. In the end I placed them on the upper board edge to shoot one unit of hunters. I left one hunter on one wound and the vulkites didn’t kill enough.

Then it was his turn and he completely shoot my army to pieces and got the double turn. On my turn I realized I was done so I used the movement rune to run to safety to try to claim a minor victory.

In the end he only killed 160pt (2 runesmiters) even if it doesn’t look like that. I killed a bit more so I got a minor but the difference was so small so the result was 10-10.

How should I have played this better, I don’t now. Maybe play more aggressively? In another scenario I could have captured some objectives and tried to stay alive long enough to win but in this scenario it was pointless, neither of us was going to get the major win so killing some stuff and then run to safety was what I could do to get a minor victory.




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Game 4

This game was a really weird game. I played a stormcast vanguard wing with 60 liberators and vandus hammerhand and a lord celestant on duality of death. His main strategy was to teleport his liberators into combat around my whole army, over my lines and into my heroes and kill me. It is very very strong, Face Hammer GT2 was won by a similar list. He also had two drops or something so I knew he was going first.

Since I knew his strategy I tried to put vulkites in a line around my whole army so he could not drop his liberator on my magmadroth and battlesmith. But now a weird thing happened, I had missed a little gap in my line that he found and he got very excited and did exactly what I didn’t want him to do. He placed 60 liberators inside my lines and smashed me and killed the magmadroth. But while doing so he made a huge mistake, he left a gap in his line for me to drop the aurics and kill his two heroes. As soon as I saw it I told him that if I get a double turn I will win the scenario. I will kill your heroes and one runesmiter will contest an objective in turn 2. We rolled the turn roll and I won and that was the game.

I felt really bad for him, he is a good player and if he had just placed his 60 liberators around the objectives and bothered to score with his heroes on the first turn (which he couldn’t due to deploying them to far away) he would have won. There was nothing I could do about it. But he was so focused on destroying my army so he missed it and then the turn roll went my way.

He continued destroying most of my army and I got a major victory and 13-7.

And I got some funny photos. The pictures are taken from his deployment zone!





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Game 5

My last game in the tournament. I got to play Kharadron Overlords in Starstrike. This was the only game that I felt that I got a really good matchup, this was my game to lose.

He had a standard Barak-Zilfin list with an additional medium boat.

I deployed in a line so he could not deepstrike. He gave me the turn so I moved a bit further up. He didn’t do much, since he waited to see where the stars would land before he deployed his big boat and he didn’t have any good place to deployed it anyway. I won the priority for turn 2 and the star landed in the middle. I moved up to capture it. He tried in his turn to use his small boat and some arkonauts to put some models in the middle to recapture it but the arkonauts died.

In turn three he won the roll and the star landed on my left and his center. He didn’t really have any good option so he droped his big boat on the left to go for my objective. He shoot my skywardens but then he failed the endrinrigger charge and it was my turn. I deployed 30 vulkites and 30 aurics on the left flank and shoot him off the board in two turns. So a major win and 20-0.

Really bad match up for him. I don’t know how he could have won this. I only lost 3 vulkites and my skywardens I think.





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So I got 4 major wins and one minor win but since a huge portion of the tournament points depend on the difference between what you have killed and what you have lost and I did lose a lot of units in most games I ended up in 4th place overall which I am very happy with. Really fun tournament and all opponents were great.

So what have I learned? The list is very good in scenario play. The Aurics was my best unit in all games. The lack of mortal wound output or high rend really hurt me. The runes are great, especially the movement rune with the shooting and rending rune not far behind. My seven drops army made me be able to deploy faster than my opponent in three out of five games which was essential for me to win those games. The skywardens where ok but I think that I maybe should start looking for some mortal wound output, maybe the heraldor or do anyone have any other ideas?

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great report! I play a different list but I am still experimenting and your list has given me some ideas that I will definitely try next time I play.

Just one question; where did you get those movement trays? Are they worth it? especially when you start doing pile in moves?

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7 minutes ago, Meraklis said:

great report! I play a different list but I am still experimenting and your list has given me some ideas that I will definitely try next time I play.

Just one question; where did you get those movement trays? Are they worth it? especially when you start doing pile in moves?

I got the movement trays here:


They are worth it! But I usually take the models off them when i do the pile ins.

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Now when I look at your army and think of another horde army up against you, the board real estate gets quite compressed.

So while we're all rushing to add a bit of a horde feel, footprint is becoming very important too.  I know when we played last I managed to use the buildings to mean your very large units couldn't really get around the drake

Chokepoints with terrain become very interesting tactically.

It's a slight pity that most of the tourney's I've been to have had a very random feel to the terrain BUT the upside to that is that it's a bit of extra flavour. Some realism with regards to the art of war - you can never choose your own battleground


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5 minutes ago, Waizer said:

V nice reports, although I did feel bad for the KO player in the last match :(

Yes, he could not win that game. :( On the other hand he had done really good to play me in the last game (they match players with the same points) so all is not lost for KO.

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Well done with an awesome army. Glad to see Sweden are picking up AOS and have some fairly competitive armies.

I am suprised you did not take the warrior Kinbad formation as that really helps the alpha strike and gives the extra pile in range which is amazing when you stretch out so much.

I like the hearthguard, not sure if they are worth it over another unit of Vulkites as in the formation they are very shooty themselves. You could fit the kinbad (90), change the magmadroth to a runeson (40), drop the sky wardens (-300) giving you 170 points to play with. Perhaps drop 10 heathguard (-80) for 2 Trumpets (240) which leaves you at 1990?

Hope that helps, not sure about the loss of all those shots and bodies is worth it. Its hard to fit range mortal wounds unless you take trumpets or celestial prime but they are expensive and trumpets are best in duos.

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15 minutes ago, Andreas said:

Yes, he could not win that game. :( On the other hand he had done really good to play me in the last game (they match players with the same points) so all is not lost for KO.

Yea I figured he probably had far better match ups through out the weekend. He had a good enough list so really couldn't see him taking that much of a beating every game

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3 hours ago, AlexHarrison said:

Well done with an awesome army. Glad to see Sweden are picking up AOS and have some fairly competitive armies.

I am suprised you did not take the warrior Kinbad formation as that really helps the alpha strike and gives the extra pile in range which is amazing when you stretch out so much.

I like the hearthguard, not sure if they are worth it over another unit of Vulkites as in the formation they are very shooty themselves. You could fit the kinbad (90), change the magmadroth to a runeson (40), drop the sky wardens (-300) giving you 170 points to play with. Perhaps drop 10 heathguard (-80) for 2 Trumpets (240) which leaves you at 1990?

Hope that helps, not sure about the loss of all those shots and bodies is worth it. Its hard to fit range mortal wounds unless you take trumpets or celestial prime but they are expensive and trumpets are best in duos.

I am going to try the kinband at the next tournament. I did use it a year ago but at that time you could not have enough bodies in the vulkite units and you didn't have the shooty rune. The biggest problem I can see with them is the lack of range when the shooty rune expires. The aurics will keep destroying units until the opponent manage to take them off. And I have a bias for them, they always seems to win me the games. :) But I will try without them. And then ofcourse i will use the runeson on magma but when you have aurics you have to take the smiter on magma so you can use the grand ritual of awakening when they arrive.

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@Andreas - Good reports, thanks for sharing. Well done an impressive run of victories and a great placing overall. Like @AlexHarrison said, it's nice to see AoS picking up at a competitive level in other countries.

As a side note re the KO match up. Carl Smith who came 3rd at BLACKOUT with Fyreslayers came up against 2 Kharadron Overlord armies and completely annihilated them both as well!

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Congratulations on 4th place! Your army looked supercool with the hordes of dwarves. I was the guy playing Free People next to you on 'Knife to the Heart'. A question about that Stormcast game: How did he manage to teleport 60 Liberators? Isn't the Vanguard Wing restricted to one unit of Liberators?

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6 minutes ago, jobume said:

Congratulations on 4th place! Your army looked supercool with the hordes of dwarves. I was the guy playing Free People next to you on 'Knife to the Heart'. A question about that Stormcast game: How did he manage to teleport 60 Liberators? Isn't the Vanguard Wing restricted to one unit of Liberators?

At a guess (as an SCE player) it's multiple units. You need to fill battleline. Probably 30 in the wing, 30 separate and 5 judicators to fill the battleline.

So he'd be teleporting 30. It's always 30 unless you take 2 wings.

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5 minutes ago, jobume said:

Congratulations on 4th place! Your army looked supercool with the hordes of dwarves. I was the guy playing Free People next to you on 'Knife to the Heart'. A question about that Stormcast game: How did he manage to teleport 60 Liberators? Isn't the Vanguard Wing restricted to one unit of Liberators?

I actually don't know. He had (from memory) two units with 30 liberators, a small one with 10 liberators, three units of prosecutors, vandus and a lord-celestant. No judicators, that I am sure of. I had a quick look at the vanguard wing warscroll and didn't understand it but I am not that familiar with stormcast.

And as I said at the tournament I really like your army, It's an army I would like to play, it's very unique I think. 

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49 minutes ago, jobume said:

Cool, thank you. I'm going to start my own SCE-army and was curious if there was some trick that I've missed.

Any specific kind of Stormcast? I'll likely be bringing Seraphon in May, hoping to play you again!

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