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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. speaking of magnetization, it seem that there are 5 variants of big guys, am I right? Frostlord / Beastriders ON Stonehorn Huskard / Frostlord / Beastriders ON Thundertusk Is the total magnetization possible? Or does it render like trash? If you have to sacrify on or 2 build for an easy magnetization, how would you do it?
  2. A funny list super cheap to get (if you have some death) and probably fun to play: nagash arkhan 3*10 guards 3 Immortalis stalgers (as body guards to big guys) =1830. Complete with a 3rd hero for discipline maybe (or 10 more guards in a unit). I have yet to see the destruction potential of N+A to see if this army has enough power to grab objectives after anihilate his oponent...
  3. Funny thing: I had the app installed without knowing/remembering that it even exists. lol
  4. I can't find the warscroll of Immortis Guard. Anyone?
  5. What can we expect this week-end for reveal? My take for this saturday reveal: StD army/battletome, Psy Awekening 2 & maybe 3 (40K), SoB (40k), and I hoope, more details about the battleforces.
  6. The rumors seem reliable (and confirmed by several sources). We, indeed , can expect many reveal this saturday: StD army/battletome, Psy Awekening 2 & maybe 3 (40K), SoB (40k), and I hoope, more details about the battleforces.
  7. I like this idea...especially because I have most of the units already (kind, if I'm delivered of FoB boxes) 1 arkan, 2 or 3 morghasts units, 2 or 3 stalker units, same for guards. Then, I just have to complete with support heros I think (kavalos or the one in the FoB etc...).
  8. I like the ironblaster, a moving canon yeah! But is it efficient? Playable? How to use it? Will probably have 3 of it (if my feast of bones are delivered)
  9. I don't think so (yet). I think that the price over the content was a huge brake to sales. Add to this that it was intended for specific players (aeldari/drukhari/ynari) already equiped (not good to start an army with this box) and not that easy to split. I think that it sold badly.
  10. In theory, yes but be aware that those arms are sooooooooo thin that it is a real pain to magnetize.
  11. Speaking of the look: spears are (always) better on the table! I can't imagine my skeletons having something else. It is a spear forest! But, in term of efficiency, I am (unfortunately) on the verge of making all mortek with swords: more versatile, more efficient with 10 or 20 and finaly closer to what I want: a msu od 10/20 stalkers for map control/obj and the rest with big guys/cavalry.
  12. No ally is kinda bummer. Taking the opposite way of asking: is there a death army that can take OBR ally? I am wanting so much the catapult in my skeletons army.
  13. Is a full mounted army viable? Several Ironblasters behind some mournfangs units and few big dady stonehorns/thundertusks
  14. I've ordered my boxes to an online webstore (not GW). Now, the waiting is stressing: will I get my boxes? lol (yes it was a super early order, but still...). This sh*t already happened to me for the looncurse box which I (fortunately) didn't get. Fortunately : just because it was to start a sylvaneth army which retrospectively was not a good choice for me. But now, the Feast of bones gives me the oportunity to start 2 armies that interest me. So, I'm praying the plastic god!
  15. I'm really disapointed that those gargan didn't come into the book with synergies and bonus like the ogors. they fit to well into this army. Maybe it was the best army they could fin in.
  16. told you that those skelly contructs were probably boxed by 20 😛 (which suddenly put the feast of bones boxe at a far less value 😕)
  17. it was suposed to be IN the army. Supper strange if he's not.
  18. I think that the optimum order was 2 boxes: you sell what you don't need and you get a full army already for super cheap (something like 1.5 price of a SC!). Even better if you buy in UK web sites and got it in europa. ...and even better if you keep only one army ...and even better if you keep one army wich is ogors.
  19. I'm happy to see that at least now, the ogors have a chance to win a battle: there are not many "low model count" armies out there.
  20. the preorder won't last: already sold out in AUS/NZ
  21. 115£ was the price that I guessed as soon as the NZ price was leaked; no surprize. Let's see how long the feast will last on the net preorder pages ...
  22. That's unusal to be the day before preorder and not getting a real reliable price of a product, especially a boxset like feast of bones...
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