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Everything posted by TeddyMadeMeDoIt

  1. I'd be interested in tanking him up a bit for a balance, how tanky has regen' been for people on its own? Maybe Loonskin to get reroll 4+ to regen' or DOUBLE to D3 roll if you don't need to reroll no matter where the moon is, or I'd that a water if you have the moon were you need it for the game?? Maybe just straight up Tough as Rocks for +2 Wounds
  2. That's Realm of life for the first and Realm of beasts for second for those who like the theme their armies Wow, 5 attacks, 3s and 3s, -2 rend and d6 damage standard - with reroll 1s when you command point it
  3. Looks like a valid point, haven't given them a run out yet so I can only say so much but it certainly makes sense So that give us Blade of Hammerhal Ghyra +1 attack, Rageblade +1 attack
  4. Thanks @Skabnoze that really clears it up for me, appreciate it So it's a measure against whether it's worth taking +1 to an already good wound and hit roll or the chance to do +2 more damage on the off chance that wound/hit is a 6... not sure about the maths but I'm tempted to test them out
  5. Of course, my bad bubut +2 to each d6 or whatever damage all d6 do in total?
  6. @tea_wild_owl what a fantastic theme and group of conversions you've done there, hats off for getting the minis rolling into this thread @Scythian what an amazing horde!! Loonshrine turned out great I was looking for some artifacts for Troggboss, Ghyrstrike (+1 to hits and wounds) looked to be a given but then I was looking at Anraheir's Claw and Blade of endings , also in malign sorcery These both say for every 6 on wound rolls (Claw) or hit rolls (blade) then add 2 damage the damage "characteristic" of that weapon. Now Troggboss does does D3 damage for each success, now I've read these artifacts to add 2 to each of those D3 success rather that just D3 to the total damage done. Now I can also see the logic behind just adding 2 to whatever damage I'd done after all the D3 have been totalled up but as I said the first read through I didn't see it like that What's the take guys? If it is +2 to each D3 (so at least 3 damage each and 5 damage each max) either one would look like a good take, even over Ghyrstrike
  7. Hellz yeah, I was so happy as I preferred the mushroom back than the rocky one, such a great kit
  8. Thinking about this as a list for fun, I enjoy big monsters running about whenever I can get them so... Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzMortal Realm: GhyranLeadersDankhold Troggboss (300)- General- Trait: Loonskin - Artefact: Ghyrstrike Loonboss (70)Battleline3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160)3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160)60 x Stabbas (360)- Stabbas & Moon Shields- 9x Barbed Nets- 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers- 1x Badmoon Icon BearersBehemothsBonegrinder Gargant (400)Total: 1450 / 1500Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 117 Running with a Loonshrine of course. Moving away from lists though and talking about the minis themselves I have to say I think the Rockgut are some of the best ever, I've put together 6 of them now (every Troggoth being different BTW) and I'm in love with the way they all interact. Any combination of arms will fit with any combination of lower body and neck with each one full of character. Fantastic and amazing minis so kudos GW, much kudos indeed!
  9. I already have some Spiderfang so was thinking of a list that would combine the 2... Dankhold Troggboss (G) Troll Hag Shaman on Arachnarok 6 Rockgut Troggoth 3 Rockgut Troggoth 3 Rockgut Troggoth 10 Spider riders 5 Spider riders Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron 1970pts ...thought is gave a nice mix of of strength and speed, some mortal wound output out too. I don't however have the new battletomb yet so not sure how to equip the general, any recommendations? is it worth trying to get the battalion? I'm thinking now actually do the Hag and the Shaman cancel each other out?
  10. Is there any news on the prices for the upcoming troggothn sets?
  11. Fair enough I wrote it incorrectly by it gives us a chance to do up to 6 damage instead of 3, was mainly checking we can apply it to something as big as a Carnosaurus and not just the warriors and guards etc
  12. Skink starpriest ability to double damage for any SERAPHON with bite or jaws attack I can't see any reason why we cant apply that to Carnosaurs massive jaws attack making it D3 to D6 - can we do this? Have people been playing it like that?
  13. Hi guys, does the Saurus Oldbloods command ability work on itself? It mentions that ANY Saurus hero will benefit within 20" so I believe it will, my thoughts were to add 2 more attacks to the claws to get a better chance of being able to hit on 2+ for the Jaws attacks Also looked to build a list off of the new Serephon box. Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - General, thick scaley hide, incandescent rectrices Skink Starpriest Saurus Eternity Warden 15 Saurus Guard 20 Skinks 3 Ripperdactyls 3 Terradon (sunleech) Bastilodon 1410 pts Vanguard list I've never playeds seraphon, thought about it before and got some great advice here but I never took the leap as at the time my son was thinking about it and now he's not too sure but the new boxed set was too good to pass up. I prefer the look of the Rippers to Terradons but I wanted to see how the Terradons play before writing them off. Wanted to make the Carnosaur a bit of a tank to go take out monsters too way the choices there
  14. That's amazing, I saw they were running 12 K'daai and thought that was amazing. Unfortunately not too long before your post in this very thread I made a reference to us not winning anything.... Oh dear... ?
  15. Thank you @NemoVonUtopia I'm glad you say you don't regret it, for now I picked up an Iron Demon and Magma Canon but I think I have to pick up that amazing mini at some point
  16. Unfortunately not, that list is from the point of view of running LoA and what we can add as yourside. If you are running Nurgle you'd have to refer to their Ally list... Nurgle can only ally Brayherd, Chaos gargants, Everchosen, Khorne, monsters of Chaos, Slaanesh, slaves to darkness (no Tzeentch) and warherds. So from a rulebook point of view we are unfortunately excluded although I think any right minded person would think that it would go the other way too (why could we get them as allies but not then Ally with them) but if anyone ever says in not in the rulebook then they technically are right. Unless there is an FAQ I'm not aware of...
  17. I notice not many run the Dreadquake mortar. As a collector it is an amazing mini I would love to have in the army but does it do that badly in games? I feel it may just be that the magma cannon is so much more effective in comparison with points and damage output etc I'd like to ask why people don't run it? Is it bad all together or just bad in comparison? Or is it bad at all?
  18. Really? A Stormcast player moaning things are too strong is ironic ? Please don't feel bad, it may just be a one off or a bad day for that player, I know a Nighthaunt player who plays a nearly impossible to beat army (so far...) but he's still fun to play because he's not in it to win at all costs and does have fun the game that is going on (I know some people who still moan mind, can never change that) I'm very surprised to hear about Forgeworld armies banned at a GW store, I wonder how GW would feel about that, has anyone else been in this position before and know what GW official stance is? Either way bud try not to feel too bad, as Chaos Dwarfs we've been left out in the cold for so many years I personally would love to think we are over powered now, I'm sure we are not mind as if we were FW or not we would be dominating the tournament scene. That's not a scene I'm into or anywhere near however I do believe we are not winning all the tourneys out there Oh and thank @Charly2912 it was on another great and I manged to track them down. Thanks @Entombet I'll have to try and figure that one day, stick with my foam carry for now though until my army is built
  19. What product is this? Also guys I am looking for some pics I think they were posted by @Ben of a fantastic army in Warhammer World (I think the quote was something like spotted some legion out in the wild) that used micro art studio bases, I love the idea but was curious to see bases for things like the Taurus... I've been through the thread twice now and can't seem to find them anywhere?
  20. Hi guys, looking at a progressive list I can start at 1000 and move upwards so I put together some list based on the minis I have and some input from here, 1000 actually is a blatent copy ? Looking for some feedback before I start my first couple of games...
  21. Great shout, we've only just started playing objectives and stuff so hadn't been on my mind. Blocks or Iron do tend to be very slow ?
  22. Hey guys, wanted to try and make use of the Blackshard Warhost, a block of iron with high bravey of 8 (with standard + warhost) that dishes out wounds whilst it's defending itself with spiteshields, ignores the first wound it takes cause we're ard as fu... and rerolling hit rolls of 1's (warhost) with maybe adding 1 to wounds rolls too (for 1 unit with the Castellan command ability) Do around this block of iron which includes the standard and Castellan I have the Fireglaves to either shoot into whatever its fighting or defend the flanks, a Demonsmith hanging out with the deathrocket diving it 4 attacks instead of 3 hopefully firing on squads of more than 5 to get the 3's and 3's to hit and wound. I also gave the Demonsmith Soulsnare Shackles to put around the artillery piece and slow down anything coming too close. All the while Draz makes the awesome bravery 8 a plan B but mainly to fly around the enemy lines and snipe what he needs to or cause enough cause for the block or Iron to make it up to the lines
  23. @Noomanator how have you found that 1000pt list? I like the look of it very much (not just because it includes all models I already own ?)
  24. Thinking of mixing up the Execution Herd with allies Leaders Taur'ruk (General - Grotesque, Armour of Bazherak the cruel) Shar'tor Demonsmith The Changling (Ally) Units Bull Centaur Renders Bull Centaur Renders Bull Centaur Renders 10 Fireglaves 10 Fireglaves 10 Fireglaves Warmachines Magma Cannon Magma Cannon Battalion Execution Herd Endless Spells Soulsnare Shackles 1980pts 1CP Thinking Magma cannons will be setup with the Demonsmith and Fireglaves in the middle and either sides to shoot anything the wants to charge into the cannons The Changling then has a rule where he can be placed anywhere in the enemy army line and half the movement of a unit within 9", thinking can place him next to any fast moving units again that are going to charge the cannons Execution Herd then to be the mobile marksman they are born to be Has anybody used the Changling before?
  25. There can't be any doubt it's the same face sculpt just reused - nothing against that
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