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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ungface said:

    Careful. One of the female stormcast mages was dispalyed twice, one of them had a stormspire esque base and the other didnt.

    Are you sure ?

    Looking at the pictures on Facebook, War of Sigmar and here, and the WHTV trailer, I'm pretty sure regarding the Lion that only the Lady with some crystal in her hand has a scenic base... (there also is a lady in the 3 models lion drake unit but without the crystal, in a different pose). 


  2. @Kaleb Daark yeah it's strange : 

    The Shadespire-like scenic bases SCE are too many to be a Shadespire war band (also they do not look like the card artworks from Adepticon) : 

    3 Sacrosanct Judicators, 1 Gryph-Hound, 1 Ballista, 2 servants, and 1 Lady Wizcast on a celestial lion lizard (as shown above the apparently normal 3-models celestial lion lizard SCE do not have scenic bases). 

    On the other hand the Nighthaunt seems to only have 4 models with scenic bases (4 Banshees). 

    EDIT : oh no I saw 2 more, at least 2 new Wrait on steeds, with Scenic bases. Really intriguing ! 

    I guess this will be another, smaller starter kit (a mix of Know Now Fear and Exclusive Plague Brethren maybe ?)

  3. 11 minutes ago, novakai said:

    the Setting does need a mortal human presence and I think Darkoath is a good place to start

    New Darkoath model has been spotted !


    Joke aside, IIRC that was the plan : a faction of Order, common barbarian to represent Sigmar's tribes. 

    Now, after the catastrophic end of the Age of Myths and the 500 years of the Age of Chaos, it's only normal to show them as not-really-corrupted-but-already-on-the-dark-side, basic-but-savage humans. 

    (We have many Slaanesh rumors but also 40k World Eater with Angron this year (to go along Orks and Space Wolves maybe - so the "pure" AOS Chaos release this year may be Darkoath). 



    • Like 1
  4. It's strange, some of the SCE kits (mainly 3 bowgun dudes, the artillery piece and the lady on the lion drake) have scenic bases. 

    Also four of the Banshee. 

    There is a picture of the 3 other lion drake without such scenic base...

    Also the new Cairn Wraith have apparently normal and mask+sword option. 

    And the Black coach "rider" also has two face options, it seems.


  5. 43 minutes ago, obaobaboss said:

    Maybe the miniatures shown in the blog are the ones out of the starterbox? There are some double poses in these pictures (easy to build?). 


    Sat 1.50pm - Live Blog 7: From the Crypts...

    Sat 4.40pm – Live Blog 11: Open the Sacrosanct Chamber

    Probably, they are also the same models that the ones on the artwork with Sacrosanct SCE fighting Nighthaunts.

    So as @Chikout mentioned above, it's confirmed (99.99% ??) that their will be a new Starter Set : I guess it will be called "Soul Wars" too (as @LLV said), and I prey to the Pantheon that it will include the hardback Core Book (just like Dark Imperium). 

    And I must say, 200 pages of fluff, maps of the Realms and new artworks really bring unbridled joy to my heart after this amazing Saturday on the models side. 

    I'm looking forward to the daily articles about the new edition (add that to the Malign Portents stories ;) ) and to see the Mortarch Of Grief, oh and to hear more about Forge World AOS, @RuneBrush !

    Happy, expensive, joyful times ...

    AOS V2 Banner 1 Artwork.jpg

    • Like 7
  6. I have read the RPG books about the Slaught and frankly they look nothing like the Rogue Trader Mutants...

    The creatures have more Nurgle themes than anything else, even if they can be Lost and the Damned "undivided" Mutants / or Dark Mechanicum. 

    Really the robots looks like Poxwalker, the little creatures are variations on Nurgling, Maggots, and Flies straight outta the Pusygoyle Blightlords and Typhus kits (even the same paint scheme).

    Distended, open guts, pustul, maggots (one spiting vomit like Bloab's steed), flies and insectoid / chaotic mutations - that's very Nurgle. And GW wouldn't make a starter that isn't Chaos / Imperium right ;) - details found in both 40k and AOS !

    BTW with the maggot we'll get AT LONG LAST a "Tamurkhan : true form" model available ;D 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Dragobeth said:

    Why did TGA change the background image from spider goblins to sky and mountains just before warhammer fest? :thinkingemoji:

    Sorry @Thebiggesthat but it's more because the website was under maintenance yesterday and that mountain picture is probably a default mode setting ??

    Hope I'm wrong tho !

    Cant' wait for today's MP story, hope it will give us some hint for tomorrow !

  8. White Dwarf leaks, probably June (or July). 

    It's the new boxed game : "Kill Team : Rogue Traders" (probably like necromunda : a "2D" board game version, and a rule book with "3D" rules). 

    Second picture here : https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/330/752823.page 

    There is lots of free people and mostly Nurgle Deamons and Skirmish conversion potential. 

    The big fly is straight out the Pusgoyle Blightlords kit !

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  9. @Gaz Taylor okay, Prediction Game !

    I think we'll see : 

    1. Magic supplement teaser, with Wizcasts and Magic scenery

    2. Nighthaunt army teaser 


    Then, there is the Magic book with magic scenery  AND a new Starter set rumored. So the 2 new armies may be just the Starter. Or the Wizcasts are only in the Magic book (instead of getting a fourth Battletome). And IMO "the portents unfold" means the soul wars, aka Nighthaunt vs Wizcasts and big magic conflagration across the Mortal Realms. Or maybe not. IDK :P


    • Like 1
  10. Just now, AthlorianStoners said:

    Damn so if everything pans out we’re looking at: 

    - Magic Supplement 

    - Continuation Of MP

    - AoS 2

    - Nighthaunt

    - Stormcast Wizards

    - Moonclan 

    - Slaanesh

    - Ironjawz

    All in around half a year or so. That plus the start of this year really bodes well for AoS and the GW teams enhanced production capabilities.


    IMO that'd be more : 

    1. Magic supplement / Magic scenery (Etheric Vortex) - June 2018 

    2. AOS 2 / Big FAQ / New Starter about Soul Wars and MP / Nighthaunt Army / Wizcats (Army ?) - July 2018

    3. Moonclan - Fall 2018 

    4. Slaanesh - End 2018 

    5. Ironjawz / Sylvaneth / Idoneth (2nd waves) - Start 2019 

    6. Grotbag Scuttlers - 2019 

    Still rumored : Skavens, Darkoath. Note that 1 et 2 may be the same thing, and that the Stormcasts are maybe not a whole army...

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, LLV said:

    AoS 2 end of July, so they might wait for open day to announce. Expect to see things on the new magic set though. 

    Hmmm, intertesting !

    The big FAQ and Soul Wars are confirmed for release in July, tho. A FAQ and a "new edition" ?

    And you mean expect to see at Warhammer fest ? I can't wait Saturday :D 

    As @Chikout said, next month (so around 8th June) is Malign Portents AND magic according to the White Dwarf teaser.... Maybe new AOS will be starched of June and July ? But then, "end" of July.... I'm pretty excited, nice. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, wast8 said:

    sorry new to forum. Just wondering if anyone heard about the new box set ? I heard it is Order vs Death.

    Hi, welcome !

    Yeah as @RuneBrush (enjoy WF you lucky grot!!) it's probably going to be Stormcast Eternals against Nighthaunt.

    The Stormcast may be Wizards, so new models (not Extremis, IIRC, that's the Dragons guys). 

    This novel, Soul Wars, by Josh Reynolds, is apparently about this new box set / narrative arc. 

    You can see Nighthaunt and new Stormcast on the cover. So indeed Death vs Order :) 

    We may get a teaser of the box this Saturday at Warhammer Fest !

    Soul Wars.jpg

  13. 28 minutes ago, Jamopower said:

    Aren't the WH Legends just that, the rules for Old world setting for playing with the AoS rules? The made to order campaigns are theirchosen way to make money out of it in the tabletop world. 

    Yes for the rules, I think :)

    But IMO Made to Order won't make them lots of money, because its 1. too few kits and 2. only one week. 

    I like the concept but I think, even if its a bit "conceptual", that MTO is mostly for collectors, not tabletop gamers. 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    I’ve also heard solid rumours about second wave ironjawz release at end of this year or start of next. Expecting the range to go from 7 kits to 11-12. The description I had was that they released the standard kits first and this second wave would be wackier and crazier. Moonclan should be first for destruction though. 

    So. Great. :P 

    That would make end 2018-2019 a very good year for Destruction, after Order-Chaos-Death :)

    And new "waves" would be perfect occasions to uptade old Battletomes like Ironjawz and (mostly) Sylvaneth !

  15. As a table top game, WF is indeed "dead". It was not profitable, too expensive to get into, too much "time consuming" (in the hobby time and in play time), the regimental unites and square bases paradigme limited the possibilities of sculpting with new technology, and the nature of GW models manufacturing (i.e. the need of producing constant new releases) in a well established setting, even analogue to historical sometimes (because everything had quasi "canon" looks) was "limitative" in a way for the designers. All that made providing innovation in this context a very complexe task.

    But as a setting, WF is still alive and well !

    It totally can and does coexist alongside WAOS (and it's awesome this way) : 

    1. WF is a great universes, with years of history ; this notably represented by BL Warhammer Chronicles.

    2. WF is a fine product to licence, because of 1. the video game audience, while bigger and quite different (no "hobby" part, different "social skills" needed, etc.), is still close to the tabletop one (we nerdy geek :P ). GW can make good money with licensing because, literally, it costs them nothing but some lawyer fee and bring in tons of cash. Same for 40k, tho. 

    3. Because of its depth, WF was and still is a well established RPG setting ; it is only natural that for the "value for money" ratio, those kind of products still exists and prosper (thx Cubicle7).

    4. Since day 1 in AOS, WF was also present with modern, up-to-date rules, in the Compendium 2015 and 2017, and in the GHb 2016 and 2017. Now it's being expanded with Warhammer Legends (and some 1 week-Made to Order service). But tabletop wise, for 4. WF lives in the AOS tabletop paradigm.

    So yes WF and WAOS as settings can coexist, and quite well already.

    Just remember that their was always way more people playing video games than tabletop games in general, and that the "hyper-narrative" players base who read Warhammer Chronicle and play WFRP are also different from the tabletop community (even if there is crossovers everywhere).

    Now, strictly tabletop speaking, GW has a new, paying strategy, involving WAOS and then 40k. The "hyper-narrative" side of AOS is also being expanded, with a RPG and IIRC some video games too. We get more cards in our hand every years to play in the worlds we like, let's just enjoy that way !

  16. 25 minutes ago, Thebiggesthat said:

    Oh and heard nothing on a second Deepkin wave, I'd expect someone has seen something similar and put 2 and 2 and got 5. The only thing I've heard is new Ironjaws, and potentially new Sylvaneth, just to flesh out factions. But definitely Ironjaws


    Excellent ! Thank you for the rumors !

    (I know I already asked on Dakka, but do you have infos on the rumored Wizcast coming with Nighthaunt in the box set ? :P ) 

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