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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Yeah. Maybe it goes with the last Dawnbringer book, when one tail of the crusade succeed in founding a new settlement, hence the Intact Buildings ?
  2. I realized that the Intact Azyrite Building seen in the General's handbook and various books including Cities of Sigmar Battletome and promo shots isn't announced alongside the current CoS wave... PANIC
  3. It was indeed fake, 100% fake. People saw the Fake screenshot of a WarCom page, but I remember clicking on the article the minute it went up on WarCom, with NO mention of that Malerio Faction, only Daughters Of Khaine. The article was about the Khainite Shadowstalker , and since then the KS were always linked to MORATHI, not to Malerion. In every publications of the time (Warcry and Broken Realms), the KS were linked to Morathi and her ascension to godhood. GW couldn't go and reprint every books in the time between the Leak and the KS Release to say they were linked to Mortahi instead of Malarion for obscure reasons !!!
  4. Exactly what I was hoping for in therms of investment going with a "relaunched" TOW Range (here : Bretonnia). 3 resin foot Heroes (Sorceress, Paladin, Banner), 2 resin mounted Heroes (Banner and Named Lady), 1 plastic Big Kit with options, 1 plastic Infantry Kit with options ... even if the Knights on foot only have 5 bodies ... Men at arms, Bowmen, Knights and Pegasus Knights in plastic : ok but the new Pegasus and Knights on Foot look 10000 better the the current Knights and Pegasus and are bigger.Trebuchet in FW resin is ok. If this is the entire launch range then no metal kits as of now will return for Bretonnia (the article probably refers to other ranges who'll get metal models). The Grail reliquary would be a good candidate for Direct Only Metal tbh. I hope the launch in Q1 is a real launch, not just a box with no other support ...
  5. Well ! Good : Unexpected IONUS CRYPTBORN ! Best of the show : my favorite AOS1 model, in a fantastic reforging. Also riding the best Draconith so far. Dawnbringer 3 : great cover, nice to see Neave & Crew will be in ! Bretonnians Pegasus & Foot Knights, amazing models New Preview in one month TOW in Q1 2024, with a new website on Monday (Kurnoth Champion and Kill Team Water World setting also nice) Bad : No Plastic Harry the Hammer ? WHERE IS HE GW Nothing else for 40k and TOW for such an anniversary ? Returning range for Bretonnia (but the Archers and maybe Men-at-arms) really show their ages...
  6. I am SO SAD we aren't getting more Nurgle models in a near-ish future ... Why yes, that's blatant Whitefang baiting... Also : must. resist. new. Ironjawz!
  7. Even if it's very plausibly FEC, I also thought of Harry the Hammer, the original WARHAMMER. He isn't forgotten. And check the logo at 00:23-24 sec...
  8. Maybe Book III, if Book 2 is Ironjawz storming Aqshy as it is hinted ?
  9. Oh, very interesting !! But let's discuss this in spoilers please
  10. Really excited ! Even if the preview is in the middle of the night Yet I fear that one or two of the trailers will "just" be a sneak peak (maybe Warcry or WHU) and that we won't get ALL full reveals for every game listed...
  11. This week Cities Of Sigmar Round Table articles almost got me to buy the box, but I resisted Very interesting view of the CoS design and conceptual process anyway. And I'll still get the (generic) Battletome and the Warcry Wildercorps for sure. P.-S. ; one little thing bugs me. Phil Kelly mentions the Seeds of Hope - the first 3 cities in Ghyran - as being in the fluff "since Second Edition", which isn't quite right. The Season Of War campaign is summer 2016, AoS just being 1 year old at the time. Strange, as he must have written the first fluff pieces for them himself. I've linked the old PDF for those interested in the very first Cities of Sigmar background. It was available for free on WarCom and AOS Facebook page IIRC. Good times Warhammer Age Of Sigmar - Campaign - Season Of War.pdf
  12. That's IMO quite well done and I'm looking forward for the rest of the series. However I really DISLIKE the fact they keep forgetting that the Warcry Warbands were the first attempt - and success - at showing real life, down to earth Humans from different cultures in the Mortal Realms (probably because it isn't the current marketing focus aka selling CoS kits). Remember : Chaos Barbarians are still the basic human population of the Mortal Realms. They outnumber the Cities folk by a lot. The basic human prototypes in AOS were the Darkoath Chieftain and the Excelsior Warpriest from Warhammer Quest : Silver Tower.
  13. What I love with 3rd edition is its renewal of AOS 1st ed. Seasons of Wars themes (mostly : post-apocalyptical wilderness in need of taming), but with better worldbuilding (8 years of releases helping). And what is more "fantasy post-apoc" than constant warfare, survival of the fittest elite orruks aka Ironjawz AND degenerate, cave dwelling subhuman mutants, aka Flesh-eater courts ? I'm so glad we'll get both a good Ironjawz and FEC updates with REIGN OF BRUTE and the Battletome this Winter BTW I'm still not believing that in the next 6 months we'll get the aforementioned large-ish waves for AOS proper (including a new Troggoth for GSG), 6 Warcry Warbands (including Kruleboyz and CoS) and another Underworld season (inc. Destruction gang), alongside the rest of CoS and 2 more Dawnbringers supplements after Reign of Brute ! That's amazing NOT counting side-releases like the Warhammer+ Vampire lady and the Blacktalons Team... Cherry on top : TOW with plastic kits and probably.... A NEW ARMY IN 2024 aka Chorfs
  14. They do, brillant models, but they are still WFB kits (and featured in TOW) ! Also, when Dark Elves are retired (for TOW or Malerion's Ulgurothi), Cities of Sigmar should get a few AOSified "Cities Aelves" kits. Agree with everything else. Gholemkind were first mentioned in the 3rd edition Core Book and in greater details in the Kharadron Battletome indeed. Looking forward to see if the HoR is Valkia or Dechala or someone else !
  15. Sincerely impressed by the amount of work GW put into the Cities of Sigmar lore and its attention to details and general coherence. I've listed a few opinions and IMO interesting points from the book related to potential new releases or the Dawnbringers Series (related to various armies, hence the post here and not in the Mortal Redesign thread) : In the future, GW should IMO expand (with proper AOS kits) the Aelves by focusing on their Corsairs and Rangers themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of monster, cavalry and infantry) and the Duardin by focusing on their Elite infantry and Warmachine themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of shooty and melee elite troops and cannon / flyers). Overall, I really like the order put in the range. Even if it means a little less flexibility in the rules, the new look of Freeguild, Dark Aelves (working as potential Proxy) and Dispossessed just works better, is more coherent. I'll get the Battletome, Wildercorp and Command corp for sure
  16. It's a great range, that crowns what we got so far for "baseline Order humans". In AOS1 it was the Excelsior Warpriest (from Warhammer Quest), in AOS2 we got Galen and Doralia Ven Denst and the Cursed City cast, and in AOS3 we got the Hexbane Witch Hunters (from Warhammer Underworld). Interesting and varied sculpts, even if mostly for the Devoted Of Sigmar. BUT let's remember that the real "baseline humans" from the Mortal Realms - in terms of quantity - are the basic Chaos Barbarians like the Darkoath and other Warcry warbands (which was the point of that game, showing the cultures of the Mortal Realms). And yes, Chaos Barbarians are still more widespread and numerous than the Order races (according to White Dwarf, Warcry and Slaves to Darkness battletome).
  17. 100% with you, but you accidentally linked to some random CoS guy while obviously talking about THE HARBINGER OF DECAY, CHAMPION OF GRANDFATHER NURGLE. @michu I'm sorry you want to cancel your project. TBF I quite dislike the named characters and find some models very busy indeed. The new range while nice won't make me get the Army Set, after all. The Marshalls/Arch-Knight/Cavaliers and the Cannon/Warhulk/Fusiliers are all interesting design directions IMO, the first being classic and ghallagerhesque, the second being innovative. Exceptions : CoS Gobbapalooza aka Command Corp (only better : it comes with options whereas the grots do not if I'm not mistaken) : I may get it to paint and convert. Wildercorp warband : I WILL get it for that great game that is Warcry, which will complement the Order cast from Cursed City. I'm glad I was wrong and that there indeed was 4 new kits to be revealed. However, I'm mightily worried by the absence of "intact Azyrite building" official talk on WarCom
  18. Okay I need and want in my life the Arch-Knight, Mascot Gargolian, War Surgeon and flute-death guy. (BTW I love the different re-imaginations of WFB classics. Like the Soul Shepard could be an amethyst wizard coupled with a priest of Morr, etc.)
  19. WOW Glorious ! Tons of new kits / Warscrolls too ! (At last someone cracked open their Battletome early :D)
  20. Yeah probably that. First I though Warcry Ogors but it's too big, the fingers are too articulate. And the gears look football-y.
  21. Yeah I did yesterday ! Apparently it's from David Guymer who did great things with Duardin in AOS. That made me re-read the WarCom articles about designing and mapping Cathay to get a sense of the land and the Dragon characters (and also the Watchtower assault fluff part from Tamurkhan : Throne Of Chaos ❤️). Loved it.
  22. I really like Kruleboyz - such classic vibes mixed with sharp edges scrap armor of LOTR Orcs and Goblins - BUT I must resist collecting them. Now, in a video game...
  23. @Chikout WarCom is currently erratic, they posted a Dawnbringer short story two weeks ago, then four articles last Friday, but no new story, and today now only two articles and zero new model reveal... It's the "Summer low", I guess. Time to paint the backlog and expect nothing new but the Warhammer+ Models this week ! At least the Seraphon Vanguard box looks good and compliments nicely the Army Set and the other Skinks sets they did.
  24. Did I understand the article correctly and it mentions multiple new reveals next week ??
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